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Evlein Democratic Federation, Main Fleet Finished, New DL!

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 3:27 am
by Bad Boy
Alright, as the title says, the main fleet is finished, now I have to do the elite ships. All of the ships are semi-balanced against ArcaneDude's MRA fleets. Download's near the bottom of the post. I'll post new fleet and battle pics and I'll try to think of names for the unnamed ships soon.

Anyway, without further ado, here's a fleet shot, followed by individual pics (just in case someone gets confused, the descriptions for all of the pics are underneath):

As you've probably realised, this is a shot of the fleet with a Hestia for size comparison


Shrike Class Fighter/Shrike Class Fighter (Suicide Bomber Variant):
The old FighterBomber proved its uselessness time and time again, so, it was decided that it would be revamped, into the Shrike Class Fighter, and the Shrike Class Fighter (Suicide Bomber Variant). The fighters are relatively ineffective against anything larger than a Redux Class Corvette (and they're only effective against those when in swarms), however, they excel at destroying bombers, thus eliminating a potential risk. The Suicide Bomber Variant has a slightly smaller and lighter hull to compensate for a container of high explosives attached to its rear. Despite its lighter hull, the Suicide Bomber Variant is still somewhat slower than the regular Shrike Class Fighter. A common and highly effective tactic is to have the regular Shrike Class Fighters soak up incoming fire, while the Suicide Bomber Variants cruise along in their wake until they get within detonation range.
Regular Fighter Only: 1XFighter Cannon
Suicide Bomber Variant Only: 1XExplosive Container
Notes: The Suicide Bomber Variant is quite dangerous, however, due to the fact that their hull is in front of their payload, they don't work very well if they're shot at, due to this, the regular variants are necessary.

Redux Class Corvette:
This is where the real ships begin. Redux Class Corvettes are weak alone, but extremely deadly in swarms, particularly due to the fact that their cannons can destroy internal hull sections and weapons. Like FighterBombers, Redux Class Corvettes have both internal and external thrusters, which means that they will always be able to move and maneuver, even if their external thrusters are destroyed.
2XLight Assualt Cannons
Notes: I didn't mean for it to look like a Zelus, it just ended up that way. In groups, these ships can effectively cripple larger ships, making them quite useful.

Rage Gunboat:
This ship is relatively new, and quite dangerous. It has fairly hard hitting, fast weapons, it is quite maneuverable, and, it has more than twice as much armour then the Redux Class Corvette, but is still quite maneuverable. Like the Redux Class Corvette and FighterBomber, it has both internal and external engines, which allow it to keep moving even if its engines are destroyed.
2XRapid Fire Light Flashlight Beam Cannons
1XLight Rapid Fire Particle Acceleration Cannon
Notes: Due to its speed and range, it almost always wins against ships without beam weapons (or weapons with a really high bullet speed). Also, cookies to anyone who knows where the name's from.

Tiamat Class Frigate:
This ship is designed to eradicate smaller ships, and, when in groups, larger ships. A jack of all trade ship, the Tiamat Class Frigate is well armed and armored, quite fast and maneuverable, and effective against large groups of smaller ships, as well as small groups of larger ships. Its main drawback is that unlike the Shrike Class Fighter and the Redux Class Corvette, the Tiamat Class Frigate has no internal thrusters, and thus cannot move or turn once its thrusters are destroyed. Due to the fact that its turrets were getting clipped off too easily, and it was generally underpowered, the Tiamat Class Frigate has been upgraded with more powerful armour, and another Light Particle Acceleration Cannon. Due to the addition of new, more powerful engines, its speed and maneuverability have not suffered.
2XLight Flashlight Beam Cannons
3XLight Particle Acceleration Cannons
Notes: In many ways it's my favourite of these ships, I like it's shape, armament, and generally how it works.

Excelsior Class Destroyer:
The smallest capital class ship, the Excelsior Class Destroyer is heavily armed and well armored. It is also quite fast compared to other capital class ships, but compared to smaller ships like the Tiamat Class Frigate or the Redux Class Corvette, it is extremely slow and unwieldy. To offset this problem, the Excelsior Class Destroyer comes in two varieties, the regular Destroyer, and the Anti Capital Variant. The Anti Capital Variant has side pods cannons to the hull which are designed divert power to and contain two extremely powerful Heavy Particle Wave Cannons, which are commonly featured on Dreadnoughts and Flagships. These powerful weapons fire waves of highly excited particles that literally disintegrate the target ship's hull and weapons. The normal Destroyer has two rapid fire particle acceleration cannons designed to rapidly track and destroy smaller ships, and continuously pound heavier ships. Both versions are also armed with a powerful Beam Cannon.
2XAssault Cannons
2XParticle Acceleration Cannons
2XFlashlight Beam Cannons
1XBeam Cannon
Regular Destroyer Only: 2XRapid Fire Particle Acceleration Cannons
Anti Capital Destroyer Only: 2XHeavy Particle Wave Cannons
Notes: It was hell getting this ship to look good, in particular, the Anti Capital Variant, because the wings never looked good no matter what I did with them. This is the best I could manage, I hope it's okay. About the wings, they're not supposed to blend too smoothly into the hull, it's supposed to look like a regular Destroyer with wing pods stuck on.

Requiem Class Cruiser:
The newest ship to roll out of the Evlein Democratic Union's production lines, the Requiem Class Cruiser is designed to fill the gap between Destroyer and Battleship, something it does very well. It is well armed and armored (although, like the Icarium, it is susceptible to attacks from the side), and can be used both for tanking purposes, and for attacking purposes. It comes in four variants; the regular variant, the Beam Weapons Variant, the Projectile Weapons Variant, and the Support and Fleet Defence Variant. It features an Ultra Heavy Exotic Matter Cannon (on the regular variant and the Projectile Weapons Variant, the other variants have different armaments) as its main gun, and thus can cut through armour with ease. It also has a prototype maneuvering engine directly behind the core which allows it to keep moving after its main engines are destroyed, however, it is unable to turn. This maneuvering engine may soon be included on all of the E.D.U.'s capital ships.

As previously mentioned, the Requiem Class Cruiser comes in four variants, the default variant which has a large variety of weapons, the Beam Weapons Variant on which all of the projectile weapons have been replaced with beam weapons for more focused, uninterceptable fire power, the Projectile Weapons Variant on which all of the beam weapons have been replaced with projectile weapons for more constant, sustained firepower, and the Support and Fleet Defence variant, which has had most of its weapons swapped out for long range point defence, an inertial dampener, and nanobot projectors designed to protect allied ships from enemy fire (by either destroying it, or stopping it in its tracks) and repair any damage dealt to them. One of them is almost always present in any fleet of magnitude 5 or greater. Also, due to the better circuitry present in the Beam Weapons Variant and the Projectile Weapons Variant, they have frontal shielding.
2XAssault Cannons
2XParticle Acceleration Cannons
2XFlashlight Beam Cannons
2XHeavy Rapid Fire Particle Acceleration Cannons
3XBeam Cannons
1XUltra Heavy Exotic Matter Cannon

Beam Weapons Variant:
4XHeavy Flashlight Beam Cannons
4XHeavy Rapid Fire Flashlight Beam Cannons
3XBeam Cannons
1XHeavy Beam Cannon
4XFrontal Shield Generators

Projectile Weapons Variant:
2XAssault Cannons
4XParticle Acceleration Cannons
2XHeavy Rapid Fire Particle Acceleration Cannons
2XParticle Wave Cannons
1XHeavy Exotic Matter Cannon
1XUltra Heavy Exotic Matter Cannon
4XFrontal Shield Generators

Support and Fleet Defence Variant:
2XParticle Acceleration Cannons
2XFlashlight Beam Cannons
2XDefensive Particle Acceleration Cannons
1XDefensive Assault Cannon
2XDefensive Beam Cannons
2XNanobot Projectors
1XInertial Dampener

Notes: Holy hell that took long to type. Anyway, this is probably my favourite of these ships now, due to the fact that I really like its hull shape. Oh yes, the aegis deflectors are parented to the grey section 3's on either side of the aegised section, so they're easily destroyable. These ships still need a bit of work in terms of balance (especially the Support and Fleet Defence Variant), so the download I'm giving you is not their final version. Also, I forgot to change the names of the modules on the Support and Fleet Defence Variant. Also, the engine thing was a lie, it won't be on any other ships.

Icarium Class Battleship:
Originally designed as a Cruiser, the Icarium Class Battleship proved too expensive to manufacture to be a Cruiser, and was thus upgraded to Battleship Class. It is designed to put out a veritable wall of fire while shrugging off even the heaviest of weapons. Its front armour is reinforced, however, it is quite vulnerable to attacks from the side. If the captain is good enough, it can often destroy Dreadnoughts, making it a dangerous force to be reckoned with.
2XHeavy Assault Cannons
2XHeavy Flashlight Beam Cannons
2XHeavy Particle Acceleration Cannons
2XExotic Matter Cannons
2XHeavy Beam Cannons
2xLight Particle Wave Cannons
2XHeavy Rapid Fire Particle Acceleration Cannons
1XHeavy Particle Wave Cannon
Notes: Bam! Replacement! It's not a Cruiser because it was too powerful (and too big) compared to the Ruustirii Cruiser and the VSE Cruiser. Because of this, I made it into a Battleship. Also, the strange yellow beam in the shooting picture is a teller missile, that I set to teal (the colour of all my weapons), does anyone know why it's that colour.

Icarium Class Battleship (Broadside Variant):
A major modification of the Icarium Class Battleship, the Broadside Variant is the Evlein Democratic Union's first and only succesful attempt at creating a broadside ship. It is designed to wade into the middle of a battle with guns blazing. The main modifications made to the ship involved swaping out six main weapons and a good deal of frontal hull as well as frontal armour, and replacing them with numerous light broadside weapons and a lot of side armour as well as modifiying most of the remaining main weapons so that they are only suitable for broadside firing.. It has proved very succesful, and is actually able to deliver more damage than the regular Icarium Class Battleship.
2XHeavy Assault Cannons (Broadside Only)
2XHeavy Flashlight Beam Cannons (Broadside Only)
2XHeavy Particle Acceleration Cannons (Broadside Only)
2XHeavy Beam Cannons (Broadside Only)
2XHeavy Particle Wave Cannons (Broadside Only)
16XModified Light Particle Acceleration Cannons (Broadside Only)
12XModified Light Exotic Matter Cannons (Broadside Only)
4XModified Light Flashlight Beam Cannons (Broadside Only)
6XModified Light Assault Cannons (Broadside Only)
Notes: I said I'd make a Broadside version and I did. Sadly the Broadside ai frequently fucks up, so it can't be relied on, but when it works properly (that includes turning to the other side when it gets too damaged), it can beat a regular Icarium Class Battleship by a decentish margin.

Class Carrier/Flagship:
Like the Class Dreadnought, the Carrier was designed to serve as both a Carrier and a Flagship. While it is slightly smaller and less heavily armoured than the Class Dreadnought, the Class Carrier is still an extremely dangerous ship, due mainly to the fact that it mounts very modern technology in the form of its 3 drone bays that are each able to launch 36 fighter drones and 12 bomber drones, meaning a total of 144 drones, 36 of which are bomber drones, and 108 of which are fighter drones. It also has four specialty bays, two of which launch 36 suicide drones each, and two of which launch six exotic matter drones. Other than that, it is very well armed albeit less armed than a Class Dreadnought.Its main weapon is a very powerful bombardment class rapid fire particle acceleration cannon.
3XDrone Bays (36 fighter drones, 12 bomber drones each)
2XSuicide Drone Bays
2XExotic Matter Drone Bays
2XUltra Heavy Assault Cannons
2XUltra Heavy Particle Acceleration Cannons
2XFlashlight Beam Cannons
2XUltra Heavy Exotic Matter Cannons
2XHeavy Particle Wave Cannons
2XUltra Heavy Beam Cannons
1XBombardment Class Rapid Fire Particle Acceleration Cannon
I made this a lot more slowly than I expected to seeing as I haven't been working on it too much, because I randomly started a new shipmaking project, which has been eating up a lot of my shipmaking time. I'm not sure I like the front, but what the hell, I'll live with it (unless people dislike it). Other than that, not too much to say, except yay, I've finished the main fleet, now for the remaining elite ships, the stations, and the backstory.

Class Dreadnought/Flagship:
The most powerful ship in the Evlein Democratic Federation Navy (not counting elite ships), the Dreadnought is suited to serve as either a Flagship or simply a Dreadnought. It is extremely well armed and armored and sports numerous Beam and Projectile Weapons, including one of the most powerful weapons sported by any ship in the E.D.F. Navy, the Ultra Heavy Particle Wave Cannon. Although extremely dangerous, the Dreadnought is extremely vulnerable to flanking attacks, due to its thin side armour, and its easily targetable, side mounted maneuvering engines which, when destroyed, greatly decrease the maneuverability of the ship. Because of this, their sides are almost always covered by ships of Destroyer class or greater.
4XUltra Heavy Particle Acceleration Cannons
4XUltra Heavy Flashlight Beam Cannons
4XUltra Heavy Assualt Cannons
2XUltra Heavy Rapid Fire Particle Acceleration Cannons
2XUltra Heavy Exotic Matter Cannons
2XUltra Heavy Beam Cannons
2XHeavy Particle Wave Cannons
1XUltra Heavy Particle Wave Cannon
This was originally supposed to simply be a Dreadnought, but it turned out too powerful, so I made it into something between a Dreadnought and a Flagship. For that reason, it's more powerful than the Rustirri Alliance Dreadnought. It took me a while to get this ship so I liked it, originally it was even longer and thinner in places, which made it look quite bad. I think it looks good right now albeit a little thin, but it's already 317 sections, so I don't want it to get much bigger in an attempt to keep the fps over 1.

Only one station so far, I'm not sure if I like it.

Class Battle Station:
No description right now because I'm not sure what I think about it. Please tell me whether you like it or not, because if it's criticised too heavily, I'll probably scrap it. I'm not sure how powerful it will be compared to the other stations, i.e. it may be the weakest (but probably not), or it may be a fairly middle strenght one, but it's unlikely to be the most powerful (or among the most powerful), due to the fact that it is nowhere near as strong as a Dreadnought (but it can beat a Battleship). Also, to prevent it from being thoroughly overpowered, all of its weapons have a 100 degree firing arc, except the Bombardment Class Particle Acceleration Cannon (the Quad Blaster).
1XBombardment Class Particle Acceleration Cannon
4XUltra Heavy Particle Acceleration Cannons (Swivel Turret-100 degree firing arc)
4XUltra Heavy Flashlight Beam Cannons (Swivel Turret-100 degree firing arc)
4XUltra Heavy Assault Cannons (Swivel Turret-100 degree firing arc)
4XUltra Heavy Exotic Matter Cannons (Swivel Turret-100 degree firing arc)
4XUltra Heavy Beam Cannons (Swivel Turret-100 degree firing arc)
4XHeavy Particle Wave Cannons (Swivel Turret-100 degree firing arc)
Bombardment is a whole new class of weapons that are basically even bigger and stronger than Ultra Heavy weapons. Many of the Elite ships will feature them. Also, as you can see in the picture, most of the weapons are on the outside, and thus easily removable.

Focusing Dish:
Basically a huge satellite-like construct armed with a massive beam array. Although it is extremely well armed, it is quite fragile, and has an extremely long reload time. Thus it needs protection to be effective.
8XUltra Heavy Beam Cannons
3XBombardment Class Beam Cannons
I know, it isn't the prettiest thing ever created, but I just made it for the nice beam effect.

A new category, elite ships. I decided that there will be elite ships, so, here's the first set:
Elite Ships:

The Pack:
The Pack consists of six heavily modified Tiamat Class Frigates, all of which are piloted by the six sons of Edganzar Murillio (Edganzar being the patriarch of Murrilio family). The Murillio family was a noble family who conspired with the Evlein rebels to destroy the Tuathan Sovereignty; they were instrumental in sabotaging the Tuathan Navy, and, because of that, they were rewarded with control of their home planet, answerable only to the system government and higher. They have managed their planet benevolently and thus they are liked by the majority of the populous, and would likely win any elections if they had them. The sons of the Edganzar Murillio pilot the extremely powerful Pack Hounds and Pck Master. The Pack is designed to quickly destroy vital ship sections (for example engines), and then leave the firing range of the target ship without sustaining heavy damage. However, they are able to soak up far more fire than a regular Tiamat Class Frigate (but less than an Excelsior Class Destroyer), as well as dodge fire due to their high speed and slim profile. The Murillio crest is a grey wolf head on a red background.

Pack Hound:
A heavily modified Tiamat Class Frigate, the Pack Hound is larger, faster, tougher, and generally far more dangerous then the regular Tiamat Class Frigate. They also have internal engines similar to those found on all of the ships below Frigate class. Due to the Murillio family's liking of Particle Acceleration Cannons, both the the Pack Hounds and the Pack Master are armed solely with Particle Acceleration Cannons of various classes.
8XParticle Acceleration Cannons
2XHeavy Particle Acceleration Cannons

Pack Master:
A heavily modified version of the Pack Hound, the Pack Master was gifted to the eldest of Edganzar Murillio's sons, so he could lead The Pack. It is even tougher, and more well armed than the Pack Hound, and is able to defend itself against projectiles using a Light Defensive Fire Particle Acceleration Cannon, and repair itself using a Low Recharge Fleet Reparation Device (which is similar to a regular Fleet Reparation Device, but it takes longer to recharge). The one thing that the Pack Hounds have over the
12XParticle Acceleration Cannons
3XHeavy Particle Acceleration Cannons
1XBombardment Class Particle Acceleration Cannon
1XLight Defensive Fire Particle Acceleration Cannon
1XLow Recharge Fleet Reparation Device

Notes: Whee! On a whim I decided that there will now be elite ships, which are more powerful, heavily modified versions of the regular ships. The Pack is the first set of them, and probably the only one that will consist of more than one ship, due to the fact that all of the others will be modified larger ships.

Now, for your viewing pleasure, a fight between two fleets, the allied fleet consists of 1 Icarium Class Battleship, 2 Excelsior Class Destroyers, 4 Tiamat Class Frigates, 5 Rage Gunboats, 6 Redux Class Corvettes, and a buttload (I think 14) of FighterBombers (a total of thirty two ships), and the enemy fleet consists of one Icarium Class Battleship (Broadside Variant), two Excelsior Class Destroyers (Anti Capital Variant), one Excelsior Class Destroyer, two Tiamat Class Frigates, and four Rage Gunboats (a total of 10 ships). The two fleets (consisting of a total of 42 ships) are relatively balanced as small ships go fast and don't do too much, while bigger ships have staying power and deal good damage.

The fleets are beginning to move, combat will soon begin.

The first shots are fired, all of the FighterBombers are dead (goddamn they're useless)

The battle has only now truly begun, and the enemy's smaller ships are dropping like flies.

The battle is well underway now, and both sides have lost many of their smaller ships.

The smaller ships (those being ships smaller then Frigates) are pretty much all gone, and the Frigates are all quite damaged.

As soon as it looked like the enemy fleet was going to win, one of the Excelsior Class Destroyer (Anti Capital Variant) decided to turn its back to a Beam Cannon and other weapons being fired by an allied Excelsior Class Destroyer so it can finish of a Rage Gunboat. The result was an effective crippling of the Anti Capital Destroyer, which may turn the tide of battle.

Both sides are now quite heavily damaged. The remaining ships are the two Battleships which are both fairly undamaged (on separate teams), two Excelsior Class Destroyers which are both somewhat damaged (on separate teams), one Excelsior Class Destroyer (Anti Capital Variant) which is crippled (enemy), and one Tiamat Class Frigate which is also crippled (allied). The fight can go either way now.

The Icarium Class Battleship (Broadside Variant) decided to repeat the maneuver performed by one of the Excelsior Class Destroyers (Anti Capital Variant), which involves turning to face a small, relatively useless ship in an attempt to destroy it, while it gets shot in the ass by another ship. Sadly, this maneuver resulted in the loss of a good deal of hull integrity, several weapons and all four engines for the Icarium Class Battleship (Broadside Variant).

Said Icarium Class Battleship (Broadside Variant) is now destroyed leaving the Excelsior Class Destroyer alone. Can you guess who'll win?

The end is near. Due to the large amount of firepower being focused on it, the enemy Excelsior Class Destroyer's hull is about to buckle which will mean its destruction.

BOOM! Victory

These two ships are all that's left of a battle originally involving 42 ships from FighterBombers to Battleships.

Basically my aim for these ships was to have a huge difference between ship classes. It takes about seven Frigates to destroy a Destroyer, despite the fact that the Destroyer is only one size up from it.

Click Me To Download

I think that's everything, this post will be updated. Comments and criticism is welcome.

Up next, various stations, more elite ships, and possibly even civilians. Look Forward To It.

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 3:36 am
by Anty
nice engine design on the battleship

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 3:46 am
by Lizzie
Not bad. Bit to monochrome on the lasers though.

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 3:55 am
by Bad Boy
Anty wrote:nice engine design on the battleship
I got them from Kagu's Samael who got them from you (I think). Thanks for reminding me to give credit (to Kagu), although I'll be getting rid of them when I remake the battleship.
Lizzie wrote:Bit to monochrome on the lasers though.
Ya, I'll whiten the center of the beam cannon to make it look better.

Also, Lizzie, can I join the IVL/VSE thing?

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 4:24 am
by Lizzie
Bad Boy wrote:Also, Lizzie, can I join the IVL/VSE thing?
Honestly I don't care as long as I get to try your ships and make sure their not obscenely overpowered.

Otherwise, it's AD your going to have to convince.

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 7:29 am
by Bad Boy
On that note, can you pm me your ships so I can properly balance them? I vaguely balanced them against the VSE, and the old version of the Hades you posted in the Beauty Pageant. After I balance them, I'll send them to you.

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 7:45 am
by Lizzie
Bad Boy wrote:On that note, can you pm me your ships so I can properly balance them? I vaguely balanced them against the VSE, and the old version of the Hades you posted in the Beauty Pageant. After I balance them, I'll send them to you.
No because their not really balance worthy yet. While hulls and weapons are attached I haven't begun balance tweaks yet. They could be more powerful or less powerful by the time I'm done.

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 8:18 am
by Bad Boy
Fair enough, I'll semi balance them against the VSE.

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 11:02 am
by Bad Boy
Bump, Sorry for the double post but I bring you updates.

Wow, I go away for a weekend, and my ships are at the bottom of the page, then, I spend three days balancing them, and they're on the second page, what I'm trying to say is that people have been posting a lot of ships lately.

Anyway, big update, two new ships, the Rage Gunboat (cookies to anyone who knows where the name is from) and the Icarium Class Battleship. Look on the first page for ship pics and an updated fleet shot. Comments and criticism is welcome.

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 4:43 am
by Bad Boy
Okay wtf, I've waited a while, bump for update sorry for the triple post.

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 7:43 am
by Bambi

Whats up with the dementer-launchers ontop of every weapon?

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 8:36 am
by Droid
If I'm not mistaken they're turrets.

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 8:48 am
by Bad Boy
Correct, they're there to partially cover up the weapons/act as turrets. They have 0 range, and thus they don't fire. Any thoughts on the ships?

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 11:05 am
by Slominator
I can't really comment on functionality too well since there's no download yet but nice job, especially on the frigate. The only one that I'm not sure that I like the looks of is the anti capital destroyer. It might look better if the "wings" were attached a bit differently. A smoother transition from the wing to the hull might do it. There is also a very minor layering error and and your pieces are a bit out of line on the bottom wing.

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 10:11 am
by Bad Boy
Okay, new ship, the Icarium Class Battleship (Broadside Variant). Also, new awesome action shots and almost all of the ships have names. The backstory's coming along, and I'll hopefully have it in a little while. Look on the first post for all of new stuff. Next on my list of working/reworking, the FighterBomber, followed by the Cruiser. Also, does no one desire cookies for knowing where the name Rage Gunboat (originally RAGE Gunboat) is from?

@Slominator, your question is now answered in the ship's description.

EDIT: Sorry about the picture sizes, I didn't notice that the new pics (particularly the Frigate and Destroyer pics) were so small.