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Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 9:28 pm
by TrashMan
I was partially referring to Sword of the Stars - it has very simple, yet powerful economics, production and movement.

A RP has to be kept simple, ti's not a game that has automatic processing of numbers.

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 3:39 am
by Normandy
What? I see one mathematical formula. I don't know if you automatically think 'hueg mathematical problem'? I don't see what's the problem here with calculating movement, something I'll do for you if you wish (should you have the proper infrastructure), or with 5 resources.

5 resources. Big whoop. I have 9 periods in my school day, I'm not 'overwhelmed by the amount of subjects I'm taking'. So please, if you do believe you don't have the ability needed to perform simple logic, please stop posting in this thread and scaring away potential players. Or at least try the game before bad-mouthing it. Neither of you have even attempted to play it, so you have no rights to speak. When you're "bogged down with all the numbers involved", then you can speak. So far only 1 player has had the right to say it, and he admitted it, and I helped him play the game.

Those are some pretty damn big buildings... I'll let you have them if you agree to having a large disadvantage as far as combat goes early game, since everybody knows the little guy beats the big guys in RPs...

Also, you will have a set amount of ships, but combat will still be played out through role-play.

It'll be something like this:

Side A brings in 25 Zelus class Gunboats
Side B brings in 4 Hestia class Destroyers and 10 Thetis class Patrol Craft
(begin roleplay)
Player A: The Zelus charge wildly in, attacking in an all-out assault.
Player B: The Hestia activate their special deflector shields and take the brunt of the charge from the Thetis, and then the Thetis proceed to launch a counterattack upon the Zelus
Person A: The Zelus recoil from the counterattack, but then regroup and charge again
[tick ends]
GM: Total losses for Side A - 9 Zelus
Total losses for Side B - 1 Hestia

Player A: The Zelus continue attacking, but this time skip over the Hestias and go straight for the weaker Thetis
Player B: The Thetis begin retreating, and the Hestia give chase to the Zelus
[tick ends]
GM: The Thetis are slaughtered by the much faster Zelus, but in the charge, many Zelus are destroyed by Hestias shooting from behind.
Total losses for Side A - 11 Zelus
Total losses for Side B - 7 Thetis

Player B: The Zelus retreat
(Combat ends).

Also, yes, you are limited to the weapon types I gave, but you are not limited to any special abilities you may choose.

Might want to read the scale a little bit more (credits are much less valuable than resources, and crystals are really expensive). I have added some new comparisons on it, so be sure to adjust your craft.

Whoops, I forgot to include build time, sorry. Check it again. Also, check the in-game rules changes to see a few new rules devoted towards ship-building.

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 3:59 am
by TrashMan
All I'm saying is that I played games lie these and all those numbers chrunching doesn't enhance gameplay at least.

And what happens when you control 20 systems? Basicely to keep it streamlined and simple.
Heck, one could use BSF to resolve battles (but only if the fleets were really small). Alltough I'm all for resolving battles via RP.

And range isn't the only number chrunching - you got a lot of stats for ships, buildings, you got production. What are those numbers for - looking pretty?
Is ship production governed by available metal, ore and stuff? then it's numbers chrunching.

And hte reason I'm asking this stuff and posting is because I'm contemplating on joining, but I want to make sure it's an enjoyable experience for everyone. I've seen far too many uber-ambitious RP projects crash and burn.

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 4:10 am
by Anarki
Normandy wrote: @Anarki:
Those are some pretty damn big buildings... I'll let you have them if you agree to having a large disadvantage as far as combat goes early game, since everybody knows the little guy beats the big guys in RPs...
Wait, what? You mean the costs?

I meant them to have lower credit costs but higher resource costs; so I used the values in your first post and the scales in the second post for my scales.

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 4:12 am
by Normandy
Yes, in fact they are for looking pretty.

What, you think I have this great amount of processing ability on my side, checking to make sure that every single number, down to the decimal, is accounted for perfectly? They're just a scale for myself so that I can better moderate the RP. Case in point, which battle seems easier to resolve? -

The battle with:
A bunch of Zelus-class Patrol Craft versus a bunch of Hestia-class Destroyers?

Or the battle with:
25 Zelus-class Patrol Craft, which have:
500 hull integrity
1.7k engine strength
900 laser weaponry
700 armor strength


4 Hestia-class Destroyers, which have:
2.5k hull integrity
3.6 engine strength
1.2k mass driver weaponry
0.7k laser weaponry
1.1k armor strength
700 shield strength

Well, I mean the scope of the buildings. ChaosTheory's buildings are a good scale of a small-ish feel. Your buildings have a much large-ish feel.

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 7:04 am
by ChaosTheory
Well, I'm glad my scale is satisfactory.

I'm going to assume 10 ships is the maximum my "medium" shipyard can build at once. (5 = small, 20 = large?)

A few more ships:

Name: Argos-class Destroyer
Description: Heavy on the weapons, not to much armor, and it stands guard over HQ until somehting more powerful can be built.
---Special abilty: none
Design Specs:
---Hull Integrity - 3k
---Cargo Space - 20k
---Engine Strength - 4k
---Laser Weaponry - 5k
---Mass Driver Weaponry - 3k
---Explosive Wepaonry - 3k
---Armor Strength - 3k
---Shield Strength - 2k

(are these good specs for a weapon-heavy Destoyer?) The ME has 1 Destroyer stationed near HQ.

Name: Phalanx-class defensive station
Description: These stations are a top-of-the-line prefab construction originally built by Myrr Industries but not deployed yet. They are generally placed around important places and are a safe haven for Myrr troops and civilians in a battle.
---Special abilty: adds +10% armor and shields to any ships in square
Design Specs:
---Hull Integrity - 10k
---Cargo Space - 50k
---Engine Strength - 0
---Laser Weaponry - 2k
---Armor Strength - 10k
---Shield Strength - 10k

The Myrr Empire is assumed to have 4 of these, stationed 2-4 (your choice, what ever you think will work best) units north, south, east, and west of HQ.

Name: Falcon3-class fighter
Description: Fast and potent, these little buggers are crewed by 1 person and fly too fast for slow-moving mass driver weaponry to track and can often evade slow explosions as well.
---Special abilty: 75% invulnerabilty to MDW, 50% invulnerabilty to EW.
Design Specs:
---Hull Integrity - 1k
---Cargo Space - 250
---Engine Strength - 2k
---Laser Weaponry - 750
---Armor Strength - 500

5 of these are in position at each Phalax station, plus 5 at HQ, for a total of 25, with 10 more on-order after the freighters are finished.

Will you announce the start/stop of a tick, or will you just call it one day = one tick?

And you never answered my question about the "espionage center".

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 7:07 am
by derekiv
I suggest 1 tick = around 1-2 days
or once everyone has made all available moves.

P.S. What does OCC mean?

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 7:46 am
by Normandy
OOC, get the acronym right =.=
It means "Out of Character"

It's a pretty big ship, but yeah, it'll be a destroyer if we stretch it a little.

Whoops. To your espionage center question, yes, it'd be something like that. Keep in mind however that I do reserve the right to release your information to others should they conduct espionage on you.

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 8:18 am
by derekiv

Onto other news:
I up dated my first post.
Here is a copy of what it says.(Subject to change. Soon)
derekiv wrote: Faction:

Name of Faction: Jagatharian Republic (Jagatharian Republic of Free Peoples.
But they only put that name on paperwork. And school textbooks.)

Faction History:
Originally a colony settle from the original Earth, the planet started to prosper with the discovery that the soil causes all Terran
life forms to live exponentially longer. Made fortunes exporting the
planet's trees, which were what created the soil. Eventually the inevitable
happened: the mass wave of immigration. With the rising prices of
Jagatharian trees and soil, the middle class man could no longer afford it.
They saw immigrating as an easy way to live forever. As the ships started
heading towards Jagathar, the Jagatharians closed there borders and enforced a immigration blockade. After 1 day any unauthorized ship
heading towards Jagathar would be destroyed with extreme prejudice.
After the first hundred foolish immigrants ignored this warning and were
killed the other immigrants realized that the Jagatharians were serious,
they gave up there foolish venture. Jagathar then opened its border to
merchant vessels and selected immigrants. The selection process for the
new immigrants was designed to make sure the only the best and the
brightest became a citizen. Each year, the selection process got harder and harder as the number of slots went down.

Soon, it was realized that anyone born on Jagathar had no need to
remain to have an extended life-span. Suddenly, every expecting mother
wanted to be on Jagathar, however temporarily, to have there children.
The Jagatharians once again only allowed the best and brightest to enter, but this time the slots were pretty much infinite.

Leader Name: Derek (In culture, no-one has a last name. due to computerization everyone has a serial number along with a name, disposing of the need for last names)

Leader Description: Voted into power as the second President of the
Jagatharian Republic of Free peoples. He has been in power for 341 years.
Under him the economy has prospered and free trade has flourished. Has
a very lenient regime and dislikes excessive penalties. The current max
sentence for any crime is 200 years in prison. Considering Jagatharians live for a few thousand years, this isn't much. (In human terms, this is equivalent to around 1 year and jail.)


Name : Shipyard Zypher Prime
Proposed Cost: 15bc, 40m metal, 7.5m mineral, 75 crystals
Proposed Build Time: 12 ticks
Proposed Use Cost: 5mc / tick
Proposed Usage:To build ships up to the dreadnought class
Description: The original shipyard built over Jagathar, it has slowly
expanded over the course of Jagatharian history. It has sections devoted
to nearly every class and the only thing it can't make is really large ships.
Like monoliths and the like.

Name :
Orbital Metal Production Facility
Proposed Cost: 1bc, 25m metal, 8m mineral, 5 crystals
Proposed Build Time: 7 ticks
Proposed Use Cost: Self-Sustaining
Proposed Usage:Collect Ore from Jagathar's asteroid field and
refines it into metal, mineral, and crystal. Produces 50m metal/tick, 25m mineral/tick, and 250 crystals/tick.
Description: Designed to mine the asteroid fields surrounding
Jagathar. It uses a unique system of delivery to get the raw materials for
warships to the shipyard. The station rotates to create a gravity for the
facility. The facility has a long boom hanging of the side. When the boom gets into position, it releases the material and the metal keeps its
momentum and flies towards the shipyard, where it is caught by
automated drones. People often bet on whether or not the drone will catch
the flying materials. Some more pessimistic people bet on whether or not the drone will be destroyed by the flying raw materials. It is unheard off
for the drone to be ripped apart by the sheer kinetic energy of the flying

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 1:45 pm
by Anarki
I am withdrawing from this.

Honestly, it seems pointless.

Too complex.

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 5:50 am
by Squishy
Two questions:

How do you refuel ships?

What happens if a group of ships find themselves without a inkling of fuel while travelling?

Name of Faction: Maklov Corperation

Faction History: A recent conglomeration of local companies in various industries, specifically those in the aerospace and military. Consisting of various well-to-do systems that have been (un)willingly coerced into joining by their respective resident companies, the corperation has begun heavy research and development in far too many fields to name; thusly requiring an expansion to obtain the necessary resources needed for this progress, which will undoubtly cause some ire in the near future.

Leader Name: Larry Dikuad the sixty-ninth, current representative of the Maklov Board of Douc... Directors.

Leader Description: A series of assholes taking turns running things. Like a giant circle jerk. As of now Larry holds the reigns and straps.


Name: Calculated Rapid Assembly Plant
Proposed Cost: 200 mc, 50k metal, 150k minerals, 100 crystals
Proposed Build Time: 5 Ticks
Proposed Use Cost: 200k credits maintenance/tick, refines 200k metal per tick (per 200 ore). Repair and refuels ships.
Proposed Usage: 5% Bonus. Builds small ships, medium ships, large ships, satellites, and stations. Refines metals on the side.
Description: Following the same philosophy as its mining sibling, the plant is a medium scale shipyard that requires minimal maintenance and manning. All repetitve and routine construction is taken care of by automation, covering from basic components to the final design itself. The structure is a morphing, self-collapsing machine. In other words it can expand or shrink in size in order to accomodate small fighters to large space stations. Coordinating efforts with nearby resource and manpower facilities allow 'just-in-time' arrival of materials to build ships and the crew to man them, which explains the overall petite mass of the plant.

Name: Highly Efficient Refinement Processing Extraction System
Proposed Cost: 100m credits, 50k metal, 75k minerals, 200 crystals
Proposed Build Time: 5 Ticks
Proposed Use Cost: 250k credits maintenance/tick,
Proposed Usage: 75k units of ore, 150k units of minerals and 100 units of crystals per tick. Repairs and refuels ships.
Description: Considered to be a grand gathering of pinnacles in mining technology and technique, this a medium scale space station that requires minimal maintenence and crew, able to obtain large amounts of resource deposits with little waste, trouble and effort thanks to an especially fine-tuned network of advanced AI normally present in all corperation structures. It is able simultaneously arrange for a constant inflow of raw material from mining ships and outflow of cargo to supply ships, resembling an interstellar beehive from afar.

Name: Federal Administration Government
Proposed Cost: 150m credits, 50k units of metal, 100k units of minerals, 200 units of crystals
Proposed Build Time: 7 Ticks
Proposed Use Cost: 50k maintenance/tick, obtains fuel from private companies for 25 credits per unit of fuel.
Proposed Usage: +5% income from taxes, recruits from various PDF/firms and enlists volunteers from the population, screens and trains them. Obtains fuel on the side.
Description: An epicenter of bureaucratic activity for the corperation. It is able to efficiently process the manpower, skill and talent for all manner of careers that support the corperation's agenda. In this case there are military, R&D, and exploratary departments. Each structure is able to process the budgets of a limited amount of interrelated daily operations, which results in less costs and overall quicker productivity, effectively translating to about 5% tax increase for the entire corperation for each of these stations in place.

Name: Research And Development Institution / Central Archive Library
Proposed Cost: 200m credits, 75k units of metals, 50k units of minerals, 500 units crystals
Proposed Build Time: 10 Ticks
Proposed Use Cost: No maintenance, but each cumulative research project undertaken will cost 25m credits, 10k units of metal, 20k units of minerals and 50 crystals a tick (pending),
Proposed Usage: Can obtain upgrades that will reduce costs, increase resource production, reduce intergalactic build time, improve ships/stations design specs and allows introduction of new types of ships and infrastructure at the cost of resources and time.
Description: A hub of academic research and extensive collection of data, information, knowledge and wisdom. Several of these facilities work in conjunction to vastly improve current toys of the corporation, as well as coming up with new ones. Each station is able to work in tandem with other facilities to reduce the completion time of a focused project, or work singularly on their own.

Name: Elite Ace EXtreme Academy
Proposed Cost: 100m credits, 75k units of metals, 75k units of minerals, 150 units of crystals.
Proposed Build Time: 6 Ticks
Proposed Use Cost: 100k credits/tick, development of new pilot abilities extra.
Proposed Usage: Produces experienced and skills individuals that can exploit the special abilities of some ships, or bring their own tactical prowess in service to the corporation.
Description: Volunteers and promising individuals have the oppurtunity to cultivate their skills. Allowing them to function efficiently and harmoniously with their machines, able to perform difficult maneuvers and bring out a ship's fullest potential. The overall effect on the corporation's military forces can turn the tides between two evenly matched forces in their favour.

Name: Unnamed FTL Catapult
Proposed Cost: ?
Proposed Build Time: 20 Ticks
Proposed Use Cost: ?
Proposed Usage: At the heavy cost of credits, minerals and crystals depending on the ship size and distance of destination, it can basically fling the ships safely into far away sectors.
Description: At least it isn't a planet sized GDI Ion Cannon.

Name: Astrometric Observatory
Proposed Cost: ?
Proposed Build Time: 15 Ticks
Proposed Use Cost: ?
Proposed Usage: Spy on enemy controlled sectors, and can keep track of enemy fleet movements. More targets to keep an eye on means higher costs.
Description: I can see your house from here.


Name: Chameleon Freightor
Description: A luxury model converted and downgraded (stripping of non-perfoming details) into a cargo ship. The ship features several protuding devices known as 'Solar Wind Sails' that allow it to capture the movement of tidal phenomena in space, using it as it means of propulsion. Powerful engines were added onto the design just incase the ponderous, if economic, movement provided by the sails do not provide the speed needed.
Design Specs: [see down a little bit]
Hull Integrity - 2k
Cargo Space - 25k
Engine Strength - 5k

Laser Weaponry - 0
Mass Driver Weaponry - 0
Explosive Weaponry - 0
Shield Strength - 1k
Armor Strength - 1k
Fuel Transfer: Facilitates transfer of fuel between friendly ships in the sector.
Stealth Device: The freightor is last to be targetted if there are sufficient friendly forces to tie up would-be attackers.
(needs research) Solar Wind Sales: By harnessing the power of the 'tides of space', the ship is able to make use of favourable winds move about. The ship is able to move at 50% engine strength without any fuel cost. The mode of movement can only be chosen at the beginning of each tick, requiring travel to be made entirely in one method or the other during each tick, but can switched as many times as there are ticks required to traverse space.

Name: Stealth Tactics Undetectable Forward Fighter
Description: Designed for covert operations, recon and sabotage, they can perform in independent groups or participate in battles by intervening in favour of their more visible siblings.
Design Specs: [see down a little bit]
Hull Integrity - 250
Cargo Space - 500
Engine Strength - 1k

Laser Weaponry - 500
Mass Driver Weaponry - 0
Explosive Weaponry - 0
Shield Strength - 0
Armor Strength - 0
Cloaking Device: The location of a homogeneous group of stealth fighters can only be revealed to an enemy if the enemy has a ship occupying (if by chance) the same sector or an adjacent one. In battle, they're the last to be take damage if the battle involves other friendly ships.
EMP Hit and Run (Pilot Ability): In a battle, each ship has a chance disable the engines of an enemy ship for one tick; larger engines being harder. Taking this option will half the ship's Laser Weaponry for the battle.
Opportunistic Asshattery (Pilot Ability): By attacking from odd angles, good timing and without warning, each stealth fighter can bypass shielding and armor with their laser weaponry.

Name: Heavy Interdiction Vector Interceptor
Description: Tough, long range fightercraft with the expressed role of vanguard roles, tying up enemy forces or chasing down agile targets.
Design Specs: [see down a little bit]
Hull Integrity - 1k
Cargo Space - 1k
Engine Strength - 5k

Laser Weaponry - 250
Mass Driver Weaponry - 750
Explosive Weaponry - 250
Shield Strength - 1k
Armor Strength - 0
Vector Drive: Allows the fighter to jump to an adjacent sector without fuel cost, once per tick.
Crippling Attack Formation (Pilot Ability): Each of these ships participating in battle have the ability to inflict 250 points worth of weaponry or engine strength damage on surviving enemy craft after battle, regardless if the fighter survives the battle. Target must be declared out of the three categories of weapons or engines, the latter being the default option. This damage is applied after the battle; it will undoubtly affect their movement in the map and their lethality in subsequent battles. Victim ships will use less fuel according how much their engines have been cut down. Damage is allocated by GM as seen fit, and is cumulative.

Name: Ballistic Offense Method Bomber
Design Specs: [see down a little bit]
Hull Integrity - 1k
Cargo Space - 1k
Engine Strength - 5k

Laser Weaponry - 250
Mass Driver Weaponry - 0
Explosive Weaponry - 1k
Shield Strength - 0
Armor Strength - 1k
Momentum Launchers: Prior to full battle engagement, targetting equipment and acceleration thrusters allows each bomber to toss 1k worth explosive weaponry damage onto the enemy, without danger to themselves. Any damage suffered by the victims carries over into the main battle. Taking this action will require all bombers to participate, as well as effectively reducing their Explosive Weaponry to 0 during the main battle, relying only on Laser Weaponry to fight.
Tangent Strike (Pilot Ability): Complicated combat maneuvers and targetting allow each pilot to figure out the most efficient way to inflict damage. Every 25 Hull Integrity present among the enemy fleet's total increases each bomber's Explosive Weaponry by 1. This option is useless if Momentum Launchers are used.

Name: Area Interception/Denial Satellite
Description: Revolutionary defense platorm that creates fields of semi-intelligent mines in its field on control. While these mines are easily avoided, they're designed in a manner that discourages firing upon them due to directional claymore effect, and forces ships to make wide detours around them while allowing clear passage of friendly ships.
Design Specs: [see down a little bit]
Hull Integrity - 10k
Cargo Space - 25k
Engine Strength - 0

Laser Weaponry - 5k
Mass Driver Weaponry - 5k
Explosive Weaponry - 5k
Shield Strength - 5k
Armor Strength - 5k
Gravitc Impeder: As described by GM, reduced stacking for each satellite.
(Research?) Passage Obstruction Caltrop Field: Enemy ships entering, passing through, or sitting in an occupied sector recieve +1 fuel consumption penalty, increases per satellite present within the sector.

Name: Heavy Utility Environmental Grid station
Description: A self sufficient space habitat, practically a city.
Design Specs: [see down a little bit]
Hull Integrity - 250k
Cargo Space - 500k
Engine Strength - 0

Laser Weaponry - 100k
Mass Driver Weaponry - 100k
Explosive Weaponry - 100k
Shield Strength - 200k
Armor Strength - 200k
Populated: Intrinsically counts as a star sytem.
Defensive Countermeasures: Relatively resistant to electronic warfare, and is able to negate the mass driver and explosive weaponry of enemy ships in the sector to some degree.

Name: Light Ordnance Laser Interception corvette.
Description: A new generation of defensive attack ships utilizing laser and beam technology to destroy incoming enemy fire.
Design Specs:
Hull Integrity - 2.5k
Cargo Space - 5k
Engine Strength - 2.5k

Laser Weaponry - 5k
Mass Driver Weaponry - 0
Explosive Weaponry - 0
Shield Strength - 1.5k
Armor Strength - 1.5k
Defense Maser: Each ship temporarily reduces 250 worth of Explosive weaponry of enemies in battle. Cannot function simultaneously with Repulsor Charge. Intention of use must declared before battle, if not then one is randomly chosen.
Repulsor Charge: Each ship temporarily reduces 250 worth of Mass Driver weaponry of enemies in battle. Cannot function simultaneously with Defense Maser. Intention of use must declared before battle, if not then one is randomly chosen.
Coordinated Laser Flank (Pilot Ability): By diverting power from the ship's two defensive measures, the ship can increase the power of its weapons and agility in battle and take positions to wreak havoc on a target's weak side, effectively doubling Laser Weaponry for the battle.

Name: Rapid Assault and Precise Elimination destroyer.
Description: Designed to prey on shielded, important and/or weak targets via focused fire.
Design Specs:
Hull Integrity - 5k
Cargo Space - 7.5k
Engine Strength - 5k

Laser Weaponry - 5k
Mass Driver Weaponry - 5k
Explosive Weaponry - 0
Shield Strength - 5k
Armor Strength - 1k
Pinpoint Targetting Systems: Integration and coordination with fleet wide tracking and targetting reduces the ability of enemy agile ships to avoid taking damage. Each additional corvette confering a reduced stacking effect. This ability is default, and exclusive to Focus Fire.
Focus Fire (Pilot Ability): Damage dealt by this class of ships is given priority to chosen target (made clear before battle). Pinpoint Targetting Systems effect is ignored if this option is taken.

Name: Heavy Ordinance Mass Obliteration cruiser.
Description: Multi-directional assault ship.
Design Specs:
Hull Integrity - 7.5k
Cargo Space - 10k
Engine Strength - 7.5k

Laser Weaponry - 7.5k
Mass Driver Weaponry - 0
Explosive Weaponry - 7.5k
Shield Strength - 1.5k
Armor Strength - 7.5k
Long Range Torpedo Salvo: Inflict 7.5k worth of explosive weaponry damage to an enemy group in an adjacent sector, at the cost of having 0 explosive weaponry for that tick, even in battle.
Indiscrimenate Barrage Pattern (Pilot Ability): If this ability is utilized, damage dealt by this class of ships in battle is spread out and divided evenly to all enemy targets. Leftover overkill damage from a weak target is redistributed in the same manner to remaining targets. Repeat until all damage has been dealt. Damage modifiers with regards to shielding and armor plating are applied as normal. The intention to use this ability must be declared, as it is not used by default. If Long Range Torpedo Salvo has been used this tick, only the 7.5k laser weaponry is taken into account.

Name: Colony Battlecarrier
Description: Fleet carrier with colonization abilities. Increases a fleet's self-sufficiency.
Design Specs:
Hull Integrity - 15k
Cargo Space - 100k
Engine Strength - 25k

Laser Weaponry - 15k
Mass Driver Weaponry - 5k
Explosive Weaponry - 5k
Shield Strength - 10k
Armor Strength - 10k
Colonize: Spread the human infection to another star system.
Special Cargo Hold: Intrinsically can carry satellites and smaller ships.
Repair Bays: Limited repair ability at the cost of some minerals, metal and crystal as appropriate.
Fuel Transfer: Transfer fuel between ships.

Name: unnamed Battlecruiser class
Description: In development by R&D, will be available and finalized after sufficient research by player.
Design Specs:
Hull Integrity - 10k
Cargo Space - 15k
Engine Strength - 10k

Laser Weaponry - 10k
Mass Driver Weaponry - 15k
Explosive Weaponry - 15k
Shield Strength - 5k
Armor Strength - 5k

Name: unnamed Dreadnought class
Description: In development by R&D, will be available and finalized after sufficient research by player.
Design Specs:
Hull Integrity - 20k
Cargo Space - 25k
Engine Strength - 15k

Laser Weaponry - 20k
Mass Driver Weaponry - 20k
Explosive Weaponry - 20k
Shield Strength - 10k
Armor Strength - 10k

Name: unnamed Juggernaut class
Description: In development by R&D, will be available and finalized after sufficient research by player.
Design Specs:
Hull Integrity - 50k
Cargo Space - 40k
Engine Strength - 30k

Laser Weaponry - 25k
Mass Driver Weaponry - 50k
Explosive Weaponry - 50k
Shield Strength - 25k
Armor Strength - 25k
I claim the left edge, 11 sectors from the bottom border. Oh and start me off with Colony Battlecarriers if that's cool.

Update edit.

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 6:16 am
by Himura.Kenshin

Other than that it's a fucking RP.

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 6:42 am
by ChaosTheory
Squishy wrote:Molesterbation Corperation
Um . . . yeah . . .

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 8:05 am
by derekiv
Please get rid of that.

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 9:05 am
by TrashMan

Vaynar Allaince

Descendants of one of the first massive colony ships built by man, the Symphony of Stars. It was supposed to bring the best and the brightest humanity had to offer to form a sprawling new colony, but the ship suffered a major malfunction and got lost in space. Only trough the courage and ingenuity of the crew (who held the ship operational and stretched the equipment beyond what everyone thought possible) did the ship finally managed to find a habitable planet.

The Vaynarans had to resort to genetic engineering and unorthodox scientific solutions to survive. A average vaynaran is physicly superior to a ordinary human and far more resistant to deseases and poisons, but is less fertile.
To offset their smaller numbers, they emphaisise quality over quantity. They are probably the technologicly most advanced faction, and their ships are well balanced in every aspect but expensive.

Leader name:
Maxwell Forsythe

The Allaince (only by name - there are no separate entities in it) is governed by the High Lord (or Altor). An Altor is selected from a group of candidates by the Senate after a series of tests.
To be elected into a group one must be a (relativly young) man of nigh impecalbe honor – anyone who enters into this group is held in high regard by any Vaynaran. The chosen in the group are then subjected to a series of tests to prove their worth.
The Senate itself is elected by the people and it is lead by the three high senators, which are also the Altors advisors. As an unwritten rule, only old, wise and honourable vaynaran are supposed to fill this position. The Senate has power mostly over internal affairs and it's job is to advise the Altor and bring laws. It can also remove theAltor from power if a 2/3 majority for that motion can be achived, however that has never happened so far, and indeed it would be a very drastic mesure given their ideas of honor.


Whitehall Starbase
Proposed Cost: 20bc, 60m metal, 10m mineral, 100 crystals
Proposed Build Time: 12 ticks
Proposed Use Cost: 5mc / tick
Proposed Usage: Central shipyard and orbital military HQ
Description: A station of colossal proportions. Consists of a massive shipyard that can build all sizes and classes of ship and several multi-purpose sections, habitat sections, cargo sections, the military HQ and fighterbays.
- Energy Weapons (anti-fighter) - 5k
- Mass Drivers - 30k

Omega Ops Facility
Proposed Cost: 100mc, 10m metal, 20m mineral, 500 crystals
Proposed Build Time: 7 ticks
Proposed Use Cost: 5m credits/tick
Proposed Usage: Commando training facility & research centre
Description: hidden facility used as HQ and training ground for the Task Force Omega - a special breed of elite warriors of the alliance.
Subjected volountarily to heavy genetic modifications they are superhuman in every sense of the word (think WH:40k Space Marines) and equipped with the best technology available.
The facility also handles some research on the equipment, alltough most of it is done in other facilities.

Planetary Defense Network
Proposed Cost: 100mc, 10m metal, 20m mineral, 500 crystals
Proposed Build Time: 7 ticks
Proposed Use Cost: 10m credits/tick, 30m when active
Proposed Usage: Planetary Defense
Description: A series of linked missile bunkers spread over the entire planet and orbital defense satellites. Missiles provide coordinated long-range, high payload missile strikes, while satellites utilize mass drivers and lasers for closer ranges.
Ability: Does X damage to all enemy ships for each turn spent in the system?


Archangel Class Heavy Battleship

Description: Pride of the Vaynar alliance, there is only one currently in service due to the obscene cost and build time. The massive beheemoth is designed as old earth battleship, having mountains of armor and firepower, but still retaining surprising speed and manuverabilty for something so large. It can concetrate up to 60% of it's main firepower at any point in space, making flanking impossible, and up to 90% if broadsiding.


Design Specs:
Hull Integrity: 100k
Cargo: 200k
Engine Strength: 1.5m
Laser Weaponry: 5k
Mass Driver Weaponry: 75k
Exploisive Weaponry: 75k
Shield Strength: 100k
Armor Strength: 100k
Special Ability: Turreted weaponry

Phoenix class Advanced fighter
Description: Initially designed to fully replace the Warhawk, the Phoenix, while far superior in every way, was also incredibly expensive. For this reason Phoenix fighters are reserved for elite fighter wings only.


Design Specs:
---Hull Integrity - 2k
---Cargo Space - 250
---Engine Strength - 2k
---Laser Weaponry - 400
---Driver Weaponry - 400
---Armor Strength - 500
---Shield Strength - 500
Special ability: Overcharge


Warhawk fighter
Description: The most common fighter in the VA arsenal. While it lacks the extras most VA ships have, it's designed to be easy to mantain and reliable (think AK-47 in space)

---Special ability: NONE
Design Specs:
---Hull Integrity - 800
---Cargo Space - 250
---Engine Strength - 2k
---Laser Weaponry - 800
---Armor Strength - 400
---Shield Strength - 400

Reliant Class destroyer
Standard destroyer of the Vaynar Allaince. Rugged and dependable.

Design Specs:
Hull Integrity: 4k
Cargo: 20k
Engine Strength: 5k
Laser Weaponry: 10k
Mass Driver Weaponry: 2k
Exploisive Weaponry: 0
Shield Strength: 3k
Armor Strength: 3k

Typhon class missile destroyer
A Long-range standoff weapons it pelts it's enemies with explosive warheads.

Design Specs:
Hull Integrity: 4k
Cargo: 20k
Engine Strength: 6k
Laser Weaponry: 2k
Mass Driver Weaponry: 0
Exploisive Weaponry: 10k
Shield Strength: 4k
Armor Strength: 2k

Praetorian Gunboat
Light patrol vessel designed for escort duty. Very good against fighters.

Design Specs:
Hull Integrity: 2k
Cargo: 6k
Engine Strength: 6k
Laser Weaponry: 3k
Mass Driver Weaponry: 1k
Shield Strength: 1k
Armor Strength: 1k

HD1 defense platform
Standard defense platform deployed by the VA, designed to strip shields.

Design Specs:
Hull Integrity: 2k
Laser Weaponry: 1k
Mass Driver Weaponry: 3k
Shield Strength: 1k
Armor Strength: 1k

HD2 defense platform
Standard defense platform deployed by the VA, designed to chew away at hull.

Design Specs:
Hull Integrity: 2k
Laser Weaponry: 1k
Explosive Weaponry: 3k
Shield Strength: 1k
Armor Strength: 1k

Armageddon Bomber
A super-bomber designed to outclass everything in the galaxy in that area. Plans have been finaliesed, no ships have yet been constructed.


Design Specs:
Hull Integrity: 5k
Cargo: 10k
Engine Strength: 2k
Laser Weaponry: 3k*
Shield Strength: 1500
Armor Strength: 1500
*Special: Redeemer Cannon - does damage type best suited against the enemy. Damage is explosive until shields are down, after that it's mass driver.

Galaxy Class Carrier
When Vaynarans build capital ship, they do it big. The Galaxy is almost as big as the Archangel, but it's not designed for heavy combat. It has powerful shielding but weak armor nad multiple fast-launch fighterbays. The only capital ship able to carry the Armageddon bomber..or at least it will be once it's constructed.


Design Specs:
Hull Integrity: 70k
Cargo: 120k
Engine Strength: 6k
Laser Weaponry: 20k
Mass Driver Weaponry: 10k
Shield Strength: 30k
Armor Strength: 10k

Horizon Colonizer
Standard colony ship. Large, designed to land and become the central hub for a new colony.


Design Specs:
Hull Integrity: 70k
Cargo: 300k
Engine Strength: 6k
Laser Weaponry: 1k