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Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 3:51 am
by natan_j
(TGE perspective) After learning of the MRA and its member races from contact with the Scinfaxi, a diplomatic convoy was sent to make contact with the VSE. The mission of this convoy is to inquire about TGE involvment in this alliance, and to learn more about the threat of the To'hol Venaari Technocracy.
TNN: The Tul'tharian News Network wrote:Negotiations with the IVL are now underway, with Emperor Tevalsh offering a peace treaty with the IVL right in his opening statements. Other topics to be covered in the talks are border locations, extents of an alliance with the IVL, trade and information sharing agreements, and mutual aggression against the Preservers.

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 7:27 am
by Lizzie


Empress Elizabeth Brewster gave this following speech/announcement at Tas'roth III upon hearing that the Preservers had declared war upon the IVL for defending it's own sovereign borders. She has postponed negotiations with the TGE for a short time as she spoke these words.


PEOPLE OF THE IVL! After years of peace and rebuilding, we once again face war I'm sorry to say. A race of xenophobic hostiles known as the Preservers has declared war on us. What for? For defending our borders as they dared to invade our space with a armed convoy! While they claim it was for diplomatic purpose. Recordings from the battle show their ships were armed and primed for battle before ours even engaged them. And while a ambassador may be sent with a guard, he is not sent with a war worthy fleet.

These fools dare to invade our borders once, now they dare to declare war on us for doing what was our sovereign right to do? Nay, I say we show them Antarian might! I say we drive em back to the dark hole they came from!

The military force of the IVL, of Antaries, of the people! They stand ready to defend your homes and your lives. They stand ready to not only defend you from those who would wish to take your form of life away, but to also chase them down to the darkest corners of the galaxy and annihilate them!

Stand vigilant citizens! There are times of bloodshed ahead of us

Furthermore, after this announcement The empress sent a diplomatic envoy to the Scinfaxi empire to invite their leadership to treaty discussions at the very homeworld of the IVL itself, Antaries.

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 8:13 am
by AidanAdv
In response to the Empress of the IVL's invitation today, Emperor Skaalerg had this to say:

" We would be honored to deal with the leaders of the Imperium Van Lied. While the races of our galaxy and of others band together to fight the evils of the To'Hol Venaari and their puppet states, we find it saddening that xenophobes such as the Preservers seek to divide us. We hope that with the assistance of the IVL we can bring justice to those narrow minded fools who see themselves as the lords of the galaxy and the pinnacles of the biological processes. I also sincerely hope that we will be able to build a permanent relationship with the IVL and bring down trade barriers between out two nations.

Both my consuls and I are eager to meet with Empress Elizabeth Brewster in her capital and discuss the terms of a treaty. "

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 1:50 pm
by Lizzie
The response to the Scinfaxi from the empress regarding their positive answer:

Excellent. The proper jump co-ordinates will be sent to you shortly as well as orders to the IVL fleet to allow your passage, however the latter will be sent first to assure your not fired upon when you enter IVL space.

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 1:28 am
by ArcaneDude
---Official communiqué///MRA council---

We are happy to receive the TGE convoy at Octanosis, our makeshift capital. We know in fact very little about the To'Hol Venaari Technocracy, except for this;

Proper hyperspace coordinates to Octanosis are added to this message, although we recommend that you use the nearest Wormhole Network relay, for the sake of handling this with as little delay as possible.

---Message ends---

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 3:02 pm
by natan_j
(TGE perspective)
TNN: The Tul'tharian News Network wrote:The TGE convoy to the VSE has successfully arrived at Octanosis, after only a few uneventful hours of travel. Talks are expected to start shortly, aimed to gain the TGE membership in the MRA, which could be the next great achievement of our race. Meanwhile, the TGE-IVL negotiations are now underway, after several short delays. More news on both of these events later, at 1800 hours.
The TGE diplomats have inquired about TGE membership in the MRA, expressing that full TGE support against the To'Hol Venaari would be provided, both militarily and economically.

Emperor Tevalsh has offered peace with the IVL, under the terms of open trade or information and goods, ceding of current TGE territorial claims to current IVL ones, continued mutual aggression against the Preservers, and mutual military aid in times of need.
TNN: The Tul'tharian News Network wrote:In other news, a joint Scinfaxi-ITN task force has eradicated the last remaining known Preserver colonies in TGE space, at Ashem IV and Skelia IV. Oddly, they were largely abandoned, with minor forces in place, which fled at the sight of the ITN-Scinfaxi approach. The colonies on the surface were fired upon by several Preserver vessels before they fled, probably to keep the targets from falling into TGE hands. This worries Admiral Ostian Buretvor, who fears that this is a sign of increased Preserver security, probably resulting in the loss of TGE spies and the already limited ability to track Preserver actions.
Salvage missions are already underway, and Admiral Ostian hopes that something important will be found during the search.

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 4:24 am
by ArcaneDude
---Diplomatic packet to TGE engotiators---

In response to your qeury about fully-fledged membership into the MRA, we're afraid that it's not possible yet. So far, all our allies have been kept strictly away from our worlds, simply for medical reasons. Our allies and medical departements are working on a cure, but progress has been slow. For the same reason, we cannot yet accept other members.

You are already a valuable ally. We cannot afford to send your people to the same predicament we are now in because of the Technocracy. We are sorry.

Bellaron Tenehbrin, MRA diplomatic officer


Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 4:28 am
by natan_j
[OOC] Alright, what does this mean for me? Will I still be able to participate in the fight against the THVT, or was I just sidelined to fight the Preservers alone? I'm more or less fine with either scenario (AD, you probably know why), but it wasn't that clear from your post. What I meant by 'join the MRA', was a military and economical alliance between the TGE and the MRA at the least, not such full membership that TGE space would be labeled as MRA space on the map Ara's making.
Anyways, time for attempt #3 on that Preserver ship...

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 4:07 pm
by ArcaneDude
[OOC]If you're just looking for an alliance, that's of course possible. Slight difference between full membership and that.


---Diplomatic package to TGE negotiators---

I am sorry for this misunderstanding, the terminology in your message was unclear. An economical and military alliance is of course possible. I am forwarding the terms in this message;

Code: Select all



-TGE markets will be opened for trade with all and any MRA member party. In turn, all MRA party markets will be opened for TGE trade and export. 


-TGE medical institutes will engage research in curing the Technocracy nanoplague, if possible they will put their finest medical and nanotechnology researchers behind the effort.


-In the war against the To'Hol Venaari Technocracy, TGE naval command structure will coordinate any effort with the MRA supreme command, in order to ensure a swift coordination between separate fleets and armies.

-TGE military contingents will be dispatched when or if MRA territory is under assault or siege by Technocracy forces. Exceptions are;

*All TGE military contingents are involved in the defense of TGE or TGE allied territory other than MRA territory. 

*Engagement of enemy forces by TGE reinforcements can only result in Pyrrhic victory.

In turn, MRA military contingents will be dispatched when requested by TGE command. Same conditions and exceptions are valid.

We hope that these terms and conditions are accepteable. If you wish us to add an extra clausule or modify a condition, please forward your request to us, and we will see whether the change can be implemented. I hope to hear from you soon.

Bellaron Tenehbrin, MRA diplomatic officer

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 2:56 am
by natan_j
[OOC] Yeah, I guess applying for full membership would be more or less the same as me donating my faction to you. :P
-- TGE reply to the VSE --
The terms laid out are acceptable, though to provide on the medical research, close collaboration will be necessary, as the TGE has no prior knowledge of or data on the THV nanoplague. The TGE economy shall be opened to the MRA immediately. New focus shall be given to the construction of shipyard complexes, as TGE space has not been ravaged by previous wars, and is prime and unexploited. The TGE fleet is still being prepared, and flotillas will be sent to MRA aid as soon as they are completed. No expense shall be spared in war preparations against the Technocracy and its allies.
-Didius Etild, TGE chief diplomat