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Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 7:55 am
by BoVinE
BoVinE wrote:[size=0]The crash of gears. The screech of metal tearing at itself. The roar of the generator. War. I live for these. I revel in my creations and their destruction.

I am Antony J. Callin, First Engineer of Major General Harwin's Division. I build servitors, and they follow me into battle. Er- I follow them, but they follow me, okay?

Servitors. Some of the less knowledgeable call them robots, but they don't think, they're an extension of my will. Walking automatons, designed for battle. They are extensions of my will. Big extensions.

I am the center of the battlefield. Sure, Harwin orders me around, and he barely outranks me, but he controls what, infantry? If I fall, every single servitor beneath me stops dead. As if. My tin can's armor is just as thick as the heaviest plates on a servitor. We fight for the Americana. A bastardization of most of the old countries, put under the second worst leader you can think of. The C's is the worst.

You see, the whole world is fighting. There's us, and the C's. We each control about half the world. Don't ask a government official though; they'll just bullshit something to make them look good. And then there are the guerrillas. Sneaky bastards. They skulk around both our territories, attacking whenever they know they can win. Mainly when we've shut off our generators for the night. Bloody fast servitors too, small, lightly armored, and damn hard to hit. Neither of them can see what's right, and if they can't, I'll be the one who was to show

Extensive(?) Suit Description:
  • ~6'8" feet tall
  • brass colored but primarly steel underneath
  • interior is padded and rubber sealed
  • inbuilt gasmask and voice filter (commies could find you by your voice print!)
  • Nightvision and visual sensors built into the eye slits (that glow green, because I said so)
  • two armored fists, with a club on the end
  • on each fist, two pyramidal contact points, at rest 1" but extensible up to 3", capable of (large) electrical output
  • in between the points on each fist is a shotgun, loaded with steel shot.
  • Shotgun ammo in helical drum around each forearm
    (contact point's can combo with the steel shot to shoot LIGHTNING)
  • gauntlets detach and connect by magnets to thigh armor
  • Each foot is mounted with two dense rubber ball's on the soles, and at the center a powerful magnet.
  • The speed and direction of the ball's rotation is controlled by coils surrounding the ball, enabling it to move quickly despite its weight on most surfaces and up steep metal objects.
  • Power is derived from a small pebble bed reactor on the suits back.
Character Notes:
black hair brown eyes, about 5' 6"
rabid patriot
Believes Communist conspiracy theories[/size]
Post quoted in 0 point font so I can finish it tomorrow and start finally.

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 9:39 am
by ChaosTheory
[This replaces the previous god-modded angel girl. Any similarities to Nyx, while flattering, are not really intentional.]

Hy'kiantao was watching. None of the people saw her, or at least took notice. They rarely did. Nobody notices a little girl leaning against a car. Fools.

One man strolled out from the side door of a small jeweler shop, pushing a cart full of cardboard boxes. Hardworking fellow. An small box dropped from the top, and he stopped to pick it up. In a flash, Hy'kiantao was standing beside him.

"Excuse me, sir . . . " The man looked up, and Hy'ki looked into his deep brown eyes. Uncertainty. Perplexion. But no suspicion. "Sir . . . ? Do you know what time it is?"

"Why yes, little girl. It appears to be about three o'clock. Do you need me to find your parents?" Hy'ki pointed in the general direction of a crowd of people on the opposite side of the street, and he turned. "Oh, they're over there? Okay. Just be careful in this parking lot. You might get hurt wandering around in the middle of the street." She promised sweetly to do so, thanked him, and waved goodbye.

She turned her back to the man as he walked away and pulled a smooth bronze key from her pocket, then stared at it intently, memorizing its existence. She turned back and ran, as girly as she could manage, to follow the man.

"Sir? Sir? I think you dropped something."

The man took the key from her hand with and looked at it, slightly confused. He replaced the key in the exact same pocket Hy'ki had taken it from, and replied, "Oh, thanks. I would have gotten in big trouble" - the cheesy emphasis in his voice made her cringe a little - "if you hadn't picked this up. It's nice to see honest kids these days . . . you know, I have a daughter that looks a lot like you . . ."

I'll bet you do.

Hy'ki watched him push the cart to a waiting truck, and slipped back between the parked cars. A minute later, she had found the door he had come from on the side of the building, and grabbed the metal knob. Locked. She closed her eyes and recreated the key from memory, focusing on the teeth and length. - Click - The door swung open and she stepped inside.

Behind the door were more boxes, probably of money or watches, but that wasn't what she was looking for. A table stood in a partitioned-off area by the wall to her left, and she glanced down at the papers. A picture was laying in among them, with the man she had just jacked a key from, standing next to a wife and little girl with long black hair and blue eyes. Dang. She does look just like me. Then she averted her eyes back to the man. But that little girl has a family. With a twinge of sadness and regret, she slipped through the next door, into the manager's office. Aha. A large locked safe stood in the corner. She pressed her fingertips against the door and concentrated. Her mind felt the shape and position of the tumblers, and memorized them. A few twists of the other hand, and she had it unlocked. From the small jewel boxes and bundles of cash, Hy'ki located a small bag of gems marked "Cut Sapphires". She plucked out single, brilliant blue jewel and pocketed it, placing it among a handful of similar gems already obtained, then exited via the previous two door.

Another minute, and she melted back into the crowd.

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 6:40 am
by Anna
Okay, Siber's been unable to start this for a multitude of reasons which are his own, and so I have decided (with his permission, naturally) to take over and run the Experiment for him.

First thing's first, here's who made the cut:
Dan Hawking - Aralonia
Svard Bjarnson - DoubleThink
Miri Hawke - Aralonia
Alexander "Rock Howard guy" Cale - T-002
Scott J. Valentine - Chiiro
Garion - Himura.Kenshin

Okay! Now, first post goes to meeee!

For each of you, the last few weeks have been really weird. Things have been rather strange. Things have seemed more peaceful, darker and strangely ominous. Perhaps you may have noticed, perhaps not. You certainly started noticing it today, though. Things were just... gone. Not destroyed, not miss-placed, but just gone. Whole cities had disappeared overnight. In the span of hours, trillions of people vanished from thousands of worlds throughout the multiverse. Planets, even whole stars, just blinked out of existence.

However this effected you, things didn't end there. Over the course of the day, the very fabrics of reality were torn apart around you, until all that remained in your world at that final moment was you, witnessing the utter erasure of everything you had ever known.

And yet, you were spared from this. At the last moment, a beacon of white light shone around you, for the briefest of moments, and then everything is suddenly black. When you come two, the six of you find yourself all laying in a heap together, different people from, in some cases, different worlds -- even different universes, all of which you saw destroyed before your eyes.

Upon taking in your surroundings, you find yourself lying in the middle of a street in what looks like a mid 21st century city on an Earth-like world. The streetlights illuminate the road, traffic lights blink soundlessly, although there appears to be no traffic. A pair of twin moons hang in the night sky, and nearby, what appears to be a teenage girl with long blue hair toys with a sword, glancing over at your group of six.

"So I guess I wasn't the only one," she? said with a faint frown, "Well then, isn't this interesting?"

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 7:24 am
by Aralonia
View: Daniel Hawking

He blinked. “What the hell just happened?” He looked around to examine his surroundings – city streets, everything perfectly normal, alright. It looked almost like the city he was just in.

Excepting, of course, that all the colours weren't muted into grays anymore, and that there were more people around him. “Who are you all? Where am I? Everything...” He frowned again, and looked at the blue haired girl. “No, I guess you weren't.” Daniel stood up and brushed some dirt off his coat as someone over to his left screamed something about another thing over there. “What does this mean?” He looked closely at the people around him – someone older, another older, better-looking guy, rock star, and another girl with long, purple hair. Nobody else evoked an odd impression on him, save the girl, whose odd impression upon him was the fact that she was screaming and lunging at him with--

Force knife!?

View: Miri Hawke
[About 5 minutes ago]
“It's been a while, hasn't it, comrade.”
Who are you...?
“Yes, yes it has.” Both combatants began to circle each other, staying at the opposite points on a circle, waiting for an opportunity to strike. “Your skills have increased since last time, it seems.”
Jon... it's me, I'm here, but... who's that?
“As have yours.” The swordsman dragged his sword on the ground behind him, making a small trail in the ground as the tip dug. “It seems that we are nearly evenly matched.”
Matched against who? Jon, tell me something...?
“What is it with you and all this melodrama all the time?” The magician sighed and facepalmed. “It's always 'end of the world' this, 'nuclear fires' that, 'depleted uranium' there. Blah blah blah, always so depressing. Geez, man.”
Jon? Jon, talk to me... please, just... notice, Jon...?
Who was that boy?

Miri awakened, getting her bearings. What's going on...? Where am I...? She glanced once at the blue-haired girl with the sword, then at the people who were also awakening around her, and breathed in, sharply.
A boy, with brown hair, slightly spiked. Long coat. Glasses.
It's him. It has to be him.
“YOU. OVER THERE.” Miri shot up, eyes full of rage, glowing slightly as raw neutral magic particles began to coalesce into a visible, glowing form in her right hand. “Listen to me, damn you! Self-centered asshole!” Get out of my dreams! Get out of my memories! Who are you!? She grasped the particles in her hand and summoned a force knife, leaping towards Daniel Hawking.

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 9:25 am
by Himura.Kenshin
Garion came-to lying chest down on the ground, memories little by little drifting through his mind as he tried to piece together what just happened. Shit, I don’t have a clue as to where I am. He frowned, trying to recollect anything that might help. Y’know, the fabric of the world slowly unwinding around you has some unusual side effects. But then again, nothing about that could really be called usual. Wait, face in the dirt? Damnit, I’m not thinking straight. Gotta fix that first. In one fluid motion he rolled over and kick-snapped into a standing position, at the same time as opening a battle-meld. But it just wasn’t there. Try as he might, he couldn’t reestablish the connection – it was as if it never existed. Strange. Very strange. Scary, almost. Only a very few select planes prevented this power and they were all trouble. But this... I’m sure I’ve never heard of this one. No... something’s wrong. Very wrong.

Almost as an afterthought, he noticed those around him. Curious beings, they were. Obviously from another plane. Let’s see. Girl with sword, girl, guy, guy, guy. Hmmph. One of them spoke up – the girl with the sword.

"So I guess I wasn't the only one," she said. "Well then, isn't this interesting?"

Garion's gaze flickered to one of the younger guys as he spoke next. "Who are you all? Where am I? Everything..." he trailed off. "No, I guess you weren't.

Garion was about to respond before he was cut off by a very feminine voice. "You, over there," she commanded, shouting. Garion's eyebrow shot up. Who the fuck does she think she is? Her palm began to shimmer, energy radiating outwards. "Listen to me, damn you! Self-centered asshole!" Garion’s muscles flexed involuntarily, ready to act. In the blink of an eye, she sprung, force knife in hand. And she was fucking fast. But he was ready. Grinning, he slammed a force net into her, planning on stopping her in her tracks. He gasped, suddenly feeling immensely weak, as if the effort of so simple a trick fed off his strength.

And it failed.

Something clicked in the back of his mind: a realization that he was nearly powerless compared to his normal strengths. Split second decision... A cry tore from his lips as he threw himself onto her, force pushing her wrist with all his might. They collided in mid-air, knocking the wind out of his lungs. He barely succeeded in pinning her hand underneath her before they slammed into the ground, rolling until he lay on top. It took all of his reserve to keep her pinned to the ground, hands underneath so as not to get stabbed.

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 9:34 am
by Anna
The girl(?) with the sword lofted a brow at the rather rowdy activity, watching the other girl attempt to attack the brown hair boy, only to be tackled to the ground by a planar being of sorts. The girl(?)'s lips curled into a scowl, "A celestial. Wonderful, one of the divine is in our little group. Like I don't have enough problems with Gods already."

She(?) glanced to Dan, and then back to Garion and Miri, "I'm Rose. No, I'm not a girl. Don't even ask. Your friend here seems a little rowdy."

He observed sarcasticly, gesturing with his hand. Several swords -- obviously heavily enchanted, to those who were aware of such things -- appeared from thin air and pinned through Miri's clothing and sank a foot deep into the road beneath her, holding her firmly in place.

"Well, that's that taken care of. So, how about introductions, before everyone starts trying to kill each other."

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 10:56 am
by Aralonia
View: Miri Hawke

Miri, in midair, was suddenly impacted by something slamming her first into her abdomen, at first. Oh shit! Dissipating the force knife into elementary particles, she didn't have any time to do anything else before she was leaped upon by a rather large burly man, who cut off her parabolic arc of movement and caused the two of them to crash rather unceremoniously into the ground. As she got up to try and fend off this other asshole that ceased her aerial movement, she was pinned to the ground by a whole bunch of-- This isn't force magic! This is... I can't identify it? What's going on?

View: Daniel Hawking
[About 28.23094 seconds ago]

Daniel's eyes opened wide at the sight of a force knife, at which point he raised a forearm in front of him and summoned a force shield and dropped back into a defensive stance. Amusingly enough, the leaping girl punched herself in the stomach, dissipating the knife, and was trampled in midair by another guy who saw the attack. The series of Wait a tick, what the hell kind of magic is that? Spacetime? swords that portal'd out of nowhere added insult to disarmament, and Daniel dissipated his shield.

“So, how about introductions, before everyone starts trying to kill each other?”

Daniel turned to look at Rose. “Yeah... thanks, Rose. As for me, I'm Daniel Hawking. Disgruntled teenager.” He held up a hand. “And before you ask, I have no idea what that girl wants with me. I don't owe her money, I don't think I've met her before... but she does look oddly familiar, and she shares one similarity with me...”

Daniel walked over to Miri and bent down to look at her face. “Ah! I do know you!” Daniel smiled, then frowned, then looked aghast, then took a step back. “I know you, but I entirely shouldn't, and where's your maid outfit?

View: Miri Hawke

Miri snarled on the ground. “How the hell do you get off on that!?” She scoffed at Daniel, and sighed, face in the ground. After a moment, she looked up to the best of her ability.

“My name is Miri Hawke. I'm an archer. I apologise for my action of trying to stab this boy, but...” She sighed again, depressedly. “I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry.” That doesn't stop the fact, though, that... why are you in my memories? Why are you taking over my memories and standing where I should be? I should be the one standing across from Jon, pointing swords at him... I should be the one fighting off Mack and Mac and Andrew... Why are you there? Why are you there?

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 11:11 am
by Chiiro
Scott J. Valentine opened his eyes to the world around him, and instantly knew that something was wrong.
He quickly sat up and pulled his gun from the holster on his chest.
"What the FUCKING HELL just happened?!"

He rose hastily and started waving the gun around, pointing it from person to person.
He didn't know all these people, and he sure as hell didn't know where he was.
He hardly even knew who he was, he'd just watched the universe as he knew it get steadily pulled into pieces in front of his eyes and that has a tendency to make a man doubt certain things, like his own identity for example.

"Who the FUCK are you people?!"
His gun came to point in the direction of Rose, who was obviously armed, and therefore the biggest threat, his mind could understand that even in the midst of this confusion.
"HUH?! Answer me! Who the fuck are you?!"

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 11:23 am
by Anna
Rose looked to Miri and Daniel, "Pleased to meet you both. Please refrain from trying to kill each other. I'm not sure if you noticed, but the multiverse seems to be collapsing all around us, and there's likely something malevolent behind it, so we must be on guard." He paused, suddenly feeling awkward at taking the expositionary role, "And... stuff."

Another gesture and the blades that had pinned Miri down disappeared in an ethereal mist, and his gaze turned calmly to Scott, who was -- perhaps unsurprisingly -- yelling in fear and confusion and waving a weapon around.

A gun.

"Ugh. I hate guns. Put that down. I'm not in the mood to be shot right now, and I don't think I have time to reincarnate and grow up again in time to stop whatever's going on. So you will lower your weapon, 'kay?"

He flashes a disarmingly friendly smile, several more swords appearing in a circle around him, floating in mid-air.

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 11:48 am
by Chiiro
Scott stared at Rose, stared and stared some more. Then he stared at the swords. Then he stared at Rose again. After which he promptly put his hands to his temples and groaned.
"This is juuuuust what I need. A trippy fucking dream to fuck my night up."

He stuffed the gun back inside his jacket.
"Anyone have some aspirin handy?" He swept around looking at everyone, taking in more than just quick glances this time.

Sure was a strange bunch of people... He looked back at Rose again, and despite all the staring earlier just now really saw him.

Wow, now that's a cute girl...

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 9:13 pm
by T-002
First off, Seraph, I hate you. :) Now for the post.

I'm the one infected
Twisted animator
I'm a firestarter
Twisted firestarter

Slowly, Alex awoke to the not-so-calming music of The Prodigy. Opening his eyes, he knew something was wrong. SO very wrong.

He jolted up, collected, yet incredibly nervous.

"Okay, who the hell are you guys?!" The first thing that popped up in his mind was an abduction. No, it was more like... the world fell apart... maybe these bastards drugged me... Then he noticed that the figures themselves weren't exactly mingling either. He panicked a little more, though one wouldn't tell from a quick glance.

"Give me some answers, now. Who are you, where are we, and why the fuck am I here."

Unable to control his emotions, a barely-visible blur of blue energy waved up from his hand.

I'm the bitch you hated, filth infatuated

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 12:45 am
by DoubleThink
Svard spit out some dirt. Just a moment before he had been purchasing a new steak knife. Now he was face first in--

Wait--steak knife? "Oh shi-" He slapped his pockets, and found that not only was it safely contained within one, as opposed to being safely contained within his thigh, it was also still very sharp. Which in the long run was a good thing, but in the short run, a tad pit painful.

Svard put that out of his mind, and realized he'd been on the ground for quite a while. Conversations were going on around him. He stood up, spat out some dirt (or was it mud now?) and put that stupid grin on his face.

He cleared his throat, and shouted out to everyone, "Hey, uh, does anyone have anything to eat? Mangoes, ice cream, tacos maybe?"

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 6:17 am
by Arcalane
Makrus V. Home to the Lerian Empire, a race of spacefaring sentients. Most of them were peaceful traders. A cold and rocky world (though it was also heavily forested, and had a few peaceful and relatively warm valleys, which bore most of the common prey species to early Lerians), Lerians evolved from predatory cats similar to Terran Snow Leopards from the mountainous regions.

The average Lerian was 5'8" tall, covered in thick fur and had a silhouette almost identical to a human's, save for a large, fluffy tail, extended muzzle and large, pointed ears. Four fingers per hand with an opposable thumb, plantigrade feet, bipedal stance, and a strong build. They were a mystery to xenobiologists, to say the least.

They were unusually peaceful, for an originally predatory species.

Erin Marias, 21, sat atop a small outcrop overlooking the starport set into the mountain's edge, wearing a simple flight suit... though the Lerian idea of a flight suit could stop small arms fire to most of the body, save the joints, the light grey pads over an almost white bodysuit, making her almost invisible in the snow. Then there was the integrated gravity net that could slow her fall speed so she would land softly, no matter the distance, and never experience an uncomfortable amount of gs in flight, as well as decelerating incoming projectile weaponry to further prevent harm to the wearer.

The biting cold would have chilled any other race or species to the bone, but her thick fur prevented that. Erin gazed down at the pad longingly, wishing that she could join others of her kind amongst the stars, but she had yet to finish her pilot's training. They called her flying reckless, dangerous - insane - even though she aced all the combat simulator trials with flying colours. She stormed out of the training hall earlier that day, swearing enough to make the veteran overseers blush. A small freighter rumbled as it took off, disappearing into the distance, laden with Lerian wares for the tradeworlds.

She sighed and surveyed the pad, picking out the figures of workers running back and forth, casually identifying the ships on the pads. Most of them were civilian trade vessels, though the sleek arctic camoflage of a Lerian Interstellar Security Lancer-class Gunboat stood out on the pad, half a dozen black-clad Lerian Officers milling around as workers refuelled the vessel's tiny reactor. She looked around, feeling an odd presence nearby, but she couldn't see it.

Erin. The voice was soft. Erin shook her head as she tried to find out where it came from.

Erin... it spoke again. She blinked, reaching for the pulse pistol at her side, standing up with her thick tail around her midsection, thick black boots crunching in the snow. "Who's there?"

Look up, Erin... the voice whispered. Erin looked up, blinking. The stars, Erin... She looked closely. Sure enough, there was something going on, and she seemed to be the only one noticing. One by one, they were simply... vanishing. She blinked again. "W-what... what's going on?"

Something... is wrong, Erin Marias... the voice sounded confused. Something threatens all of us. Something terrible... we cannot describe it. Erin blinked. By now, there were no stars left in the sky. Even the light of Makrus itself had gone, though the planet remained fully lit. An odd, creeping darkness slipped out of every nook and cranny, seeping over the land in the valley below Erin. She looked at the landing pad and none of the workers seemed to have noticed.

"This... what..." Erin gripped her pulse pistol's grip tightly and thumbed the safety off, her other hand going to the handle of her nanometer-edge sword, which was held in a scabbard casually hooked amongst her collection of tools. The voice wavered. You cannot fight it here, Erin... not now. You are the only one of your kind who can see this, though... that is why we chose you. Erin blinked. "Bu-- wha?!" She took a step back, glancing around at the closing darkness. You want to do great things, do you not? Erin gripped her pulse pistol tighter. "What do I--?" The voice interrupted. Do not make us regret our choice, Erin. Goodbye. There was a pause. Oh, and... jump. The voice added. Then the presence faded, leaving Erin very, very alone. She blinked again as the voice said it's farewell.

Erin gulped nervously as she looked over her shoulder, then looked over the cliff. "Doesn't... look like I have a choice." She moved to the edge of the outcropping, the landing pad no longer visible. She looked back at the creeping, closing darkness, activated the suit's gravity net, held her pistol tight, closed her eyes, and jumped. She had done so dozens of times before, but she feared this time may well be her last...

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 6:57 am
by Anna
Rose offered Scott a little smile once he put the gun away, dispelling all the summoned swords except for the one he held in hand, a rather regal looking sword with writing down both sides of the blade "Take me up" on one side and "Cast me away" on the other, in an ancient dialect that for some reason or another, everyone could read with ease.

Rose turned his gaze next to Alex, who was just waking up, "I do believe we just did introductions. I'm Rose, this is Daniel and Miri." He gestures to each of them in turn, "We're here because the multiverse is being destroyed and we were somehow spared. Caught up yet? Excellent. Now stop making silly threats and put away your... weapon?"

Svard's yelling was met with a wince on Rose's behalf, but otherwise went unanswered. A short moment latter, a brilliant flash of white light appeared in the air and down came Erin Marias, landing right next to Svard, her foot coming within an inch of his face, no doubt half scaring him to death.

"Look here... a... cat." Rose observed, rather shocked, "Well then... I think we're all here and awake, now. So, introductions?"

Rose went on to introduce himself again, and described how his day had ended, with the world disappearing before him.

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 7:14 am
by DoubleThink
Svard jumped and whipped out his knife, flailing it about in front of him, slicing only thin air.

After a few minutes, he regained his composure. Everyone was looking at him. Seizing the opportunity (People would actually listen to him, would you believe it?), he launched into an introduction:

"Hello, I'm, er, Svard Bjarnson. I was working at IKEA--you know what IKEA is right?--when that happened. You don't know what IKEA is? What planet did you come from?" He asked this last bit sarcastically.

Blank looks.

"So, er, yeah. You know what a Choco Taco is, right?"

More blank looks.

"Um, do any of you know where Sweden is?"

At this point, he gave up, and went back to fiddling with his knife.