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Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 9:23 am
by csWolf
Well this game reminds me of Furcadia. I have teh experience of RPing from that game.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 9:27 am
by AidanAdv
Edited for stupidy.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 10:57 am
by csWolf
Really, I don't smell dead stuff....

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 11:00 am
by Lizzie
AidanAdv wrote:I smell a necro.
Go mini-mod someplace else please. :roll:

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 8:11 am
by BoVinE

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 8:07 am
by Anna
Long delayed log of the SECOND SESSION of the ORIGINAL RP. This RP is no longer running, I'm just uploading this since I never got around to it last time. If you're interested in joining, sign up in the NEW IRC-based RP thread. First session is in 23 hours from the moment of this post.
<Anna> The large police officer shines his flashlight in Ben's face, scowling a little, "Hey! I said what are you punks doing out here!?" He grunts. This guy is large, inhumanly so. He's four feet wide, at least, and his arms are at least a foot thick, and hang down to his knees. Seven feet tall. He's HUEG.
<Victoria_Aberdeen> (WAIT Hawking just logged in)
* Ben is now known as Ben_K
<Victoria_Aberdeen> (Just did)
* Victoria_Aberdeen stares at the officer
<Victoria_Aberdeen> I don't know sir
<null> aw
<null> (wrong window, don't hate me)
<Victoria_Aberdeen> (He says wait 3 minutes, I'll tell him to hustle)
<JasonT> "Er... I think we're lost."
* Ben_K stares. The light hurts his eyes. Wait . . . police officer . . . Ben backs away from him, a little stunned.
* MiriHawke ( has joined #Wainsborough
<Anna> The large police officer shines his flashlight in Ben's face, scowling a little, "Hey! I said what are you punks doing out here!?" He grunts. This guy is large, inhumanly so. He's four feet wide, at least, and his arms are at least a foot thick, and hang down to his knees. Seven feet tall. He's HUEG. (Replay for Miri)
* Anna|Storyteller sets mode: +v MiriHawke
* Victoria_Aberdeen wonders why the hell they ended up there, teleportation? WTF is going on.
<MiriHawke> (caught up, thank ye.
<MiriHawke> ...I didn't know there was a merry-go-round in my backyard...
* MiriHawke stares at the police officer.
<Ben_K> Marie . . . wait, where's your house?
* Victoria_Aberdeen glances at Marie
<Victoria_Aberdeen> I assume you have no clue whats going on either?
* MiriHawke continues staring at the officer. "Either this was really recently remodeled or we're not at my house.
* MiriHawke turns around. "Yep. Not my house."
<Anna> The cop stares at you all and grunt, reaching for his belt and pulling out a large six-shooter. This thing is just as huge as he is, an almost comically oversized magnum, that he raises, "Well, you're out past curfew. Need to be punished."
<JasonT> ...
* Victoria_Aberdeen just stands stiff, knowing pulling her gun out would be suicide, because she would be targeted first
<JasonT> (What are our surroundings again?)
<Ben_K> "Um, sir . . . we're just a little lost. Can you direct us to Main Street? We are still in Wainsborough, right?"
* Victoria_Aberdeen grunts
* MiriHawke blinks and continues staring.
<Victoria_Aberdeen> What curfew?
<Seolla> "...Sir, aren't we entitled to a fair trial?"
<Anna> (A park. Near the hospital.)
<Victoria_Aberdeen> Last a checked, no curfew was enforced
<Victoria_Aberdeen> *I)
<JasonT> ((I suppose dense vegitation is too much to hope for
<Anna> (Way too much to hope for.)
<null> (I think you need to shoot him)
<Ben_K> (herbal side dishes for when you get eaten, Jason)
<Anna> The cop raises his gun, pointing it at Seolla's head, "How's this for yer fair trial, missy?" He asks with a large grin.
<MiriHawke> (All-natural?)
<MiriHawke> !
<Victoria_Aberdeen> (Whats the chance of me quickdrawing his ass Anna?)
* MiriHawke pulls out bow, strings, and fires at wrist with gun
<Anna> (Try it and find out. :P)
<MiriHawke> (>_> I'm a goner aren't I)
* JasonT goes for the knees
<null> (a bow?!)
* Seolla doesn't move and closes her eyes
* JasonT does so with cursing.
<MiriHawke> (Yes, a bow)
* Victoria_Aberdeen quickdraws as soon as Miri shoots and aims for his arm
* Victoria_Aberdeen fires as soon as she gets an aim
<Anna> ('kay, guys, in combat, wait until the other person's action has been resolved before taking your own, 'kay?)
<Victoria_Aberdeen> (God damnit I forgot to say fire earlier, I hope I don't die)
<Victoria_Aberdeen> (Sorreh)
* Ben_K fires the gun he still had in his hand to cover Victoria.
<Victoria_Aberdeen> (Look above Ben)
* Ben_K walks backward FAST
<MiriHawke> (Shut up and stop actioning, CT)
<Ben_K> (what? fine, back up . . . )
<Victoria_Aberdeen> (Chill out and collect yourselves people)
<Anna> The arrow thunks into the cop's wrist and sends his hand flying. Victoria's shot slams into his chest, and Ben's shot goes wide, ricochetting off the pavement. The cop growls and pulls out the arrow in his arm. (Jason and Seolla go next)
* JasonT goes for the revolver, attempting to knock it out of the dude's hand or, preferably, take it away
* Victoria_Aberdeen thinks, at least I hit somthing today, god my aim is off this night.
* Ben_K REALLY wishes he had worked on his gunslinging back in New York.
* Victoria_Aberdeen thinks further, and I'm down to 3 bullets, I need to get home, get more ammo.
* Seolla backflips to get more distance while he is distracted
<MiriHawke> (How many arrows would a good carriage be? 15, 20?)
<Victoria_Aberdeen> (Go for the minimum
* MiriHawke whistles and raises at Seolla's tumbling.
<MiriHawke> *raises eyebrows
<Ben_K> (A quiver could probably have ~20 arrows)
<Victoria_Aberdeen> Guys?
<Victoria_Aberdeen> I think we should run
<Victoria_Aberdeen> NOW
<Anna> Amazingly, Jason sucessfully manages to snag the revolver out of the cop's hand and dodge a heavy swing from one of the cop's tree-trunk sized arms.
<Ben_K> (Dice FTW)
* MiriHawke whistles at the shot.
* MiriHawke squints. Where's there to run to, if anywhere?
* Victoria_Aberdeen backs up some, a bit hesitant to run, why she knows not.
<Anna> (Aww... running? It's just one guy. :P He's bleeding from the arrow and the bullet wound, so you know he's not invincible. And he has a car.)
<Ben_K> (Does anyone else wonder how Jason is going to go anywhere with a revolver that big?)
<Anna> (The gun is still small enough for Jason to use)
<MiriHawke> (Is he on the ground, Anna?)
* Victoria_Aberdeen still has her gun aimed
<null> (for someone that size, you'd all fit!)
<Anna> (Standing, but injured.)
<MiriHawke> (@Ben: ... bine-1.png)
* Seolla remains silent, standing lightly on her feet ready to move
* JasonT attempts to get back out of the cop's reach and shoot him, if it's his turn
<Anna> (Okay. Pause a sec. Action time. Seolla has the first action, followed by Miri, Jason, Ben, and Victoria last. Don't make an action 'til it's your turn, and until the other person's action has been resolved. Thanks please.)
<Ben_K> (Anna said: The cop stares at you all and grunt, reaching for his belt and pulling out a large six-shooter. This thing is just as huge as he is, an almost comically oversized magnum, that he raises,)
<Ben_K> (BIG GUN)
<null> (he said he can use it)
<JasonT> ((Sorry, people were yelling at me to do stuff, I thought I was lagging.))
<Victoria_Aberdeen> (NEXT PERSON)
<Ben_K> (response to Ara's pic)
<Anna> (Keep the OOC chatter to a minimum. Seolla, it's your move.)
* Seolla decides she is rather useless in this fight, and dashes over to the (hopefully unoccupied) car
* MiriHawke strings another arrow and pulls back, ready to fire at any time as a reflex
<JasonT> ((nocks another arrow?[/nitpick]))
<Anna> The car is empty, and Seolla managed to slip past the cop, as he's rather distracted. The car has a regular-sized shotgun situated next to the driver's seat. Miri nocks her arrow. (Is that your entire action, Miri?)
* JasonT scampers backwards from the cop and fumbles the gun around to point it at him, but doesn't have the nerve to pull the trigger yet.
<MiriHawke> (Yep)
<JasonT> ((Yay shotgun!))
* Ben_K decides he's a bad shot anyway, and follows Seolla to the back of the car, a more cautious distance away. His gun is still drawn.
* Victoria_Aberdeen side-steps toward the car and Seolla, her objective is whatever extra weapon Seolla may find.
<Anna> The cop slumps forward a bit, groaning, before suddenly lunging at Jason and taking a swing at him with one of those beefy arms. This time the blow connects, and Jason is sent flying, hitting a tree nearly ten feet away with a sickening crunch.
* Ben_K cringes and ducks automatically at the sound
<Victoria_Aberdeen> God damnit!
<Victoria_Aberdeen> Miri!
* MiriHawke swears and shakes her head, disengaging the arrow, and runs to the auto
<JasonT> owfuck
<null> (??)
* MiriHawke curses, changes her mind, and stands between the auto and Jason
<Anna> ("owfuck"? You just broke RIBS)
<Seolla> (So wat happen)
<JasonT> wheezecough
<MiriHawke> (Jason went flying into a tree)
<Anna> (Seolla is at car. Shotgun inside car. Jason hit tree. It's your action again.)
* Squishy ( has joined #Wainsborough
* Ben_K gets in the passenger seat and pulls in his gun. He doesn't want to attract attention. (who isn't in the car yet?)
<MiriHawke> (I'm standing between Jason and the car, thinking)
<Victoria_Aberdeen> (I'm still slowly sidestepping there)
<Ben_K> You two! come on!
* Victoria_Aberdeen can't hear Ben, Deaf
<Ben_K> (Ben doesn't know that yet)
<Seolla> (Is it unlocked?)
<Seolla> (stupid internet)
* Seolla ( Quit
<Victoria_Aberdeen> (Just reminding)
* Seolla ( has joined #Wainsborough
* ChanServ sets mode: +v Seolla
<Seolla> (stupid internet)
<Victoria_Aberdeen> (Who's next)
* Seolla pauses to gather her breath and courage, and picks up the shotgun from the car seat. She then turns and walks slowly towards the officer.
<Anna> (Miri's turn.)
<Anna> The cop turns to face Seolla, now, as she's currently the closest person to him. Jason has a few cracked ribs and a nasty blow to the head, but he should still be able to get up and walk.
* MiriHawke blinks and stares at Jason's crumpled form, then turns to look at the car and notices Seolla and the cop bearing down on her. "Oh no you don't!" Strings and fires another shot, this time to the neck
* Ben_K watches Seolla get out of the car. (shit). He gets in the front seat.
<Ben_K> (is the key in hte ignition?)
* Victoria_Aberdeen stops side-stepping, glances at Seolla who has a fucking shotgun, ammo be dammed, Victoria aims at the Cop's largest body mass and fires again.
* JasonT gives in to pain this round, because OWFUCK
<Victoria_Aberdeen> (Ben you byspassed me god damnit)
<Ben_K> (sorry)
<Victoria_Aberdeen> (I WAS waiting for Anna to roll the damn dice
<Victoria_Aberdeen> (Next time wait for him to call the action)
<Ben_K> (My action doesn't really affect yours, does it now?)
<Victoria_Aberdeen> (no, just saying)
<MiriHawke> (Yes, but you totally ignored his "This is the order" comment.)
<Anna> The arrow barely misses the cop's neck, and he growls, taking a swing at Seolla, but she manages to dodge aside from it with her remarkable agility. Ben gets in the car successfully, and Victoria's shot slams into the cop's chest, causing him to collapse on to one knee. He's still alive, but severely wounded.
<Ben_K> (my action was a question, not an actual "FIRE TEH GUNZ" sort of thing.)
<Victoria_Aberdeen> YOU! Girl with the shotgun! SHOOT HIM!
* Seolla takes this chance to flick the safety off and fire at his chest at point blank range
<Anna> BLAM. The cop's chest explodes in a fountain of blood and gore and he slumps onto his back. He's quite dead, now. No doubt about it.
<Victoria_Aberdeen> I saw walking dead people, stay away from the body! Find Jason and that damned Cannon the cop was packing!
* MiriHawke jumps about a foot into the air from the noise. "Wooooooow."
* JasonT groans, loudly
* Victoria_Aberdeen walks over to where Jason last disappered too.
* MiriHawke stares at Victoria. "Did you say walking dead"
* Ben_K is stunned. He opens the door slightly and looks sideways at the body. He is still disconcerted by oversized cops.
* Victoria_Aberdeen can't hear miri and wasn't looking at her, best Miri just listens
* Seolla collapses to her knees panting with the exertion of suppressing her fear. "I...didn't actually expect that to work."
<Ben_K> "Where's Jason? . . . Oh, over there!"
* MiriHawke runs over to Seolla and gives her a hug and offers a smile. "Good work!"
* JasonT pushes himself slowly to his feet, clutching the gun and cursing low and steady
* Victoria_Aberdeen walks over to jason and offers support
* Victoria_Aberdeen also holisters her gun
* MiriHawke blinks and shakes her head again. "Oi! Victoria! Walking dead -what-?"
<Anna> The sound of clapping can be heard, and Michelle stepped out from behind the cop car, giggling slightly, "Great work, Seolla! You really showed him who's boss!" She exclaims, the ghostly figure walking over to the dead cop and miming a kick at his head, "Yeah, you aren't going ANYWHERE."
* MiriHawke stands up and wheels around and stares at Michelle
* Ben_K still looks stunned.
<MiriHawke> oh shit oh shit oh SHIT I'm sorry.
* Victoria_Aberdeen is not awear of Michelle because she's busy helping Jason get to his feet
<Ben_K> "That DEAD GIRL! Who is she?" He points his gun, then thinks better of it.
<Ben_K> (Key. Ignition. Yes?)
<Anna> (Yup.)
<Ben_K> (Awesome)
<Victoria_Aberdeen> (Jason I need some god damn action from you as well)
* JasonT does not object to Victoria's help, seeming a bit out of it
* Seolla looks up tiredly, not entirely suprised to see her. "Oh. Hey Michelle. You have no idea how scary that was. Could you give me a hand u-...oh. Right."
<JasonT> "thanks...owfhuck"
* Ben_K pulls Seolla back by the shoulder away form Michelle.
<Ben_K> (*from)
* Victoria_Aberdeen helps Jason hobble towards the car, she nows Sees the Ghost, but pays her no heed.
<Seolla> (I thought you were in the caaaaar)
<Ben_K> (I has the door opeeeeeeeeeeeen.)
* MiriHawke glares at Ben before turning back to Michelle and putting her hands together. "I... I'm sorry. I really am."
* JasonT looks at Michelle warrily
* Victoria_Aberdeen shouts as she continues to 'drag' jason to the car
<JasonT> "Grrh... Someone see if she knows where the hell we are..."
<Anna> Michelle glances at Miri and frowns a little, but shakes her head a little, looking back to Seolla, "You did good! I'm amazed you're still alive. We should make a game of it! A bet! If you're still alive by morning, then you win a prize!" She exclaims brightly, paying no heed to anyone else.
<Victoria_Aberdeen> Get that damn thing started!
<Victoria_Aberdeen> Lets get the hell out of here!
* Grath ( has joined #Wainsborough
* Ben_K turns the key in the ignition (getting back in the car) then gets out to help Jason. He looks very wearily at the ghost.
* Victoria_Aberdeen stops for a moment, because she just heard the words of the ghost, how?
<Victoria_Aberdeen> I .... how'd you .... how'd I ......... what the hell.
* Seolla sighs tiredly, flicking the safety back on and slowly getting up. "Really? I'll play. What's the prize? Besides staying alive, that is."
* MiriHawke 's face falls and becomes highly saddened. "I... I really, really am sorry." Miri sighs again, offers a weak smile and wave, and walks to Seolla and the auto.
* Victoria_Aberdeen stares at the ghost
<JasonT> "Prize...? what the... wait, we have a car now?"
* Victoria_Aberdeen just heard the ghost's words even though deaf
<Ben_K> (yes, you stayed alive, you won a car. Because the PRICE WAS RIGHT, JASON!!!)
<Anna> Michelle waves her hand at Victoria, "It's a ghost thing. My voice is in your head. Since I'm dead. See?" She giggles, before looking back to Seolla, "It's a surprise. But you'll like it, I think." She looks to Miri, "I forgive you. For now. But you better protect Seolla, or I'll haunt you forever!"
<Anna> Oh, and the car doesn't start.
* Victoria_Aberdeen points at the ghost
<Victoria_Aberdeen> Why this god damn game
<Victoria_Aberdeen> Why us
* Ben_K turns the key again. Damn.
* Victoria_Aberdeen grits Teeth
<Victoria_Aberdeen> WHY
* MiriHawke wheels around and turns to look directly at Michelle in the eyes.
<null> (was that the pile of intestines last time?)
<MiriHawke> I promise.
* MiriHawke offers a real, stronger smile.
* Victoria_Aberdeen is really angry now
<Anna> The car sputters, but fails to start. Michelle scowls and snaps her head towards Victoria, "You think I know!? I'm dead! I had my guts torn out! See!" She pulls open her blouse a little, revealing the scar running down her chest. Surprisingly, a tattoo is there too. Similar to the one you all have somewhere on your bodies.
<JasonT> ...
* JasonT is pondering the fact that it hurts to breath.
* Victoria_Aberdeen Holds a middle finger to the ghost
<null> (dammit, NPC's don't get cool tattoo's)
<Victoria_Aberdeen> YOur the one wanting a damn game!
<Victoria_Aberdeen> Do me a favor if your going to put my fucking life on the line, and explain WHY
* Ben_K looks shocked at Michelle's chest. (. . .) He looks at his hand. He sighs.
* MiriHawke blinks and stares at Michelle's chest. >__>
<Ben_K> Maybe . . . maybe we're all just playing a game . .
* Seolla grimaces and looks away from Michelle, for just a moment, before smiling sadly at her. "This better be one hell of a model. Michelle, you want to come along?"
<Seolla> (afk for a few minutes
<Seolla> )
* MiriHawke points at her chest. "I have that too. Hey! Seolla, can you read that?"
<MiriHawke> (oh darnit)
<MiriHawke> (...model? XD)
* JasonT gives ben a look
<JasonT> Fucking hell of a painful game
* Ben_K gives a kinda stressed chuckle. "Yeah . . . ow. My face hurts."
* Victoria_Aberdeen is fuming mad now
<Anna> Michelle notices Miri's stare and frowns, covering up her chest again, "Pervert." She mumbles, waving her hand to Seolla and Miri, "I can't come. Gotta go back to that place. I'll come when I can, though." She disappears in the blink of an eye. It's dark, and quiet. You'd guess about three am. You don't know for sure, as none of your watches are working. You're at the park near the middle of
<Anna> town. The hospital is quite close, and Jason may need it. He's pretty badly hurt.
* Victoria_Aberdeen grumbles
<Victoria_Aberdeen> Stupid non-coporial......... nevermind
* MiriHawke sits down on the ground. "Bye..." to nobody in particular.
* Victoria_Aberdeen walks over to the car and gets in. Still fuming mad.
<null> (now, it could be just me, but aren't hospitals prime zombie hotspots?)
<Victoria_Aberdeen> (We don't know that)
<JasonT> "fuck, ow... I don't guess any of you are doctors?"
* Ben_K gets out of the car. "Maybe we should carry Jason to the the hospital . . . we have enough people. Come on."
<null> (oh wait, these are magic zombies)
* Ben_K waves at Victoria to get out of the car.
<JasonT> "Fuck you, I can walk."
<Victoria_Aberdeen> Why carry? It'd be better to just drive.
* MiriHawke speaks to Jason while still staring off into the ditsance. "We had someone who could heal wounds... but he ruined my house.
<Victoria_Aberdeen> Be quicker too
* JasonT mutters "fucking carry me..."
<Victoria_Aberdeen> And I don't want to leave our only transport here
<Victoria_Aberdeen> (Try again damnit
<Victoria_Aberdeen> (There was a fucking ghost there)
* Ben_K tries the key again
<Anna> The car once again fails to start.
* Victoria_Aberdeen signs
<Anna> (GM hint: Search the car for useful objects.)
<Victoria_Aberdeen> Fine, but serch the car before we leave
* Ben_K looks under the seat, then checks the glovebox
* MiriHawke just sits and listens to the wind. Anything weird or odd heard at all?
* Victoria_Aberdeen grabs the key and pops the trunk)
* JasonT leans on the hood of the car
<null> (check the fuel pump)
<Anna> There's spare ammo for the cop's large hand cannon. About thirty rounds of high-calibur ammunition, a handful of shells for the shotgun, and a nightstick. The trunk is full of ammo, surprisingly of the same calibur as Victoria's and Ben's guns. The wind is quiet. There are no sounds that seem strange.
<Victoria_Aberdeen> Weeeeeeeeeeeeeell now
<Victoria_Aberdeen> This is good
<Victoria_Aberdeen> Ammo!
* Ben_K gets out and checks the trunk. (Cha-ching!)
* Victoria_Aberdeen snatches up all the ammo thats the same caliber as her gun a dumps it into her purse, loading up four more bullets into her gun, then leaves some for Ben.
<Victoria_Aberdeen> *and dumps
<Anna> One last thing of notice stands out. A silver coin, with an ouroboros etched into it, sitting in the glovebox. It almost seems to glow a faint shade of blue.
* MiriHawke sighs, then stands up and plugs one earbud from her mp3 player into her left ear, then retrieves the one arrow on the ground near the cop.
* Ben_K fills his gun, the stuffs his jacket pockets with spare rounds.
* MiriHawke starts playing a song: The Strokes, Modern Girls and Old Fashioned Men
<Seolla> (back)
<Anna> Miri's mp3 player starts normally, but then the music cuts out, only to be replaced by screams of terror, the sound of rending flesh, and pleading for mercy. The voice sounds like Eric's.
* Ben_K goes back to get the key out of the ignition. He spots the coin in the glovebox and picks it up. "What's this? I didn't see it earlier . . ."
<Ben_K> (oh dang)
<null> (hahaha)
* JasonT takes a moment to inspect his newly acquired weapon uncertainly while the people without a abdomen full of bone shards search the car
* MiriHawke blinks and turns off her mp3 player. "Ummm."
* Ben_K feels kinda good with pockets stuffed full of ammo. He looks at Miri. "What?"
<Anna> As Ben picks up the coin, a jolt shoots up his arm, and the coin seems to melt, covering his hand in liquid silver.
* MiriHawke sticks a finger in her ear and starts twisting it. "That was weird. I didn't know I had that on my mp3 player."
* Ben_K pulls his hand back out. "Ah!"
<MiriHawke> I think it was a sound effect from one of my games. I imported an entire folder from a video game, and I guess one of the sound effects from the game got transferred too. Stupid Shadow of Chernobyl.
* Seolla grabs a fistfull of shells for the shotgun, and heads out to check on Jason.
<Anna> Ben's hand is now completely silver, though it moves normally. It stops at the wrist.
* MiriHawke goes to walk with Seolla. "Doin' okay?"
<null> (punch something)
<Victoria_Aberdeen> (Me needs an ammo count Anna if you can)
<null> (not a person)
<JasonT> (...oh god... I have to.)
<null> (ben punch something)
* JasonT glances Ben's way, then sees the silver, freaks out, and attempts to shoot Ben's hand.
<JasonT> FUCK!
* MiriHawke staaaaaaaaaaaaaaares at Jason.
<Anna> (You and Ben both have around 50 rounds for your pistols. Siber has 34 rounds left for his handcannon. Seolla has 15 rounds for her shotgun.)
* JasonT could be somewhat jumpy!
* Victoria_Aberdeen feels the virbrations in the hood from the gunshot and looks.
<Victoria_Aberdeen> What the......
<Anna> The bullet hits Ben's hand and sends it flying backwards, but otherwise ricochettes off of it harmlessly. Ben is completely uninjured.
<Victoria_Aberdeen> (Keeping that for future referance Anna
* JasonT loses his grip on the gun, as he fired one handed
<MiriHawke> (And I have 14 arrows?)
<Anna> (19)
* JasonT falls over.
<JasonT> Argh!
* MiriHawke stares at Jason and siiighs
<Victoria_Aberdeen> (Ammo stats recorded for future Referance Anna)
<Anna> (Nightstick is still in the car. Everything else is pretty much cleared out. Ben now has a cool silver hand.)
* Victoria_Aberdeen sees the Nightstick and snatches it
* MiriHawke puts her bow somewhere easily accessible on her body, then pulls the silver knife and holds it up to stare at it.
<MiriHawke> Shiny....
* JasonT remains unreprimanded for his unwise shooting?
* Grath ( has left #Wainsborough
* MiriHawke walks over to Jason and stares.
<MiriHawke> I should kick you. But you're hurt. So I'll kick you later, after you get un-hurt.
-> [Ben_K] PING
* Victoria_Aberdeen sighs
* Seolla goes over to Jason, asking him what hurts, and starts feeling his body to note what's broken.
<Seolla> (yay first aid class)
<Victoria_Aberdeen> We ain't going to make it through the night if you all keep trying to kill eachother, dumbasses
* MiriHawke shrugs and decides to start randomly poking Jason too
<JasonT> Sorry... paniced.
* JasonT provides Seolla with appropriate information and exclimations of pain
<Ben_K> (sorry, have to leave now. dinnertime.)
<MiriHawke> (Real men eat at the computer)
<Ben_K> (and I was gone the past few minutes, also sorry.)
<Seolla> (Real men keep pets for emergency rations during gaming sessions)
<Anna> Based on Seolla's limited knowledge of first aid, she's able to determine that Jason has a couple of bruised and fractured ribs. He's also got a few holes gauged through his shirt and into his back. Ben stares at his silver hand, then suddenly blinks out of existence. Gone. Odd.
* Ben_K tries to wipe it off on the seat cover. then he punches th doorframe.
<MiriHawke> .....
<Ben_K> (n/m)
* MiriHawke blinks and is suddenly leaning on her side, on the ground, towards where Ben -was-.
<Anna> (Do you need to leave, or just go afk for a while? If leave, then what I said stands.)
<MiriHawke> Is it just me or did something just pop out of existence?
<MiriHawke> (vaccuum ftl)
<Victoria_Aberdeen> What the hell
<Ben_K> (I haz awesome silver hand. Bye now.)
<null> (harry potter referance)
* Seolla sighs. "Well, honestly, we shouldn't move you at all. There's a possibility you have spinal injuries...but we can't exactly call paramedics. I don't think carrying him around on a backboard, even if we had one, would be smart. If someone has a roller bandage, I can splint his arm to his side to support his ribs... but we should getinto that hospital to get some supplies, anyway."
* MiriHawke stares at the hospital. Anything up with it?
<Anna> The hospital appears normal.
* Victoria_Aberdeen stares at Seolla, then glances at the hospital
<JasonT> "Fuck that, I'm not sitting here waiting for god knows what to come along and fuck with me"
<MiriHawke> Can you move, Jason?
<Victoria_Aberdeen> I have a bad feeling about this
* JasonT stands up petulatly. And slowly.
* MiriHawke stares. "I guess you can."
<Victoria_Aberdeen> If we are going to go, the we go now
<Victoria_Aberdeen> (How are we going to reveal to the rest of the cast that I am deaf? I still can't figure a proper way)
<JasonT> (("Uhm, just so you know, I'm deaf. So if you shout for help, I won't hear. Sorta thought you should know."))
<MiriHawke> (Miri's getting close to it.)
<Anna> Another cop car pulls up behind the other one, the engine idling. The door open and out steps a uniformed officer. He appears quite normal, and quite human. He stares at the dead, oversized cop, then to the rest of you, looking quite confused, "What's going on here? What happened?"
* null is now known as PC_Roberts
<MiriHawke> (You know what--)
* JasonT deer-in-headlights look
* MiriHawke points at dead supercop. "He attacked us first."
* Victoria_Aberdeen stares blankly at the cop
<Anna> (Roberts is the cop.)
<Victoria_Aberdeen> He fucking tried to kill us
<Victoria_Aberdeen> Thats what
* Victoria_Aberdeen draws gun first and aims at the next cop
<PC_Roberts> WOAH
<Victoria_Aberdeen> And I'm not in the mood for your shit if your going to try
<PC_Roberts> That guy isn't in the force
* Victoria_Aberdeen cocks head to the side and raises eyebrow
<Victoria_Aberdeen> Really?
<Victoria_Aberdeen> And why should I belive you?
* MiriHawke stares at Victoria, then makes sure to walk behind her and a bit far away before saying "He looks legit. He isn't shooting at us."
* JasonT glaces at the cop and the woman with the gun and edges towards the car for cover.
* PC_Roberts flashes his badge
* Victoria_Aberdeen did not hear Miri
* Seolla says "Officer, we need to get this man to the hospital, he has at least one fractured rib and several puncture wounds. Can you help us?" Seolla looks up, more concerned about her "patient" then something she can't understand anyway.
* Victoria_Aberdeen stares at the badge
* JasonT tries to catch the town name on the badge?
* Victoria_Aberdeen waves gun towards the dead cop
<Ben_K> (is back)
* MiriHawke says at Victoria again. "He's not shooting at us~"
<PC_Roberts> (WPD lololol)
* Victoria_Aberdeen still does not hear Miri
* Victoria_Aberdeen stares at the cop
<Victoria_Aberdeen> Your name sir?
* MiriHawke grins and walks up to Victoria, tapping her on the shoulder. "What are you, deaf?" She sticks her tongue out, too.
* Victoria_Aberdeen lowers gun slightly and calms
<PC_Roberts> Sure thing, I can bring you there.
* Victoria_Aberdeen glances at Miri
<PC_Roberts> I'll call this in to the station on the way.
<Victoria_Aberdeen> YES damnit
<Anna> (The badge says WPD. You all know where you are, by the way. You've all been in this part of town. Ben never disappeared, he's sitting in empty cop car, looking dazed.)
* MiriHawke giggles. "I thought so~"
* Anna|Storyteller is now known as ManInBlack
* JasonT doesn't trust this at all
<MiriHawke> (Oh dammit, I shoulda said "Victoria, you're a whore~" before tapping her on the shoulder)
* Ben_K gets out of the car and looks at his hand. Has has a REALLY eerie fealling.
<PC_Roberts> Look, are you going to keep whispering, or get your friend some help?
<Victoria_Aberdeen> (Don't make me shoot your character)
<MiriHawke> (XD)
* Victoria_Aberdeen lowers gun
<MiriHawke> Ah! Sorry, Mister Cop. We should get him some aid. In fact, we should have a long time ago. But we were too busy getting shot at.
<Victoria_Aberdeen> Alright, I'll belive you, but don't try anything funny, Anything weird going on elseware you know about?
* JasonT tries to pick up his hand-cannon from earlier without drawing attention
<PC_Roberts> what?
* ManInBlack is walking towards you all. He's currently about fifty yards away, but he seems to cross five yards with each casual step. Miri is the first one to see him. It's the same man in suit guy whose throat she slashed open.
<Ben_K> Let's . . . get this guy ot the hospital. ACK!!!
<PC_Roberts> weirdest thing I've seen my life is this fake cop here.
<Ben_K> (*to)
* PC_Roberts kicks the corpse
* Victoria_Aberdeen does not notice the man in black
* MiriHawke stares at the guy and pulls out her knife again.
<MiriHawke> People! Look sharp! It's him again!
* PC_Roberts hops into his fully functioning car!
* Victoria_Aberdeen needs a cue to turn around
<ManInBlack> The corpse of the large cop crumbles into dust at the kick, falling apart as if he were some sort of sand castle.
* JasonT stops being subtle about grabbing the gun, and points it at ManInBlack
* Ben_K kicks the dust from the cop as he gets out of the car. Does anything turn up?
* MiriHawke taps Victoria on the shoulder, considering Miri's still next to her, probably. "Oh. Sorry. Lookie."
* Victoria_Aberdeen turns and sees the man, her eyes widen
<Victoria_Aberdeen> Oh
<ManInBlack> There's nothing in the pile of dust.
<PC_Roberts> Holy...
* ManInBlack is now a mere five feet away, grinning from ear to ear. He raises both hands to straighten his black tie.
* Seolla notices all the attention and turns to see the man in black. "...Well...shit."
* Victoria_Aberdeen stares at the man
<Victoria_Aberdeen> What do you want?
<PC_Roberts> Sir, are you from the federal government?
* PC_Roberts steps forward
* JasonT pulls the trigger and bolts, such as he can, for Robert's car
* MiriHawke drops down and slashes with knife from the crotch and upwards. "Shoot when it's clear, dammit!"
<MiriHawke> (...oh god)
<Ben_K> (oh dang)
* Ben_K drops to the concrete when he sees Jason pull the trigger.
<Seolla> (What is the round capacity of the shotgun?)
<Victoria_Aberdeen> NO!
* ManInBlack dodges Miri's attack, and suddenly grabs her head, snapping it to the left unnaturally. She falls to the ground. Jason's shot slams into the MiB's shoulder, and he laughs as his arm literally gets blown off.
<Ben_K> Ah!
* MiriHawke crumples.
<Victoria_Aberdeen> YOU SON OF A BITCH!
* Victoria_Aberdeen opens up into the MIB, all 6 bullets
<MiriHawke> (omg halp, res plx)
* Ben_K gets behing the car. Then he opens a 6 in his gun at the man.
* PC_Roberts pulls his revolver. (not action?)
* JasonT stumbles at seeing Miri get killed, and stares
<ManInBlack> (Shotgun has five rounds loaded into it. Pump action.)
<Ben_K> (she isn't dead yet!)
* ManInBlack falls forward and laughs loudly as the bullets rip into his chest, gouging large holes into it. Finally he slumps forward. And yes, Miri is quite dead.
* Seolla ( Quit (Quit: Oh shit FBI)
* Seolla ( has joined #Wainsborough
* ChanServ sets mode: +v Seolla
<Ben_K> (Oh. Oh well. We need tatto-signal burn-in.)
* Victoria_Aberdeen is quite furious, she didn't know the girl yet wants to fucking KILL
* Victoria_Aberdeen reloads
<MiriHawke> (>_> Karma for coming late, huh)
* Ben_K reloads form the safety of the car
<Seolla> (status on Miri)
<ManInBlack> Just to be clear, Miri's head is at a 110 degree angle.
<Ben_K> (of dang)
<Ben_K> (*oh)
<PC_Roberts> Don't try to kill him, grab her and get into the car!
<Seolla> (so what's the magazine size for the shotgun?)
<MiriHawke> (It was 5)
* PC_Roberts fires and MIB's chest
* Ben_K dashes from behind the car and drags Miri away form the man, trying not to look at her.
<PC_Roberts> (hey, police use hollow points, right?)
* JasonT stumbles towards Roberts' car
* ManInBlack slumps forward and disappears into smoke as he hits the ground. Wow, it seems like you actually managed to put him down.
<MiriHawke> (Uh, no, police use FMJ)
<Seolla> (hollow points are kinda inhumane)
<MiriHawke> (At least my History teacher used to)
<Victoria_Aberdeen> God damnit god damnit god damnit!
<Ben_K> (your history teacher?)
<ManInBlack> (Most modern police use Jacketed Hollow Point, to prevent over-penetration, these days.)
<PC_Roberts> ah
<MiriHawke> (Yeah. Ex-USN P-3 Orion pilot, then motorcycle cop)
<PC_Roberts> (ANYWAY, you seem to be two people down.)
<Ben_K> (yes, ma'am, I'll do my homework, just don't shoot!)
* Seolla dashes to Miri, kneeling by her, checking vitals (doesn't mean she's dead)
<PC_Roberts> shit, we gotta go now!
* MiriHawke yelps.
* Ben_K pulls Miri up into the car fro Seolla to check her.
* PC_Roberts hops into the car, and turn the ignition.
* MiriHawke yelps again.
<ManInBlack> No pulse, no heartbeat. Then suddenly it starts again as Miri yelps, her head suddenly popping back into place.
* MiriHawke pops a couple tendons in her neck. Loudly.
<Ben_K> Ack! She's alive?
<MiriHawke> owwwww.
* Victoria_Aberdeen hops in next to Roberts, breathing hard
* MiriHawke blinks and waves
<Seolla> Ben don't move her! Miri, stay still. How do you feel?
* Victoria_Aberdeen grabs roberts by the shirt
<Victoria_Aberdeen> YOU! DO YOU KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON!?
<MiriHawke> I feel like I woke up from sleeping, except instead of a pillow, my neck was resting on a brick. For 9 hours.
* Seolla hugs Miri tightly
<ManInBlack> Miri feels her tattoo burning.
* MiriHawke smiles. "Otherwise, I'm okaaaack" taken highly back by hug.
<MiriHawke> *aback
<PC_Roberts> (aren't I in a the drivers seat?)
<JasonT> ...
<JasonT> You were dead!
* JasonT got in the car at some point
<Victoria_Aberdeen> (Passenger seat for me)
* MiriHawke then pushes Seolla off lightly and touches her breastbone. "Ow. Oh shit did anyone get the knife?!"
* Ben_K gets in the back
<PC_Roberts> Maam, I suggest you let go. I don't know anything more than you do.
<Ben_K> (Miri would probably still be holding the knife)
<MiriHawke> (Well, I probably dropped it on getting neck-broken and going limp)
<ManInBlack> If Miri were to check her tattoo, she would discover that the square of words has change into the shape of an infinity symbol.
* ManInBlack is now known as Anna|Storyteller
* Victoria_Aberdeen is breathing through clenched teeth, slowly lets go and rests back into the chair, facepalming
<Ben_K> (Ouch. miri has gained resurrection.)
* MiriHawke stares and unbuttons her shirt and pokes Seolla on the forehead, then points at her chest. "Lookie!"
<Victoria_Aberdeen> (Great, there goes any sort of Res card I may, best be careful then)
<MiriHawke> (lmao)
* Seolla leans in to look closely. "It...changed."
* Ben_K looks over Miri's head to see the symbol ( . . . oh the jokes . . . ). He says, "A figure eight? No, and infinity symbol!"
* PC_Roberts starts driving towards the hospital
<Ben_K> (*an)
* MiriHawke sits up abruptly from wherever she is, knocking Ben in the chin. "Yep!"
<JasonT> ...
* Victoria_Aberdeen is in the car, trying to calm down, doesn't hear anything the others are saying
<Anna> (Everyone is in the car, towards the hospital. Is this correct?)
* Ben_K gets back in the car . . . :/
<JasonT> ((think so))
<Seolla> "...Miri, your shirt." Seolla pushes up her glasses calmly.
* PC_Roberts reverses to pick up Ben
* MiriHawke pokes Victoria on the side of her head. "No teamkilling please."
* MiriHawke blinks. "...Right" and hastily buttons up her shirt, coughing
<Ben_K> (all in car. Just roll with it)
* PC_Roberts starts forward again
<MiriHawke> (<ChibiMiri> Daniel, I hate you so fucking much)
* Victoria_Aberdeen seen Miri's lips
<Victoria_Aberdeen> I DIDN"T SHOOT AT YOU
* PC_Roberts turns on the radio
* Ben_K listens to the tunes
<Seolla> (Ben...police radio)
<Ben_K> (w/e)
* Victoria_Aberdeen stares daggers at Miri
* MiriHawke plugs a finger into each ear and says "I know, but still, be nice." Then frowns. "...All I felt was a massive neckache." Then cracks her neck again. It's like a second of machinegun fire.
<Ben_K> (Victoria may be losing some sanity points this round, no?)
* MiriHawke slumps over again in ache. "owwww."
<PC_Roberts> (shall I assume passage of time?)
<Anna> The radio crackles as it is turned on, and a voice can be heard on the other end, "One down, five to go. Or is it six, now, Officer Roberts? And Miri... ah, we're going to have such fun with you."
<JasonT> ...just calm the fuck down, okay? Lets just try to figure out what the hell is happening, and stay away from each other's thro....."
* JasonT trais off at the radio
* MiriHawke stares at the radio. "I would say something, but it would be too highly appropriate! So you don't get to hear my comment~."
* Victoria_Aberdeen doesn't hear the radio. Since the beings are communicating via machines that time
* Victoria_Aberdeen leans back into the car chair and drifts off to sleep.
* PC_Roberts twiddles the nobs "that's not the officer..."
* MiriHawke pokes Roberts in the back of the head. "Duh."
<Anna> The radio produces nothing but static, after that. It's a short trip to the hospital. The lights are on, and a nurse can be seen sitting behind a desk in the lobby, through the glass doors.
<PC_Roberts> (Not been having a wierd day so far, wasn't at the begginning)
<Victoria_Aberdeen> (Either somone wakes me up or I stay here)
<PC_Roberts> alright, lets get your friend in there. Her to, she looked like she took a bad hit.
* MiriHawke pokes Victoria on the side of her head. "Wake up, sleepyhead."
* MiriHawke stares at Roberts. "I think I'm okay. Him first."
* Victoria_Aberdeen grunts and gets out of the car
* JasonT reloads his hand cannon along the way, assuming someone thought to grab any of the ammo for it
* Victoria_Aberdeen has her pistol in her coat pocket
<Victoria_Aberdeen> (I also have a scratch down one side of the face from a bullet, if you want a reason to break us up, some nurse can fawn over me or somthing)
* Seolla sighs and leaves the shotgun in the car, having no way to make it inconspicuous. "I guess...I probably shouldn't bring that in."
<PC_Roberts> Jeesus man, put that gun away! you're hurt!
-> -Seolla- As you look into the hospital lobby, you see Michelle banging against the glass door, shouting something that you can't hear, only to get dragged off by two men in lab coats, with masks. No one else seems to see this.
* Victoria_Aberdeen takes Jason's handcannon and puts it in her LARGE purse
* MiriHawke looks at Seolla and laughs. "Well... yeah, shotguns are kinda counterproductive to a hospital..."
<Seolla> "...We...need to go in there, don't we." Seolla suddenly stops, her face white.
* PC_Roberts drags JasonT into the hospital, deciding everone else cares more about guns than human life.
* JasonT doesn't reliquish the gun to Victoria that easily
* JasonT also doesn't allow himself to be dragged so easily
<JasonT> I'm not going anywhere without a weapon!
* Ben_K grabs the gun and gives it to Victoria. then he drags Jason out of the car.
<Ben_K> "I'll cover you, man. Get in the hospital."
* MiriHawke blinks at Seolla. "Yeah...?"
* Victoria_Aberdeen puts it in her purse
* MiriHawke stares at Victoria's purse. "Can I call you Mary Poppins?"
* Seolla instantly turns around and grabs the shotgun she just relinquished, reloading it. "Let him have the gun. But Jason? Don't shoot it unless you brace your wrist. It's not going to be pleasent in there, guys."
* Victoria_Aberdeen stares at Miri
<Ben_K> (XD)
<Victoria_Aberdeen> Don't make me kill you
<Ben_K> (XD)
<Victoria_Aberdeen> You may be god damn invincable, but I bet you feel pain
* Victoria_Aberdeen walks into the hospital, but before that she turns to Seolla
<Anna> The nurse looks up and furrows her brows as she sees the commotion outside. She grabs a phone and says something into it, before rising to her feet and stepping outside, "What's going on here? Is someone injured?"
<Victoria_Aberdeen> Put it where someone CAN'T find it
* MiriHawke stares at Victoria, then turns to stare at Seolla.
* PC_Roberts points
<PC_Roberts> him.
<Ben_K> Hell Yes. This man here needs serious medical care.
* MiriHawke just looks with a o__o;; face.
* JasonT grumbles and goes along with things finally... the ribs fucking hurt
* Seolla whispers to Miri. "Keep your knife handy." She then slowly trails behind the group, holding the shotgun by her side.
* MiriHawke nods at Seolla and keeps a finger on her knife.
* Ben_K looks a little queerly at Seolla, then folows with gun in hand.
<Anna> The nurse nods and moves to help Jason, and a couple of orderlies quickly come out to help, "Don't worry, we'll take good care of him." She mumbles, eying the guns cautiously but saying nothing. Jason gets taken off into another room, and the nurse gestures to the seats in the lobby, "Please wait here while the doctor examines your friend."
* Victoria_Aberdeen glances back at Seolla, noticing she's keeping the gun, shrugs and keeps walking
<PC_Roberts> (should we go with them?)
* Victoria_Aberdeen sets in a chair, crossing legs and sets her HEAVY purse on her lap
* Victoria_Aberdeen rubs her cut on her cheek, which is rather sore and scabbed over
<Ben_K> (damned heavy.)
* MiriHawke starts humming, suspiciously like "Chim-chimeree, chim-chimeree, chim-chim, cheree"
<Seolla> "I'm following them. You guys can stay here if you want." Seolla instantly starts after them, hoping not to lose sight of them
* MiriHawke blinks and follows Seolla. "Wait up!"
* JasonT goes along without any spoke objection, but looks reasonably jumpy
<Anna> A guard stands outside the door that Jason was taken through, his arms crossed. Odd. But it seems like they want you to wait. The guard stops Seolla in her tracks, shaking his head, "Sorry, you'll have to wait here."
* Victoria_Aberdeen never left her chair
* Ben_K is still sitting.
* PC_Roberts waits in the waiting room
* Ben_K walks over to the vending machine (w/e) and gets a soda.
* Victoria_Aberdeen starts to giggle a bit
<Seolla> "Why?"
* Victoria_Aberdeen then starts to laugh loudly
* PC_Roberts is unnerved
* Victoria_Aberdeen stops laughing and signs
<Victoria_Aberdeen> sighs*
* MiriHawke stares at Victoria
* Ben_K almost spills his soda.
<Victoria_Aberdeen> Working a deskjob, I wanted a more exciting life! Guess I got one eh?
<Anna> The guard just crosses his arms, "Proceedure. Everyone has to wait here, while the doctor examines your friend."
* PC_Roberts nods off
* Ben_K looks sideways at Victoria. He sits down.
<Seolla> (Can I have a sanity check?)
* MiriHawke glances and stares at the guard.
* MiriHawke sings. "Super-cali-fragilistic-expi-ali-docious~"
<Anna> (Successful sanity check. You manage to keep your composure.)
<Seolla> (Damn, I was half hoping to fail.)
* Ben_K looks a little sideways at everyone.
* Seolla looks around the room for other doors

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 8:11 am
by Anna
(In PM with Jason)
Session Start: Thu Apr 24 12:44:41 2008
Session Ident: JasonT
<Anna> Okay, we'll continue in here, since you got separated from the group.
<JasonT> Okay
<Anna> Jason gets carried into what looks like an operating room, and laid down on his stomach. His shirt is cut away to expose his back, and finally two doctors step forward, dressed in scrubs, with masks, "Mmm... what have we here? He looks quite messed up, doesn't he?" Says the first, as he pull out a scalpel, "Shall we examine him more thoroughly?"
* JasonT attempts to roll over onto his back "Aren't you going to take an x-ray or something?"
<Anna> As Jason attempts to roll over, the second doctor grabs his arms, holding him down as leather straps pin him to the operating table, "X-ray? No, we thought we'd check it with our own eyes." The second doctor said, as the first began cutting into Jason's back, ripping away flesh casually and whistling a happy tune, until soon, Jason's back is exposed and bloody.
<JasonT> What? Wait, no! Fuaagh!
* JasonT degenerates into thrashing and screaming, attempting to break the leather straps(fat chance)
<Anna> The doctors laugh at the side of Jason's exposed spine, "Hmmm... yes, definitely some broken bones, there. Fetch the grailwater." Says the first doctor. The second grabs a flask and begins pouring it over Jason's back. It burns like liquid fire, but the flesh quickly begins to knit itself back together.
* JasonT continues with plan B, already in progress
<Anna> The straps don't give at all. Jason is firmly pinned down, and the doctors seem to be having a field day, cutting him apart only to pour that 'grailwater' over his wounds and regenerate them. Their tools are jagged, serrated and rusty, their methods cruel, intended to inflict as much pain as possible, and the grailwater seems to help keep Jason aware of the pain.
* JasonT second verse, same as the first.
<Anna> Jason finally, blissfully, passes out.
<JasonT> \o/
Session Close: Thu Apr 24 13:43:27 2008
Back to group
<Anna> You all suddenly hear loud screams of agony, followed by Jason crying out, pleading for someone to stop. The guard remains standing in front of the door.
* MiriHawke continues singing rather softly. If you say it loud enough, you'll always sound precoci---"
* Ben_K absentmindedly considers his hand. He grabs the side of his chair and squeezes it in fright,
* MiriHawke stares at the door.
* Ben_K pulls his gun.
<Seolla> "I knew it." Seolla points her shotgun at the guard. "Move. Now."
* Victoria_Aberdeen does not hear the screams, thus ignores
<Ben_K> "Open that door!"
* MiriHawke sighs. "Why do I always think of music at the most inappropriate times...?" Miri pulls her knife and points it at the guard.
* Victoria_Aberdeen does notice people getting up, pointing guns
<MiriHawke> (It's a trend. Every time I start singing, bad things are going to happen)
* Victoria_Aberdeen pulls jason's handcannon out of her purse and also aims at the guard
<Victoria_Aberdeen> (Note, WHILE SITTING)
* PC_Roberts wakes up at the noise
<Anna> The guard furrows his brows and raises his arms, "Fine." He steps aside, gesturing towards the door.
* Victoria_Aberdeen gestures at Miri
<Victoria_Aberdeen> Go!
* MiriHawke hooks one of her arms through one of Seolla's and marches through the door.
* Seolla pushes past running towards the scream, pulling Miri along
* Victoria_Aberdeen keeps the gun drawn and raised, not really pointing at the guard though
* MiriHawke is dragged along, pushing her glasses up slightly to keep them on
* PC_Roberts stands up, and brushes past the guard
<MiriHawke> (>_> I forget about Miri's glasses about as often as I forget about my own)
* Ben_K rushes to the door.
<Anna> The door opens, and the room is revealed to be empty, though Jason's cries can be heard as though he were right next to you all.
* PC_Roberts glances around the room
<JasonT> ((...fuck.))
* MiriHawke scans the room for a sound-playing-device?
* Victoria_Aberdeen yells
<Victoria_Aberdeen> Look above!
* Ben_K looks up.
<Anna> There's nothing.
* Victoria_Aberdeen trains the gun onto the guard
* MiriHawke stares.
<Ben_K> What? Victoria? Are you okay?
* Seolla examines room
<Victoria_Aberdeen> WHERE IS HE!
* Ben_K examines the cabinets.
* MiriHawke starts stabbing at the air randomly with her knife
<Ben_K> (is this an RPg, or what? Examining everthing is usually not a horror flick thing)
* PC_Roberts checks for air ducts!
* Victoria_Aberdeen gets up, dragging her purse and then walks into the room with them, keeping the gun pointed at the guard
* PC_Roberts questions the guard "what's going on here?"
<Anna> The door slams shut suddenly. The cabinets are all empty. The light suddenly flickers, before going out. A few seconds later, it comes back on.
* Seolla examines room again
* Victoria_Aberdeen clutches the Handcannon tightly
<Victoria_Aberdeen> I
<Victoria_Aberdeen> Am
<Ben_K> WHAT?
<Victoria_Aberdeen> SO SICK OF THIS
* Victoria_Aberdeen kicks the door
<Ben_K> Damn lights.
* MiriHawke examines knife more closely. Anything otherwise outstanding about this thing?
<Anna> There's only one door out of the room, and it's the same one you entered through. But as Victoria kicks the door open, it reveals a dark, damp hallway, with lights dimly flickering. It's definitely not the hospital lobby, through which you entered.
<Victoria_Aberdeen> What the hell
<Anna> The knife is entirely unremarkable, except for the fact that it's silver. Like Ben's hand.
<MiriHawke> ...Teleport again!?
<Victoria_Aberdeen> Anyone got a flashlight?
<PC_Roberts> Where... what!?
<Ben_K> (Twilight zone tower at DisneyLand, much?)
* MiriHawke holds knife next to Ben's hand. "...shiiiiiiny."
* Ben_K pulls his hand away . . .
<MiriHawke> ...I'm not going to shank you, you know.
<Ben_K> Does my hand attreact violence?
<Seolla> Don't listen to her, she was thinking about it.
<Victoria_Aberdeen> Hello? Flashlight?
<Ben_K> Maybe magic things are all shiny.
<MiriHawke> ...That's not funny.
<Victoria_Aberdeen> I may be deaf but the rest of you are not!
* MiriHawke pouts
<MiriHawke> ...Oh right
<Ben_K> Flashlight?
* PC_Roberts cautiously steps into the hallway
* JasonT is still missing, you easily distracted fuckers!
<Victoria_Aberdeen> (*Stabs siber*)
* MiriHawke steps into the hallway and holds up her MP3 player. "Flashlight!"
* MiriHawke uses its screen to scan the area.
* Ben_K gets it and pulls out his PDA.
* Victoria_Aberdeen raises the handcannon and steps into the hallway as well, avoiding a spider web.
* Ben_K sets it to full backlight
<PC_Roberts> (is it a one way hallway?)
<Seolla> (what)
<Seolla> (oh, I see)
<Anna> The hallway is dark, and you can tell it's almost certainly underground. There are no windows, and the walls seem filthy, aged with rust, and dirt. You're at the end of the hall, so there's only one way to go.
* MiriHawke blinks and shrugs. "Let's go!" and points her knife forward.
<MiriHawke> (I can't believe that the archer suddenly turned into the tank)
* JasonT is now known as JamesT
<PC_Roberts> (HAHHA WOW)
* Seolla takes one more look around and starts down the hallway. "I hope this is a secret military base or something. They always have giant robots lying around in times of crises."
<Seolla> (crisis, dammit)
* MiriHawke frowns at Seolla. "I'm not a screaming emo teen. I don't get to pilot!"
<MiriHawke> All I'll ever be good for is the frickin' operator!
* Ben_K steps slowly behind Victoria. His gun is shaking in his silver hand.
* JamesT is still still missing, you easily distracted fuckers!
* MiriHawke kicks the hallway walls.
* PC_Roberts walks down the hallway, gun raised
<Seolla> "No, you're Minmay. Come on, let's go."
<PC_Roberts> (it isn't that hard to keep the plot moving, cmon)
* Victoria_Aberdeen steps along with them
<Anna> The wall seems to crumble a little beneath the kick. A ways down the hall there are large steel doors, and the sounds of people scratching at the doorways, pleading for release. None of them sound like Jason, though, and the hall continues further down.
* MiriHawke shudders at the thought.
* Seolla tries to listen for any unique sounds
* Victoria_Aberdeen does not hear anything, keeps stepping
* PC_Roberts glances at the door, and continues forward
<Ben_K> Well . . . do we open the door?
<Ben_K> There is a door here, people.
<Seolla> Which one?
<PC_Roberts> This is a hospital, and wierd shit has been going on.
<PC_Roberts> Maybe they're in there for a reason?
<Anna> There are several doors. Count-em five. Each one is about ten feet apart, and made of solid steel.
<MiriHawke> This isn't a hospital anymore... more like an asylum...
* Victoria_Aberdeen stops and places a hand on the door, she can feel their scratching
* Seolla walks to the second nearest, and knocks. "Hello? Can you hear me?"
<Victoria_Aberdeen> Lets get out of here
<PC_Roberts> I don't think we should split up.
* MiriHawke blinks at Seolla.
<PC_Roberts> No, we have to get... what's his name?
* JamesT is now known as Siber
<Ben_K> Jason?
* Ben_K knocks on a door
<Anna> Seolla hears Michelle on the other side of the door, "I can hear yooou... can you hear me?"
<Seolla> No I think it was James...
* MiriHawke staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaares.
* Ben_K turns on his heal to look at Seolla's door.
<Ben_K> (*heel)
* Seolla opens the door, without hesitation.
* PC_Roberts readies himself
<Anna> The door doesn't open. It's quite firmly sealed shut.
<Ben_K> (AFK a moment)
* MiriHawke pokes at the door with the knife?
<Anna> It's a steel door. Silver knife does nothing.
* Seolla studies how it's sealed
* Victoria_Aberdeen points the handcannon at the door
<Victoria_Aberdeen> How much you wana bet this can blast a engine block?
<Anna> Seolla's face suddenly emerges from the door, her ghostly figure warping slightly as it passes through solid steel, "Woah, that feels weird." She glances to Victoria, "Hey! Don't shoot!"
<Seolla> (Wait, Seolla?)
<PC_Roberts> (wtf)
<Anna> (Erm. Michelle's)
<Seolla> (k)
<Victoria_Aberdeen> (TYPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO)
<Anna> (Whoops)
* MiriHawke blinks at Michelle
* Victoria_Aberdeen keeps the gun trained
<Seolla> "Hey Mishi! That was pretty handy. What was back there?"
<Victoria_Aberdeen> You never answered my question last time, also, your a fucking ghost, what do you care about bullets?
* MiriHawke waves. "Hi there! Sorry about earlier, I got killed but got a respawn. At least she's okay, though?" and points at Seolla
<Anna> "Back where?" She asks Seolla, waving a hand dismissively at Victoria. She blinks at Miri's words, poking at her chest, "You died? But you're not dead? Weird."
* MiriHawke shrugs. "Respawn?"
* Victoria_Aberdeen fires at the damn ghost
<Seolla> (please don't hit me please don't hit me)
<MiriHawke> (did I feel the poke?)
<MiriHawke> (...please hit me please hit me LOL TANK)
<Anna> The bullet passes through Michelle harmlessly and... hits Miri in the head. He head explodes, quite literally, from the hand-cannon's blast, and she slumps to the ground. Michelle spins to face Victoria, glaring at her, "Are you fucking INSANE!? You just killed her! She's dead! AGAIN!"
* Victoria_Aberdeen shrugs
<Anna> (I actually rolled that, too. XD)
<MiriHawke> (...respawn pls)
<Victoria_Aberdeen> 5 bucks says she reginerates again
* MiriHawke slumps over
* MiriHawke crumples?
<PC_Roberts> Did I happen to rescue the only group of nutcases on the road?
<Victoria_Aberdeen> also, you was rather worried about being shot, you should have answered my damn question, god damn ghost
<Anna> As soon as Miri hits the ground, her head begins reforming, flesh and bone knitting itself together, brain matter reforming. It's quite disgusting.
* Victoria_Aberdeen points at the ghost
<Victoria_Aberdeen> HAH!
<Victoria_Aberdeen> YOu owe me five dollars
* Seolla doesn't really comprehend what just happened, nor the fact she is covered in brains and blood, and just stands there, blinking.
<Anna> Michelle stares at Miri blankly as she regenerates, then looks back to Victoria, "I know I'm dead, so I shouldn't be surprised, but... woah."
<Victoria_Aberdeen> (I am litteraly rolling here and laughing)
* Victoria_Aberdeen sticks tonge out at the ghost
<PC_Roberts> (hows that sanity going?)
<Victoria_Aberdeen> You said this was a game, maybe I should enjoy it eh?
* MiriHawke sweeps her legs at Victoria's shins.
* Victoria_Aberdeen jumps
* Victoria_Aberdeen points at Miri again
<Victoria_Aberdeen> Don't make me kill you again
* MiriHawke kicks at Victoria
<Seolla> was behind those doors?
* Victoria_Aberdeen jumps again and laughs
<Anna> Michelle frowns, "It's not a game. Miri here can recover from death, but that doesn't mean the rest of you can. And trust me, you don't want to die in this town..." She looks to Seolla, "Nothing you want to see... keep on walking. Your friend is further down the hall."
<Victoria_Aberdeen> I said stop before I shoot you again, or do you like the pain eh?
<MiriHawke> (Wait. Did I actually feel it when michelle poked me?)
<Anna> (Yes.)
* MiriHawke stares at her chest, around the spot where Michelle poked. "Did... did you just...?"
<Seolla> "One more thing, Mishi..." Seolla looks up, worried. "What did they do to you when they dragged you off earlier?"
* Victoria_Aberdeen lowers the gun and steps away a bit, she looks back at her past action
<Victoria_Aberdeen> What ... what am I doing?
<Victoria_Aberdeen> (Sainity check)
<Anna> Michelle bites her lower lip and shakes her head, slowly fading from view, "I'll look out for you as best I can... keep an eye on your friend, there. She's... losing it." She disappears. Victoria manages to regain her composure.
<Victoria_Aberdeen> (keep an eye on your friend, there. She's... losing it. < Who me?)
* Seolla looks down, clutching her pendant, not saying anything.
* MiriHawke puts an ear to Michelle's door to listen, while giving Seolla's free wrist a firm squeeze.
<Anna> (Sanity scores, from 1 to 10, are currently as follows: James 4, Miri 6, Seolla 4, Ben 4, Victoria 5, Roberts ?)
<Anna> There's only the sound of dripping on the other side of the door.
* Seolla jumps at the touch. "Eeek!"
<MiriHawke> (One sanity drop per respawn?)
<Anna> (Yup.)
* MiriHawke lets go abruptly. "Sorry!"
<MiriHawke> (Awww.)
<Seolla>, it's okay. I just was thinking. We should go find that guy.
<MiriHawke> Oh... oh, right. He's down the hall, isn't he?
<Seolla> If Michelle says so, he is.
<Anna> (Ben, Roberts, Victoria... care to join in?)
* Victoria_Aberdeen sighs, and stand up, her head down, she follows the rest
* MiriHawke nods, then hands Seolla her handkerchief . "Sorry about the mess..."
* Victoria_Aberdeen steps past Miri and Seolla, glancing sideways towards them, walks past them towards the end
<Seolla> "It's okay. It's probably worse for you to see it." Seolla wipes her face, following
* MiriHawke blinks, then starts giggling. _So that's where my violin skills went._ Then a painful wince. "I guess so..."
* Victoria_Aberdeen stops for a second and looks over her head at Miri
<Victoria_Aberdeen> Sorry about that .... I suppose
* MiriHawke smiles. "At least I'm okay, I think. At least you're a good shot?"
<Anna> You finally reach the end of the hall. There are two swinging doors. You see James lying on an operating table through the small windows in the door, two doctors soaked in his blood, cutting away at him with rusty, jagged and serrated instruments, occasionally pausing to pour some sort of water on the wounds, which causes them to heal. (Shall we stop there, guys? It seems like Ben and Roberts are distracted by other things, anyway, and it's been around three hours, now.)
<Seolla> Sure