
Archives for ships and fleets. 'nuff said. Most of the ships here are very very old and will not work in current versions of BSF or SM. You have been warned!

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Post by TranquilRage »

Ender Class Omni directional Heavy Battle Cruiser


A prototype for the fleet tourny.

4 Quad Blaster
8 Demeter Launchers
8 Gravetic Impeders
1 Nano Matrix
1 Forsch Gun
1 Dieterling Device
8 Deflectors

Mixes it up on the battlefield, teleporting round foes and hammering any opponent from any direction. Deflectors auto reassign to the side facing the enemy. I have to say these things are bloody MONSTERS in fleet battles, they inevitably end up outflanking their opponents.

Important features:
360 degree utility on all devices
In clusters they repair themselves
Outer armour is reinforced
Can be very vulnerable to Lancet fire
PD capability is not affected by Forsh
0 Aegis deflectors


Ares Class and Goliath class Heavy Assault Cruisers

Ares: Class tourny legal

Goliath: Fleet tourny legal

A prototype for the class (battleship) tourny.

10 Plasma Torp Launchers
6 Gravetic Impeders
1 Forsch Gun
1 Dieterling Device
3 Aegis Deflectors

Good mobility on the battlefield, relies on the enemy being in front. The strange shield deflector at the front renders weasels useless. Bank of 10 plasma launchers fires in unison and is relatively easily shot down, unless you happen to also have just been hit with the Forsch. The damage from a wave or two of 10 plasma torps at medium range is generally enough to damage unshielded sections behind shielded ones. It only needs to get a synchronous volley off once, Or to flank you, and you are screwed. Fantastic one on one combatants that loose out heavily in fleet battles (3 Ender Class beats 5 Ares class hands down). A good demonstration of the weakness of aegis in fleet situations.

Important features:
Immune to damage from the front
Core nestled into the V hull section means even many flanking shots hit an aegis shield
Weak from the back and sides
PD capability is not affected by Forsh


Centurion Class Fast Attack Frigate


A prototype for the fleet tourny to fill the frigate roll, although its awesome when deployed in fleets of 10. They zippy little buggers out flank bloody everything.

2 Railguns
2 Mining Beams
4 Flak PD cannon
1 Forsch Gun
1 Deflector

Designed to be used in large formations and confuse the enemy AI. Extremely mobile they rely on flanking their opponents in a fleet situation to apply their relatively weak fire power to the soft squishy bits of enemy ships.

Important features:
Exceptionally mobile
Brings the largest number of Forsch guns to the field as possible
Only works when 2 or more engage one enemy vessel.


Design Notes:

Impeders > PD weapons: Their points cost vs effectiveness is beyond comparison, although they reach a point when they can't handle any more. they are also not affected by the Forsch effect. My persional choice but you have to use plenty of them, and it can be expensive. But a flexible ship HAS to account for demeter and weasel using opponents.

Triple Aegis Y Shield: Weird looking but immensely effective. Very costly and easy to outflank limit its usefulness to 1v1 tournies.

Weapon coverage: The ships are either designed to rapidly respond to enemy positions and bring a limited arc of fire to effect or to use 360 degree weapons only. this way you get the most bang for your buck and don't end up with weapons only firing every few minutes.

Flexibility: You have to be able to deal with opponents who have aegis shields, deflectors, massed point defence, beam weapons, drones, weasels, EVERYTHING. Your choice of bang bang has to be able to cope. the Ares and Goliath rely on splash damage and over whelming force to coincide with a forsch shot. They also have demeters to do some damage and most importantly distract point defence. The Enders and Centurions rely on a chaotic fleet furball to get the jump on shielded opponents and obliterate them, whilst evading, absorbing or enduring the counter fire.

Just some thoughts.
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Joined: Fri Sep 07, 2007 2:57 am

Post by TormakSaber »

These ships bring up a note I wanted to suggest in the Fleet Tourney:

Limit Gravitic Impeders to 2. Though I suppose te tradeoff is, like always, you're still open to Beam weapons.