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Something rather large

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 3:34 pm
I know you hear this a lot, but RL has been kicking my ass. Somebody is going to accuse me of being a cyber-munchausen if I tell you how ridiculously sick I've been, so I'll skip to the ship.

Aikawa Kizuna-class Battlecruiser It was the first Japanese name that came to mind, okay? C'mon, I haven't been sleeping right.

I tried taking some inspiration from Anna on this one. Whether or not I've done better is not for me to decide. It's for you guys. C'mon, tell me if I did good.

It does of course have a really, really big beam weapon up there. I can't figure out what else to arm it with. The core has a funky staggered spinner that works a lot like the second hand of the Corpus Christi clock (it goes 360 degrees and then advances one notch). Don't know what drove me to throw that in there. You'll be able to see it in action once I set up a download.

EDIT: Testing out some doodad niceties.
RX-15 Nightmare
It's some kind of ultra-future police cruiser, I dunno.

Re: Something rather large

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 8:14 pm
by Kaelis
The Battlecruiser is of course an example of brilliant craftsmanship, but overall i don't really like it. Too much detail/clutter, don't like the color scheme, too much yellow, not a fan of those wings and the overall shape bothers me.

Now the Nightmare... thats just perfect. don't have a single crit. Amazing color scheme and usage of doodads.

Keep this up, and youll become the best active shipbuilder in no time.

Re: Something rather large

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 8:27 pm
by Anna
Kaelis wrote:Keep this up, and youll become the best active shipbuilder in no time.
"In no time"?

Who can you name RIGHT NOW who's better than him? Hell, I've been inactive for so long that it'd take me a fair bit of practice to get into the grove where I could out-do these, and I can't name a single other active shipbuilder who can make ships superior to these.

Re: Something rather large

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 9:02 pm
by Nutcase
But that begs the question: Who actually is active at the moment?

That said, I like the Nightmare.
The BC is just too much shiny for me. And it's a either too much or too little yellow.
Probably the latter.

Re: Something rather large

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 9:40 pm
by Imaillusion
I actually don't mind that big yellow ship, although it does has a few problems, most of which have already been stated. For a start, you should lengthen the front, pointy part of of the ship so that it is about twice as long as the rest of the ship. Then, bring the wings in a bit and sweep them back a bit more. Also, sweep back the blue sections on the front as well, so they're almost parallel with the ends of the wings. Finally, lengthen the ends of those wings, so that the overall shape of the ship is more streamlined

As for the Nightmare, it is a good ship but... I don't know, it lacks something. I mean, the doodads are pretty cool, and the colour, shape, attention to detail is quite comprehensive, but it simply doesn't stand out to me :?


Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 10:03 pm
by Anna
Imaillusion wrote:I actually don't mind that big yellow ship, although it does has a few problems, most of which have already been stated. For a start, you should lengthen the front, pointy part of of the ship so that it is about twice as long as the rest of the ship. Then, bring the wings in a bit and sweep them back a bit more. Also, sweep back the blue sections on the front as well, so they're almost parallel with the ends of the wings. Finally, lengthen the ends of those wings, so that the overall shape of the ship is more streamlined
Except these are all subjective opinions. I personally think the ship is more or less fine as it is. It's not how I'd make a ship, but the things I'd change on it aren't flaws, they'd just alterations I'd make to suit my style. Technically speaking, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

The only real criticism anyone's been able to offer is "I don't like the colour scheme" and "I don't like the shape", but they're personal opinions. As a ship, it's pretty much solid. The technique is great. And I really dig the Nightmare. Only thing I'd really change with that is maybe make some of the doodads blend with the hull a little more, since some of them look like they were just kinda drawn on in MS Paint.

EDIT: Afterthought, how in the hell did you motherfuckers become more elitist and pickier than I am when you fuckers can't even make ships half as good? Jesus Christ. I mean, I get offering constructive criticism, but 90% of this shit is just "whaaa it isn't a shape I like so I'll pick on that even though there's really nothing wrong with the construction of the ship itself". Fuck.

Second EDIT: This first edit has already lead to a shitstorm which got split to here, there's no need for another, please.

Re: Something rather large

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 2:36 am
by fatrat600284
I agree with Anna on this. The ships are fine. Their is nothing really bad i have to say about it. Sorry if this is not helpful but in my opinion both ships are fine as is.

Anna wrote: EDIT: Afterthought, how in the hell did you motherfuckers become more elitist and pickier than I am when you fuckers can't even make ships half as good? Jesus Christ. I mean, I get offering constructive criticism, but 90% of this shit is just "whaaa it isn't a shape I like so I'll pick on that even though there's really nothing wrong with the construction of the ship itself". Fuck.
:lol: I never thought i would 'hear' Anna say something like that.

Re: Something rather large

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 2:52 am
by AlphaDetisMegas
fatrat600284 wrote:
Anna wrote: EDIT: Afterthought, how in the hell did you motherfuckers become more elitist and pickier than I am when you fuckers can't even make ships half as good? Jesus Christ. I mean, I get offering constructive criticism, but 90% of this shit is just "whaaa it isn't a shape I like so I'll pick on that even though there's really nothing wrong with the construction of the ship itself". Fuck.
:lol: I never thought i would 'hear' Anna say something like that.
Same here, ships are fine as they are.
Generally, when someone spends lot of time near somebody else(think of a dog and its owner) one inherits certain behaviour patterns and traits.
This forum's senior members all either act elitist or think they are, and other forum members take on their posting behaviour after some time, making them quite the same, mystery solved.

Re: Something rather large

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 3:06 am
by Anna
Okay, so my previous grudges against ADM made me rather tempted to just abuse him out of hand, but that wouldn't do anything except make me look like a huge douche, and I'm sick of doing that, so I'm actually going to address this point.

"Elitism" can mean multiple things. Not all of them bad. Now, "elitism" in the form of an "veteran's club" is an issue. I mean, just being around for a long time doesn't make you important. I do not support this variety of elitism. It would be more apt to call my stance something like a Meritocracy. People who have demonstrated a certain level of skill at shipbuilding, well, their opinions on matters of shipbuilding clearly carry more weight than those who have little experience or little skill.

Likewise, people who have invested a lot of time and effort in the community, well, I generally feel that they're more deserving of respect in general than those who contribute very little of artistic or intellectual value, and who instead post asinine gargabe.

So, I realise that sometimes I come off as a rude, arrogant prick. And sure, I kinda am, but most of the time I'm also trying to make a point, and I'm not just insulting people's ships for the sake of insulting them, or offering generally worthless advice.

Ultimitely, anyone who was actually trying to emulate my posting style would look a lot different from this, so your statement is somewhat flawed, ADM.

Re: Something rather large

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 5:03 am
by LactoseTolerant
Damn. Just damn. This is what, your 5th posted ship? It far surpasses what I've made over the last half year.For the Aikawa, the details are incredible, masterful use of doodads and glows, pure awesome arms, and one hell of a core. The Nightmare gives off a sinister black-ops feel, worthy of it's name. You've put my piddly ships to shame.

This needs to be stickied for new builders to see.

Re: Something rather large

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 5:15 am
by Jokarun
For starters, I love these two ships, they are very detailed and, well, shiny...

There is only one thing that bothers me on the Aikawa Kizuna-class and that is the front blue shiny things, all the other blue shiny things have their long curve outwards while the front ones have them inwards. It looks kind of weird...

Re: Something rather large

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 7:04 am
by Lizzie
The nightmare is perfect, don't change it.

The larger ship is also great but that's not the color choice I would've picked, I also would've picked different sections for the glowing shield bits to give it a more streamlined look but that's your choice.

I still think the teal needs to go though.

Re: Something rather large

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 7:09 am
Whoa, seems I chose the right time to return back to Wyrd.

Both ships look great, especially the Nightmare, which is simple, yet is so full of detail.
I just love em.

Re: Something rather large

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 7:17 am
by Rugdumph
My god Starstruck you're inspiring me to actually try a hell of a lot harder to get better! I've been staring at both ships for some time and i just can't knit pick anything worth it's weight in salt against them! They are very well done in most every aspect of ship building, the yellow of the first ship i actually like since it sits nice against the soft cyan. However the police ship is my favourite, it just looks the part so well and your custom doodads are rather nice. I do like how the guns are mounted on hazard-orange platforms, which just makes it feel like a government owned vehicle in which safety would be important etc etc. I just wish i could muster some sort of advice or criticism to make this post useful bar sheer praise. Anyway i'm off to work my bloody ass off to get something half decent. Oh actually one thing that i can throw in, maybe reduce the alpha on the red doodads on the police ship since they don't quite sit well on the sections, like...take the reverse C looking ones in the middle, the section has detailing and depthing the the doodad doesn't share, so it looks almost like a separate thing rather than painted on, a little transparency would solve that i think. Can't wait to see more!

Re: Something rather large

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 8:23 am
by Arcalane
This is the second fucking time I've had to dick around with the Admin Control Panel to split/merge this thread because of you dumbshits. The next person to derail this thread is tempbanned for a motherfucking WEEK.

No fucking excuses, understand me?

That goes for all of you.