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My newest fleet. C&C welcome

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 8:59 am
by gopa4
My newest ship doesn't really fit in with the rest of my fleet, and the rest of my fleet is mostly out dated, over 2/3rds of it is sb3 files. Plus I feel restricted by it.
So I present the start of my new fleet with the, Acropolis. A heavy assauly destroyer.
The Acropolis belongs to the Corvellian Federation. A loose collection of planets on the fringe of the known universe. They broke away from the Federation after years of using there planets as body part collectors, to provide the rich and powerful a means of extending there life. Now they fight for the survival of not only themselves, but the survival of all slave planets.

EDIT: Forgot to recolor one of the side armor plates, already done, so ignore.


Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 10:25 am
by Flop
oops I clicked on no by accident (so count it as a yes) but I think its pretty good.
The only thing I don't like it how the shield is way to long.
you should make it a tiny bit smaller so its closer to the ship and not miles away :D

I hope you continue

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 10:33 am
by gopa4
I know, the shield is insane....I couldn't figure out how to shrink it any more, one more time and it goes into oblivion, and I couldn't get the half shields to bed far enough, and they were way too fat.

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 11:24 am
by MoonHead
So when you hit K the shield disapears?

I didn't have that problem when messing around with one of the shields when trying to reduce size.

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 12:11 pm
by gopa4
Well no not immediately, but I've shrunk it down to its smallest size before it disappears, well atleast for me. Tomorrow I'll mess with it some more, and build my gunship class. The Necropolis. All of the names are coming from the dead, since they were being harvested for body parts, now there bring the death to there enslavers.

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 1:59 pm
by Arcalane
Is this with or without using the section X/Y scale edit fields? A section can be scaled down to 1% of it's normal size that way; enter 0.01 in the box.

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 6:52 pm
by DoomBringer
Woah shields need less Alpha its too bright i.e. too visible but the rest is cool
Try orange instead of yellow it creates a sort of ugly bumble bee look or maybe gold instead of yellow. If its based on the dead make them look dead ex Red on random sections, wreaked sections etc

Note looks like the Seraph starfighter from halo2 the Oracle

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 7:00 am
by gopa4
Ok thanks, I didn't think about using the X/Y scaling. I'll work on the colors later, and I will tone down the alpha, some more. Its already half of what it originally was. Ohh and to the people who voted the last option, would you please explain as to why you did so.

Also changed up the color scheme and finished the necropolis.

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 8:06 am
by gopa4
But I can't figure out the X/Y scale figures. Or how to access them.

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 9:20 am
by Wicky_42
gopa4 wrote:Ohh and to the people who voted the last option, would you please explain as to why you did so.
Because they smell? And you gave them the option?

Scaling values are found on the edit tab - x scale and y scale, right under x position and y position.

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 9:52 am
by KOS- Abaddon
They're cool looking!! They look like the bastard children of one of my destroyers I did a long time ago. hahaha.

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 10:40 am
by gopa4
Wicky_42 wrote:
gopa4 wrote:Ohh and to the people who voted the last option, would you please explain as to why you did so.
Because they smell? And you gave them the option?

Scaling values are found on the edit tab - x scale and y scale, right under x position and y position.
Thanks, I should've known, put a joke/horribly awful option in, and people will vote for it, just because they can. And to KOS you never know they very well may be the bastard children of your destroyer.

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 8:31 am
by gopa4
My latest ship, The City of the Damned, what was once the main body part carrier for the Federation, she was taken over, armed and armored. She now preys on the ships she once served with, and has come to be hated, and feared amongst pilots of the Federation.
The shield is not really that thick, its actually really thin and I have the alpha set so that its nearly invisible, but I had it seleced when taking the pic, hence why its so huge and blue.

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 10:10 am
by gopa4
I present my latest and grandest ship in my fleet, the Playground of the Damned. Once used to house young orphans and children for their organs and to be grown into full adults. The ship was captured and the boarding party was so horrified by what they found, they immedietly abandoned the ship, left adrift through space, the Corvellian's found outfitted then relaunched this terror, she now turns the fleets that she once surved into dust.


I have also completed the latest ship in my fleet, the Protector of the damned, a small agile fighter originally used to protect merchant fleets.

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 8:59 am
by gopa4
To round out my fleet, and cover most combat roles I present the Redeemer of the Damned, once a prison execution ship. She has been taken and converted into a combat capable heavy cruiser.