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Monolith-Class Super Carrier

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 11:23 am
by Caboose
Hey everyone! I realize it has been awhile since I have really posted anything here (been lurking for a bit), and I have finally decided to leave my comfortable shadows and get back into the ship-making scene. To begin, I want you all to know that this ship is part of a new fleet I am making, and the feedback I get from this vessel will determine how the rest of the fleet plays out. And so, without further ado, the wall of text we have all come to know and love as "The Backstory".

It has been 35 years since the start of the Human - Grakk'Mar war. It was long, bloody, and in some test trials of experimental weapons, very unethical and flashy. But, through years of bloodshed and war, we, the Human race, finally came to terms with the Grakk'Mar. A cease-fire led to a loosening on borders. That, in turn, led to trading, and eventually, an Alliance. This Alliance is in it's 7th year of existence now, and it has been decided by a joint panel of Government leaders (the Terran-Grakk'Mar Council, the current ruling body of both races) that a joint Military refreshment is needed to keep the Alliance safe from any unknown threats, domestic and foreign alike. And so, the following ship is the first one of these new vessels made available for Public viewing.


Monolith-Class Super Carrier


The Monolith-Class Super Carrier is a new breed of ship: The Capital Ship. Although the concept of massive, heavily armed vessels has been around for some time (hence the Harbinger and the Colorado-Class Dreadnought), the classification of "Capital Ship" is a relatively new one to both the UEP and Grakk'Mar. This monster of a ship is armed to the teeth: 14 ADDD's (Automatic Drone-Deployment Device), which deploy the latest and greatest in automated Drone Fighter technology, 2 forward mounted, triple barreled RPAC's (Rapid Plasma-Acceleration Cannon), a total of 6 SPDC's (Standard Plasma-Discharge Cannon), as well as a decent variety of Point Defense weapons (although their importance has been scaled down due to recent developments in fighter-sized PD platforms). This Super Carrier also sports 4 MFHRNBD's (Mobile Fleet Repair NanoBot Deployer). This all means that a single Monolith-Class Super Carrier can act as a powerful Flagship for a fleet, a one-ship powerhouse, a mobile starbase, or even as a strong fleet support vessel (if refitted with the right equipment). Despite the high cost of building even one of these monster ships, they have become quite popular with fleet commanders, especially the Grakk'Mar, who have never had the chance to captain such large vessels, putting many of them on development in orbital shipyards throughout UT-G'MA (United Terran-Grakk'Mar Alliance) space.

And that is it for the Monolith-Class! If you survived this wall of text, you shall receive a cookie. If you leave a comment, you get two. If you do all that AND vote in the poll, you get a baker's dozen of chocolate-chip cookies! Thanks for your time, and let me say: it feels good to be back.

EDIT 1: Sorry for the blurriness of the pic: it's what I get for letting PhotoBucket downsize and then upsize the same pic.
EDIT 2: The UT-G'MA Fleet is on it's way! I already have a decent selection of ships made, I just want to get a few more Warship Classes made before initial release.

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 11:42 am
by admiral_tee
Hmm, can you provide us with a bigger picture?

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 11:46 am
by Caboose
Fix'd pic size.

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 11:54 am
by Icemourne
This is a very good ship. I like it.

PS: Griff is better than Caboose.

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 2:02 pm
by M123
Caboose wrote:I get haz cookiez nao! (for the love of God, don't actually vote for this)
Way to get people to vote for that! :lol:

The ship has quite a nice shape at the front, good work, but something about the engines just doesn't look right to me.

Cookiez plz. :lol:

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 2:06 pm
by Caboose
Heh, about the engines....

When I was making the ship, I had the front (which, if you took the time to dig up old threads, is almost a perfect steal from the Colorado-Class Dreadnought and Thompson-Class Cruiser fronts) and the hangar-bulge done, and I realized "Ah crap, where the hell am I going to put down some engines?"

IMO, I kinda had to shoe-horn them into the actual ship design, but I thought I did at least a decent job of doing it. If I get more feedback on the subject, I will see what I can do about the engines.

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 9:12 pm
by Exethalion
I like it quite a bit. The engines are cool.

Way too many abbreviations in your backstory IMO.

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 11:35 pm
by Ukomalkaizio
Shaping up to be quite a good fleet with the first craft.

Also, oatmeal raisin.

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 11:40 pm
by T-002
Heh. If those drones launch fast enough, you might risk me calling 'em ADDs.

Anyway, good ship. Aesthetically pleasing too. Maybe a bit more info on the Grakk'Mar?

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 2:48 am
by DeathsHand
Color scheme is nice, and I like the general shape/weapons layout. Hmmm, the pic is a little blurry...

ps- I want my orange juice :x

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 3:53 am
by Slominator
Looking good so far. I'm curious to see what it would look like if you made 2 or 3 more engines exacly like the others sticking out of that big bulge in the back or maybe added some more ship back there.

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 6:09 am
by Caboose
Well hey everyone, thanks for the feedback! Just a couple of things I would like to say:

@Slominator: Normally, the back would be loaded to the max with junk (mostly ablative hull), but I decided against it for a cleaner, more hangar-looking... well... hangar.

@DeathsHand: The reason for the bluriness is in the first post (right next to the big old words EDIT :) )

@T-002: If moar info is really what the people want, I suppose I could post a good brick of text explaining both the UEP and Grakk'Mar more. Although, I am reluctant to do so: I want to try to keep this focused on the ships as much as possible.

@Exethalon: Thanks about the engines! makes me feel better about them now. And about the copious amounts of abbreviations: I put them there because it sounds really cool and techy (IMO). However, if it's a big enough turn off for people, I will remove them.

Oh, and to end this response, a little pic of the Monolith-Class in action (ArcaneDude, if you are viewing this, please look away now, this might hurt):


In case you can't tell (Hell, I hardly can and I took the pic!), that is the Monolith-Class going at it with ArcaneDude's make of the Constitution-Class (from Star Trek. If you don't want this here, ArcaneDude, I can remove it no problem). I look forward to more feedback from you guys!

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 6:28 am
by Spoot Knight
Now ArcaneDude has two fleets to worry about. :lol:
I'll back you up if you'd like. :twisted:

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 10:32 am
by Caboose
Hey, I just wanted to say that the UT-G'MA Fleet should have it's first posting tomorrow! I decided (from poll results) that the Fleet had the green light to go, so I beefed up my rate of ship building. At this rate, I should have the entire fleet up on this forum some time around 7 P.M. tomorrow!

P.S. For those of you viewing this who live in countries other than the United States, I live on the Pacific Coast, so that is 3 hours before New York time, and I believe 8 hours behind Greenwich Mean. (so 7 P.M. here is 10 P.M. in New York, and ~3 A.M. in Greenwich)

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 10:35 am
by AidanAdv
Caboose wrote:Hey, I just wanted to say that the UT-G'MA Fleet should have it's first posting tomorrow! I decided (from poll results) that the Fleet had the green light to go, so I beefed up my rate of ship building. At this rate, I should have the entire fleet up on this forum some time around 7 P.M. tomorrow!

P.S. For those of you viewing this who live in countries other than the United States, I live on the Pacific Coast, so that is 3 hours before New York time, and I believe 8 hours behind Greenwich Mean. (so 7 P.M. here is 10 P.M. in New York, and ~3 A.M. in Greenwich)
Blasted East Coaster, everyone knows Central is the one true time.