Giant coming

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Giant coming

Post by ifelon »

Nice to c u here!~~I'm a Chinese, also a fan of spaceship.
I've seen many cool ship here,so I have to say my "Pride" was gone.

I'm new comer i've to say.

this is my first work,it's HUGE,but I work for it a long time.I think is not unbalance...I just change some main weapon's state.

OK,I hope u just take a look ,if think it's stupid,just pass it :)

some setting I created for it:(My english is not good enough,maybe it's hard to understand...)

Name: A Halo
Class: Titan class Space motherships
Type: RainBow9000b

Main Hp: 377
Total HP: 65213.53
maxspeed: 200m/s
Turning: 0.30r/s
AI Range: 90km
Accel: 50g
Number of sections: 161
Number of weapons: 108
Number of modules: 37

[Major Weapon](Front/broadside/tail)
"Giant 3"NVIA5400 Range Enhanced Type 500km Customized version Plasma Ball Cannon X1
"Planet Mop-upper 2"LR190 Strenghthened Type Twin Beam Turret X2
"Cave"FLR150-H Shock Beamer X8

"Piano of Light"DFE280-SS Gatling Blaster X2

"Endless"oEK-i9 Vulcan Cannon X1

[Minor Weapon]
"Blue Sunrise" Twin Railgun X4
"Magic"Sabot Cannon X2
Quad Blaster X3
Twin Blaster X6
Scatter Beam X14
Mini-Missile Pack X4
"Hornets"class"Amonika"Demeter Launcher X8

[Defense System]
Point Beam X31
M.beam X12
Gatling Pulse Gun X6
Particle Gun X2
Machinegun X2

[Module](Thruster System/Fight add/Protect/other)
"Nutter3"KKST-300IB Strenghthened Type Mixed fuel Fusion Engine X1
"Nutter"GT-180IB Stable Type Hydrogen - Helium Tunrning Fusion Engine X2
"Herbrac"SD120K Dieterling Device X1

"Black Duke"MK16 "Hayabusa"Class"Bacrol"Demeter Launcher X2

"Milk 2"Aegis Deflector X2
"Lee"Rorschach Resistor X2
"Rainbow 2"10C-MS Deflector Shield X22

"Oak"Nano Matrix X2

The Halo was Designed as a surpply & defense basement,so it has not very much firepower,but it's defense capability was incredable!
(u could see that form its countless Deflector Shields and the 2 Aegis Deflectors)
So,without friendly assistance it's almost vulnerable.But with some help——even only from one small ship——The Halo will show it's evil side:)

Fighting with too many enemies (especially without help) is an unreasonable decision——even for a Titan class spaceship.

My Halo died...

Further infor:

核心部分一整圈的“彩虹2”DB-LS钛碳合金板的价值足以再造一艘裂谷级驱逐舰。在此基础上,两套强劲而脆弱(For sure it's dangerous
——if crash)的奇异子发动机(With the nickname“Odd Battery”)为耗能惊人的“牛奶2”庇护盾发生器提供了能源保障,同时也为高耗能的
"行星扫荡者2"激光炮提供直接能源支撑。(Beam badly needs e-)
为史诗级别的"疯狂3"KKST-300IB加强型混合燃料聚变推进器提供能量的是两座氢-氦聚变反应堆(这样就可以同时为转向推进器同时供能),但是轻聚变提供的能量有限,所以住推进器大部分的能量来自自带6门集束脉冲炮(Such luxury- -///)的“石头”LX-90000巨型固体燃料化学发动机。化学发动机需要携带的燃料那叫一个夸张,但是为了提供较高的(50g,想想吧,要给这个庞然大物以50g的加速度需要多大的推力?)活动性(而不是机动性)最终选择了化学发动机。因为虽然“光晕”号不太需要机动,但是需要能及时赶到。(跳跃发动机的意义就在于此)
9000b系列因为以光束武器(b short forbeam)为主要攻击手段,遇见具有扭曲场发生器的敌人(Itself have two- -///)就很难有效杀伤,这也说明了“彩虹”系列的设计思想:光束武器虽然混战中不是很讨好,但是却能提供最及时的火力援助和来犯拦截——毕竟光最快。

OK,my statment is over ,u can laugh now.

I'am a new comer who first log in an english BBS,that's why I know nothing about the rules...I'm SORRY.
Sorry for my huting ur eyes..:)
But I'll give something more interesting later!

(In this edition i delete 2 pictures:for good looking...)
THANKS again for all your advice!It makes my better performance...
Last edited by ifelon on Fri Apr 03, 2009 11:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by guilee186 »


There is too much of Aegis spam. Also tone down the colours. Glow is ugly , do try to cut down on the usage.

Nitpick; It isn't a circle.

Also, large weapons look ugly.
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Post by Warpman »

Looks funny. But ,as already said, Aegis spam is bad.
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Post by ifelon » is ,I just want it looks bright,that why it calls Rainbow ,right?
Yes,big weapon...'cause I didn't do anything 4 them ,just press q and shift+q..ha..

uh...I aim 2 add more lively color 4 this cold space:)
Thanks 4 your advice!
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Post by Nutcase »

1st: Stop using numbers instead of words. It be bad. VERY BAD.
2nd: Don't resize sections and modules to have the average size of a Hestia. In fact even Zelus sized is way too much.
3rd: There should be a rule about shipbuilding under influence.Especially when there are mushrooms involved
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Post by Danny420Dale »

It's called 'Pride' and shoots rainbows. I smell thinly veiled homophobia :lol:

Also, txtspk is REALLY FUCKING BAD and will instantly annihilate in a massive burst of 511kev gamma rays whatever modicum of respect we default to giving new arrivals. Thank you.
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Post by Verminator »

I'm in awe.

Not the good kind, but not the bad kind either. I just don't know what to say.
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Post by parameciumkid »

All I have to say is
A: Are you familiar with the fact that the immensely popular videogame Halo features a large ring-shaped ship called Halo?
B: Very bold color scheme you have going there. It takes either guts or foolishness to get away with a rainbow-colored ship.
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Post by Slayer0019 »

parameciumkid wrote:A: Are you familiar with the fact that the immensely popular videogame Halo features a large ring-shaped ship called Halo?
I'm calling you out on that. The rings are not ships. They are superweapons. Get it right. Also, it is not THE Halo, its A Halo. There are 7 (Or 8, technically, if you count the shield world/halo-under-construction you drive across at the end of halo 3).

As for the ship, some part of me really likes it, a lot. Then the shipbuilding half of my brain slaps it. Great concept, poor execution. Keep at it.
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Post by Singularity »

The internals are actually very nice for a station. But it looks nothing like a ship and aegis spam hurts my eyes.
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Post by Krishach »

Would you please post a shipmaker shot, so we can accurately tell what in the f*%k just happened?

Thank you.
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Post by VNilla »

If you do that Shipmaker screenshot, please do it at regular zoom (don't zoom in or out, just take the picture). Press the [Home] key to go to regular zoom if you aren't. (Then again, do Chinese keyboards even have [Home] keys?)
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Post by blackrider123 »

*i suck in Chinese

really i feel that the idea for the ship is great and it looks like you really spend some effort on it. Its really weapon spam and they are a bit too obvious, try to hide them under turret sections. Since u just started BSF, you should make smaller ships first to brush up on your skills, then embark on bigger projects. Instead of using aegis deflectors, use fake aegis(are those bars between the aegis and the target?)
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