A few ships

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A few ships

Post by Okob »

After lurking around these boards for a fair while now, i figured it was time to join in. these are the first ships I've made that i think are worth posting, and are roughly balanced with the metagame ships. Comments and criticism are welcome.


Garde Corvette. 70 threat.

Armed with a 360-degree quad LKC turret, a forward firing Particle accelerator, and energized frontal armor.


Longbow Frigate. 105 threat.

Armed with 4 Kinetic cannons, two forward firing and two in a 360 degree turret, two rear firing twin LKC's and frontal enrgized armor.


Ballista Fire support Destroyer. 145 threat.

Armed with two forward firing Heavy twin beam cannons, two High-velocity Missiles, an MBE in a 270 turret mount, two rear firing LKCs and frontal energized armor.


Barracks class Light Carrier. 195 threat.

Armed with 6 Particle accelerators, two front firing and two to ether side, 2 rear firing LKCs, a rear firing Autogun, a gravitic beam projector, a nano matrix, frontal energized plating, and up to four wings of strike craft. It is not meant to be on the front lines, rather to hang back, launch its fighters and bombers, and then help repair and rearm the fleet after the engagement.
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Post by ragamor »

Eye burn color, plase use something more gentle to my eyes. Also there is a whole lot more problems with your ships.

- Mirror problems.
- Section repeating.
- Sections that don't fit togheter.
- Overall bad design on the ships.

One thing that is good is that you don't overarm the ships with weapons.

When making a ship you should take your time, because one good ship is better then hundred bad ships.
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Post by Dachplatte »

and you can press 'home' before you take your pics, then your ships won't be overzoomed
[url=http://www.wyrdysm.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=4233]Dach's Shipyard[/url]
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Post by brenwasp »

One thing you need to work on is the shape.
I mean seriously.The ballista's wings look like their about to fall off when construction ever was complete.And mirroring errors also happen within the middle of the light carrier.Plus, the color doesn't look right. maybe a little of more blue than red? The energized armor plate could be cyan or something other than red.I see you've put some of other people's ideas on your ship.
Such as the carrier, the yellow dots are just like ArcaneDude's. I guess it's okay. maybe focus on the Grey a little more? Out of all that, It's okay for a beginner.
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Post by Okob »

I've lightened the blue, changed the color on the fake aegis at the front of them, and corrected the mirroring issues i could see, and also added another support strut to the ballista's wings. there not just wings though, there turrets so the entire wing rotates, not just the gun. i can't decide whether to make them fixed and move them in towards the hull so they actually connect, or keep them as they are. also took the screens at default zoom this time. what do you think? should i make the blue lighter still, leave it as it is, or change the color completely?




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Post by brenwasp »

Hmm...a big change i can see. Just don't put too much fake aegis on your ships. Maybe expecting a fighter?
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Post by maarten »

brenwasp wrote:Hmm...a big change i can see. Just don't put too much fake aegis on your ships. Maybe expecting a fighter?
What about the awefull colours, mirroring errors, bad section placement, super overstretching and the fact that all weapons seem to be hidden or put together.
The ships are really bald. There is just not much to see, and the things that are visible are badly executed.
You should really learn about shading. Try using lighter colour to mark section that are higher and darker for the lower.
Then there is the blue colour. Try making it a bit more metallic. Making it a bit greyish. (That's adjusting the intensity value.)
There are some awefull mirroring errors all over most of the ship.(This occures when mirroring a ship with parts that are crossing the middle line.)
The boring weapons are something you should figure out yourself.

The section under shielding is not that bad actually. I have a single suggestion: make another section over the one that is "shielded" Exactly the same section, but with 0 alpha. The make the effect of that section "section over". Set the alpha of the "section over" to 0.5.
Now if I am not mistaking. The shield effect will look like it is covering the ship. So looks thicker at the front because that's where the bottem and top would meet.
http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq35 ... een010.png
Pic to demonstrate what I mean.