[Fan Ship] Imperial II Star Destroyer (download included)

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[Fan Ship] Imperial II Star Destroyer (download included)

Post by Veronw »

Right! well, i figured id post what ive been working on for a while now, and would like to point out a few things before getting to the good stuff: the bridge sections smaller than normal, i know, and thats actually the fixed version, it requires a complete dissasembly of the ship to get to it tho, so i think ill leave it be. Now, the weapons are particle guns, seeing as i couldnt find any other weapon that looks laser-ish, so obvious AI issues there. And finally the color....what to say about the color...uh...just random color i kicked out there since the white/grey was impossibly hard to outline..

OH and before i forget, its got the full compliment of turbolasers :)

And here ya go

EDIT: http://www.wyrdysm.com/battleshipsforev ... troyer.shp download included now
Last edited by Veronw on Sat Nov 01, 2008 6:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Noctis »

download plz so that the Army of 888 stars may test its worth
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Post by Veronw »

been trying to upload it, keeps giving me an exception error, any ideas?
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Post by Noctis »

rar it and put it on rapidshare

for a shp file the upload time is a few seconds.
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Post by Veronw »

hmm, still getting an error, ill have to try again in a few hours, going out to dinner, just judge it for the time being on the pic, ill post more if needed when i get back and try to work out the problem
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Re: [Fan Ship] Imperial II Star Destroyer

Post by Magick »

Veronw wrote:Right! well, i figured id post what ive been working on for a while now, and would like to point out a few things before getting to the good stuff: the bridge sections smaller than normal, i know, and thats actually the fixed version, it requires a complete dissasembly of the ship to get to it tho, so i think ill leave it be. Now, the weapons are particle guns, seeing as i couldnt find any other weapon that looks laser-ish, so obvious AI issues there. And finally the color....what to say about the color...uh...just random color i kicked out there since the white/grey was impossibly hard to outline..

OH and before i forget, its got the full compliment of turbolasers :)

And here ya go
Well, it's O.K. in shape, but the colors make it look almost like a piece of paper with wrinkles on it. The outline of the ship is total garbage(because of the repetition). It looks like you were working on something you thought was cool one night, then made a mistake that you couldn't rectify, then said "Fuck it!" and filled it with lots of large sections. The outlining effect in certain sections is a bit pointless, as the colors don't show it's depth. The engines are small and plain. Though your weapons look cool.
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Post by jwa8402 »

From a distance it looks awesome but you have multiple sections out of place...Plus honestly would have done it white myself. Can't see how the innards are but the outlining looks good. Could defintly do something about the engines since there appear to be none...Until I gave it a second look, it definitely looked like a star destroyer. Although I hope you have like 200 weapons on the thing...
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Post by Veronw »

what sections are out of place? and magick, please read the title, its a fan ship, imperial star destroyer, google it. and i did it in another color other than white so you could get a good idea of the sectional placement, white makes it blend.

also, the Imperial 2 star destroyers had 60 turbolasers, 40 ion cannons, and 12 tractor beams...lacking ion cannons and sizable tractor beams in this game, i settled with the 60 turbolasers :) a lot of the guns fire 4 clip shots, so it can add up to quite a bit when its facing an enemy. Fixed the download problem btw, will upload it.

Image reference picture
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Post by Latooni »

Weapons aside, this looks much, much better than most attempts to make it.

The angle of the wedge needs work though, it's too long.
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Post by jwa8402 »

Oh my bad, I see those gaps on the diagram... I will try it out. Its certainly more impressive from a distance than any of the other star destroyers I've seen on here.
*edit* Mug is right. The angle forward of those depressions in the sides appear to be wider than the original angle would have been without a depression...

I would love to see you do a Mon Calimari Cruiser
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Post by Veronw »

im doing a mon cal right now, and yeah i know its longer, but thats an imperial 1 star destroyer reference image, the imperial 2s were 200 meters longer, and i recognize that the angle of it is somewhat...screwed up. Thanks for the compliments :)

anyone have any ideas btw on how to do a more turbolaser-isk effect other than using the particle guns?
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Post by jwa8402 »

I just realized you were saying particle guns...That explained why when I was fighting it, it wasn't attacking my ships ;) Try Repeaters or pulses
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Post by FIREST0RM000 »

im doing a mon cal right now, and yeah i know its longer, but thats an imperial 1 star destroyer reference image, the imperial 2s were 200 meters longer, and i recognize that the angle of it is somewhat...screwed up. Thanks for the compliments Smile

anyone have any ideas btw on how to do a more turbolaser-isk effect other than using the particle guns?
I've been thinking about building one of these myself, and I think I have an Idea for your turbo laser problem. 2 blasters can be placed side by side to give that double volley effect, and though it would only work for a small area, it's the closest way I can think to get that effect.

also, add engines, and see about some different coloring. gradients would look awesome on an star destroyer, if you're up to it.
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Post by Veronw »

the engines don't look right when added, and i tried blasters at first, they didnt look like turbo lasers, nor do any of the other weapons available really :/

only way i know of to make them is with the particles, and unless theres a way to change the codes to make them on perma offense status, ull ahve to fly it urself instead of fighting against it....

color changes are already in the works btw, inbetween the incredible challenge presented by the mon cal ships
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Post by FIREST0RM000 »

I haven't tried it before, but tachyons could be modded to behave like blasters too. of course, any of these would be fairly complicated to do, so you will have to mess with them a bit.