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Re: The Spore Game -- Species B

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 2:22 am
by vidboi
first things first, we gained 24 dna right there didn't we? and we had 14 from before, making a total of 38 dna. we then used 22, so shouldn't we have 16 dna?

also, we should now try and eat our way through the vine wall and check out what's on the other side. evolutions wise, we should try and aim for a proboscis and produce explosives so we can have a flamethrower like the bankers, although i'm not entire sure how we go about getting a proboscis. we could also do with getting a few more flangellae to increase our speed

Re: The Spore Game -- Species B

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 7:02 am
by flabort
I still miscounted even after counting twice.
Thanks, vidboi.

Re: The Spore Game -- Species B

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:09 am
by ThirdEmperor
Agreed. Eat through the vine wall and explore.

As for what we should evolve next, we should get explosives and hollow spines, so we can fill our spines with explodey goodness and become a race of sentient, sapient missile launchers. We should also get static fur and nematocysts at some point, so anything attacking us will regret it.

Re: The Spore Game -- Species B

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 7:51 pm
by vidboi
we've alreasy got nematocysts, but we could alway improve, and it's good that you've came to the same conclusion as me, we're moving towards exploding spines :D

i think our next evolution should be getting super sized to meet the requirements for producing explosives and getting that too, perhaps also getting improved reproduction so it's possible for us to reproduce, and some more flangellae, then moving onto the proboscis and othera

Re: The Spore Game -- Species B

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 12:38 am
by flabort
You contemplate splitting. You cannot, not so soon, but you contemplate it.
You swim towards the wall made of vines and ice. specifically, towards the hole you made in it.
You barely fit through without touching the edges, and you do end up touching the wall at one point. BRRRRRrrrrrr....
You emerge into a tangle of vines... so thick you can't see anything but vine. The very vast growing kind of vine the wall is made of, that the Dynamite's keep under control a room back. In fact, this may have been purposefully sealed to keep the vines from over taking the entire tunnel system. Or... to keep something else out. A pulse of light is briefly visible through the tangle, a deep, dark red.
Suddenly, an extremely long... Tentacle?... races by you, and is then snapped back. Before it dissapeers into the mess of vines, you see something on the end of the... whatever. An eye.

you have 6 hp
you have 4 stomach
you have 16 DNA

Re: The Spore Game -- Species B

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 12:58 am
by jwa8402
Lets try to draw it back into the previous room so we can fling some spines at it, then charge.

@flabort:Also, had missed the part about sticking to one thread. Should we be, considering theres only like five active people? I don't mind, just checking.

Re: The Spore Game -- Species B

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 3:30 am
by vidboi
launch every spine we have just in case, then turn around and go back to the cave with the glowing cell in the centre, who we shall now name "lighthouse". eat some of the "tangleweed" (vines on the way). also, enlarge the entrance to thje lighthouse cave by eating away some of the rocks around the tunnel to make wide enough so we can just about easily fit through

ed: also, i think we should make firing off our spikes an impulsive self defence mechanism if anything threatens us or damages us, especially so if we get explosve spikes, because we want to fire them off before anything gets too close unless we damage ourselves

Re: The Spore Game -- Species B

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 3:46 am
by kittenpillar100
seconding vidboi, why can't we be called a kittenpillar? :(

Re: The Spore Game -- Species B

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:01 am
by vidboi
hmmm... kittenpillar... any chance you're related to longcat?

Re: The Spore Game -- Species B

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:06 am
by kittenpillar100
WTF is he, I'm saying because we are basically a mini spine launching catapillar.

Re: The Spore Game -- Species B

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:49 am
by vidboi
kittenpillar100 wrote:WTF is he, I'm saying because we are basically a mini spine launching catapillar.

that is long cat. long cat is long

also, i think we look something like this personally:
spore b.png

Re: The Spore Game -- Species B

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 6:25 am
by kittenpillar100
Ah, lol. actually I've been digging a bit and he's obsessed with stock sections, only made 4 sw style ships but anyway, lets forget about this and continue with the spore game.
Also nice piccie did you draw it?

Re: The Spore Game -- Species B

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 6:33 am
by vidboi
oh yeah i forgot about that guy, i meant the meme anyway so no worries ^^;

and yeah, i got bored a while back, i might do a couple to show the history of our creature, i need some practice at using a tablet

but yes we should probably get back on topic now, even though there's very little except wait 17 and a half hours for the next update...

Re: The Spore Game -- Species B

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 12:00 am
by flabort
(@Jwa: I said it would be polite. Not a requirement, and I'd forgotten how few people there'd be :lol: )
(@Kittenpillar: need two or more votes @ once to name the creature. If you can get others to vote at the same time...)

You swim out of the room as fast as you can, launching several spines randomly. As you exit, a couple more of those... super stretchy tentacle/eyestalk thingies are flung past you and into the open. Their presence sets the dynamites a-scattering, and just on time. One of the eyes suddenly gives off a red glow, momentarily, which you can't tell what it did, but can't be good. You charge down towards the "lighthouse" hole (+1 DNA), eager to get away from this thing, or lure it away.
Having split and grown moments before, you find that the hole is an even tighter fit than before. Splitting once more would mean you couldn't fit through at all. As it is, you end up momentarily stuck. Another eye whizzes at you, and strikes you.
Having lured this creature out of the forest, you can see it's got an un-countable number of those eye-things. Various eyes seem to randomly give off those blood-red glows, which, now that you have had more time to observe, you can feel the red glows are actually part of something that's... improving it's perception. The Dynamites can't hide from this thing, it's detecting their heat! And, yours, at that.
As well, It's got other tentacle things with clusters of spikes, as well as some sort of... boxy organ behind it's mouth. Yah, judging by the way it's pumping lots of fluids through that organ and than out it's mouth, you'd guess that was a voice box. Although, you shouldn't be observing, you're trying to get away. Even as you get unstuck, you are struck again. From one of the spiky tentacles this time.

you have 3 hp
you have 2 stomach
you have 16 DNA

Re: The Spore Game -- Species B

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 3:10 am
by vidboi
ok, carefully get through the hole and get to the other side of the cavern. lie low among the weeds, eating some of them to satisfy our hunger and observe whether it comes through behind us or not. if it doesn't, get some sleep to repair our wounds. if it does, then try and stay out of it's reach and fire some spines at it's mouth and central section