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The Northern Star Alliance (Ultrapost. Lots of pictures.)

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 2:30 am
by Verminator
First post / ships. I've not done anything fancy, so apologies if they're a bit boring. I've tried to make up with some extra backstory detail. I balanced all of these ships against Stock enemies, so most of them aren’t too overpowered. The faction name and story is based off of an RTS game called Ground Control 2. I've also gone for what I think their ships would look like if they were BF-style.

About the Northern Star Alliance

During the relatively early days of rapid space expansion, many people left to the stars, looking for habitable worlds to colonise, or opportunities to expand their wealth. One of the organisations that was at the forefront of this was the massive Crayven corporation, who expressed great interest in colonising the northernmost reach of the nearest spiral arm of the galaxy. Having invested huge amount of money into colonisation rights and a massive fleet of colony vessels, Crayven set out to carve out its own piece of the galaxy. However, all did not go as planned, as the Craven effort lost contact with mission command some three-quarters of the way into the journey, disappearing entirely. It was assumed that some unforseen cataclysm had occured, and the area was branded a danger zone. A few years later, Crayven fell through and the incident was largely forgotten. However, unbeknownst to the rest of the galaxy, the colonists were alive and well. They had slipped past an invisible veil of particles that came to be known as the Heinrich barrier. (named after Ernst Heinrich, the scientist who successfully identified it) This field made return lightspeed jumps impossible, and completely blocked almost all forms of communications. The colonists had no option but to continue, to try and settle new worlds to keep on living. Fortunately, Craven had chosen wisely in their location. It had plenty of habitable worlds, and was brimming with potential resources. In the next one-and-a-half centuries, the colonists forged a great new society. They successfully colonised twelve new planets, the orginal of which, Morningstar Prime, became the new nation's capital. The nation came to be known as the Northern Star Alliance. Fifteen years ago, the NSA managed to reestablish contact with the rest of the Terran empire, using an ingenious tachyon-based transponder which enabled safe passage through the Heinrich barrier. While the NSA is independent from the Terran empire, the two states enjoy very friendly relations. When the Nanz attacked, the NSA was quick to offer what aid it could, fighting back with its own set of unique and powerful warships.

The Fleet

The NSA First Armada, in orbit over the NSA capital planet, Morningstar Prime. NSA ships are as conventional as they come, favouring rugged versatility over new and unproven technology. Click to download schematics for the current known NSA vessels.

Patrol Vessels

The Pegasus fast attack gunship.

Manufacturer: Morningstar Space Command Systems.
Armament: 2 pulse guns
Defense: 1 particle gun
HP: 150
Speed: 3.5
Acceleration: 0.5
Turning: 1.3

The success of the Zelus gunship was not lost on NSA engineers, who designed a similar concept in the Pegasus. Using a pair of pulse guns modified for greater accuracy, while the Pegasus throws out less firepower overall, it achieves similar results as more shots strike home. It also benefits from a single particle gun, enabling the ship to intercept enemy munitions and survive longer. This ship is used regularly in almost all fields of military operations. It is capable of limited atmostpheric flight, so NSA ground commanders frequently call them in from orbit to provide fire support to advancing ground forces, or as a blockade runner, delivering supplies to besieged soldiers.

Comments on the Pegasus

Captain Benson, NSS Belephoron - It's nice to have a ship capable of maneuvering around the battlefield so easily. Once you get one into the rear arc of an enemy ship, you can start doing some real damage, too.

Rear Admiral Mikhailovich, 5th defense fleet - It's all well and good having so much firepower on such a small ship, but I hate how it has to get so close to use it. You need to keep it jinking and moving at long range, and once you've got close enough to fire, you're at the mercy of the enemy because the ship's so easy to destroy. I'd never go in one of those things in a battle.

Verminator's notes
This is the Pegasus V2. The first one was blocky and a bit overpowered. Otherwise, the ship was really simple to put together, but I still thinks it looks alright, if a bit uninteresting.

The Cygnus long range support vessel

Manufacturer: Prius Astrocombat Engineering
Armament: 2 Blaster Cannons, 1 Railgun.
Defense: NA
Speed: 3
Acceleration: 0.05
Turning: 0.9

For operations too small to solicit using the might of the Vesuvius siege platform, the Cygnus is an obvious choice. Striking at long range with blasters and a railgun, the Cygnus has often been compared to the Aedon in its role. While one Cygnus alone is little threat, a few can present a real threat to an enemy position.

Comments on the Cygnus

Captain Kahje, NSS Hector - The Cygnus is great for taking ships apart. In numbers it can really shred an enemy vessel. Throw in good speed and maneuverability and you've got a ship the enemy hates.

Captain Neil, NSS Archer - This ship is a bit of a joke. While its got good range, it doesn't have the firepower to match. If you need big guns and big range, get a proper ship.

Verminator's notes
Not much to say about the Cygnus. I put this together recently, and it didn't take me long at all. I thought that it was important to have a longer-ranged patrol ship to complement the abilities of the Pegasus.

The Janus repair corvette

Manufacturer: Originally Vulcan Astroconstruction Corp, Designs purchased and modified by Morningstar Space Command Systems
Armament: NA
Defense: NA
Modules: 1 Nanomatrix assembly
HP: 200
Speed: 3
Acceleration: 0.05
Turning: 0.75

Originally a civilian construction and mining utility craft, the Janus has been modified by the military firm MSCS to be a frontline repair and resupply unit. Possessing greater armour than the original, along with improved speed, the Janus, while still being completely unarmed, is often seen in combat fleets, repairing and resupplying friendly ships.

Comments on the Janus

Captain Benson, NSS Magnificent - Whenever you've taken damage, or you're running low on fuel, or your weapons are running low, those little ships are there to save the day. Don't know where we'd be without them.

Rear Admiral Mikhailovich, 5th Defense Fleet - While the Janus does its job, I believe that no ship in any serious navy should go unarmed. Command needs to do a major rethink as to arming this vessel with at least something.

Verminator's notes
I think that I got a nice effect at the back of this ship, with all the nano-y goodness flowing into the nanomatrix. A shame that it's a bit off ingame.


The Harpy light patrol frigate

Manufacturer: Prius Astrocombat Engineering
Armament: 2 Blaster Cannons, 2 Pulse Guns
Defense: 2 Particle guns
HP: 200
Speed: 3
Acceleration: 0.4
Turning: 0.85

The Harpy is a light multirole vessel used all over NSA space. Speedy and quick off the mark, outside of major battles, it can be seen doing its job defending against raiders and keeping the peace. In a battle, it flanks enemy vessels, travelling in packs, flanking enemy battleships and pursuing fleeing enemies.

Comments on the Harpy

Captain Benson, NSS Magnificent - There's a reason this ship is everywhere. It does its job so well, and it's so easy to produce and upkeep.

Captain Neil, NSS Archer - The Harpy's great for light work, but you can't consider it a serious warship. It's far too fragile, and you can't expect it to shoulder the same workload as the Castor or the Pollux.

Verminator's notes
This was the first ship I put together. I was originally going for a patrol ship, but this came out and I decided that it was too big to be one, yet wasn't strong enough to be a destroyer. I just consider it being a sort of in-between ship.

The Castor destroyer

Manufacturer: Heinrich shipyards
Armament: 2 Blasters, 2 Railguns, 2 Beamers
Defense: 2 Deflectors, 2 Particle guns
HP: 350
Speed: 2
Acceleration: 0.04
Turning: 0.8

The Castor is the workhorse of the NSA fleet. Modeled to be a heftier version of the Hestia, what the Castor lacks in style it makes up for with an excellent survivability to enemy attacks and a powerful and varied array of frontal firepower. The NSA deploy lots of these ships during battles in tight-knit defensive formations to concentrate firepower while giving the greatest chance of surviving enemy fire.

Comments on the Castor

Grand Admiral Warhurst, NSA naval high command - The Castor isn't a work of art, but that doesn't matter, because this ship does its job so well. The designers ought to be applauded for creating such a functional vessel.

Captain Lang, NSS New Darwin - The Castor's a fine piece of work but its just so - average. It does its job, but it certainly isn't pretty, and there aren't any real perks to its design. The designers showed no imagination at all.

Verminator's notes
This is the V2 Castor. Originally, it looked almost identical to the Hestia, and while it still has the same outline, its different enough to be distinguishable now at least.

The Pollux fast attack destroyer

Manufacturer: Prius Astrocombat Engineering
Armament: 2 Gatling Blasters, 2 Beamers, 2 Gatling Pulse cannons
Defense: 2 Particle guns
Modules: 1 Short-range Dieterling warp device.
HP: 250
Speed: 3
Acceleration: 0.6
Turning: 0.55

A recent development, NSA high command expressed a desire for a committed flanking and pursuit vessel to be the sister ship to the Castor, feeling that the casualty rates suffered by the Harpy in this role were unacceptable. Prius AE came up with the solution in the Pollux, and it excels at this role. Travelling in wolf packs and flanking enemy formations, this ship has become a feared presence for the enemies of NSA navies. Once in the rear arc of a ship, a Pollux can really punish an enemy with plenty of firepower. It also is aided in this job by the NSA's first use of the Dieterling warp device. However, the ship is very fragile and will not stand up to concentrated firepower for long. Also, the ship's design gives it a limited turning arc, a feature that continues to frustrate captains of the Pollux.

Comments on the Pollux

Captain Scot, NSS Striker - I swear, those aliens are genuinely afraid of that ship. They see them once, and they're constantly checking to see where they are and trying extra hard to keep their behinds covered. I can understand that. I wouldn't want one of those behind me either.

Captain Kahje, NSS Hector - I captain a Pollux, and I'm tellin' ya, it ain't all it’s cracked up to be. You've got to constantly be moving to stop being hit. A few good hits and you're out of it. You've got to use the Dieterling a lot, and every time it goes off I nearly throw up - feels like being turned inside out. Nobody mentioned how cramped quarters'd be either. And every time you try and make a decent turn to shoot at an enemy ship, the thing's too damn slow and the bad guy gets away. I feel like hitting someone every time that happens.

Verminator's notes

The Pollux was meant to be the opposite of the Castor. While the Castor's a tank, the Pollux is a Porsche. I like the look of it and its a pretty decent predator of ships on the battlefield. Micro it carefully for best results.

The Cerberus armoured destroyer

Manufacturer: Heinrich Shipyards
Armament: 2 Beamers, 2 Railguns
Defense: 2 Particle guns, 2 Aegis Deflectors
HP: 300
Speed: 2.25
Acceleration: 0.05
Turning: 0.75

The Cerberus has been introduced into mass production very recently, and as such, few of these ships yet exist. It is the first ship in the NSA to make use of reverse-engineered alien Aegis deflector technology. NSA expertise with this technology is still in its infancy, and as such, the generators for the defensive field still uses a lot of power, leaving the ship with little offensive armament. However, the ship is still nigh-invulnerable to frontal attacks, and it is expected that the technology will improve given time.

Comments on the Cerberus

Captain Anselme, NSS Valiance - I cannot believe how long it has taken for command to do this. The greatest nightmare that any of our ships can face is facing an enemy vessel that's invulnerable head-on. It's about time the favour was returned.

Rear Admiral Mikhailovich, 5th Defense Fleet - This is a gimmick. The generators take far too much power. Until we get better at using this technology, we shouldn't bother.

Verminator's notes
I wanted one aegis ship, but I was desperate not to make it overpowered. I think I got what I wanted, as the ship's pretty easy to flank, and because the generators are parented to the big pods at the back, the shields come down fairly easily too. I suppose you could still cheat and make a wagon wheel of these ships, but that's fiddly and needs a lot of them to work.


The Apollo-Class Cruiser

Manufacturer: Astroforge Military Shipyards
Armament: 2 Missile pods, 6 blaster cannons, 6 beamers, 2 gatling blasters.
Defense: 6 Particle guns.
HP: 350
Speed: 2.25
Acceleration: 0.05
Turning: 0.75

The Apollo is the lightest of the NSA capital ships, but it still is more than capable of making its presence felt on the battlefield. It has two key attributes: speed, and offensive firepower. The ship is much faster than most large ships, capable of matching the Hestia destroyer in terms of pace. It also is capable of throwing out large amounts of fire. From the front, a pair of gatling blasters and missile pods ensure that the ship does good damage, and from the side, a triple battery of blasters and beamers are capable of massive destruction if an enemy vessel exposes an unprotected side. However, these virtues come at a price, as the ship is unshielded and very fragile for a battleship.

Comments on the Apollo

Captain Neil, NSS Bellepheron - This a nice ship, big, but not so big as to be awkward moving around, or tough to build and supply. It's a nice compromise between sending a hulking great Battleship that might be overkill or a Destroyer that might not be strong enough to do its job.

Captain Scot, NSS Striker - This ship is pretty good, but if they're going to make such a small capital ship they should at least give it some better protection. Those particle guns won't intercept every projectile that the enemy send at it.

Verminator's notes
This happened when I hit a brick wall trying to make a bigger battleship. With some tweaks, I got this, and I liked it as well.

The Artemis assault cruiser

Manufacturer: Astroforge Military Shipyards
Armament: 8 blaster cannons, 4 pulse cannons, 2 gatling pulse cannons, 2 beamers, 2 missile pods, 2 weasel guns
Defense: 4 Deflectors, 4 particle guns.
HP: 400
Speed: 2
Acceleration: 0.05
Turning: 0.5

The Artemis is the most widespread battleship used by the NSA. Possessing large amounts of firepower in its forward arc at all ranges, as well as good defense, the Artemis is a superb all-rounder. Its only real weakness is a vulnerability in its rear arc, as it has no weapons covering it, as well as the engines and deflector modules being somewhat vulnerable. The ship has an outstanding service record in almost every major NSA conflict, and is admired by pirates, aliens and terrans alike.

Comments on the Artemis

Grand Admiral Warhurst, NSA navy high command -
The Artemis has proved time and agains that is is a warship of the highest calibre. The hundreds of casualties the ship has inflicted attest to that.

Rear Admiral Mikhailovich, 5th Defense Fleet - I like the ship, but I wish the rear arc was less exposed. Also, I think that the Weasel guns are a gimmick. I wish that they’d just put on a few more blasters instead.

Verminator's notes
I think this is my personal favourite of the ships I’ve made so far. If any one of my ships doesn’t look like total ass, I’d say it’d be this one.

The Odyssey-class carrier

Manufacturer: Olympus Mons Shipyards
Armament: 6 blaster cannons, 12 Demeter drone launchers
Defense: NA
Modules: 2 Demeter Pod launchers
HP: 500
Speed: 1.5
Acceleration: 0.03
Turning: 0.4

The Odyssey is the NSA's primary carrier, using swarms of Demeter drones to get its job done. The ship can put out twixe as many drones as the Arcas carrier, and makes a superb support vessel. However, it has relatively little firepower of its own, and no defense. It must be closely guarded for it to have maximum effect.

Comments of the Odyssey

Captain Kahje, NSS Hector - This things puts out dozens of those drones at a time. Me and the rest of the crew have a good laugh at the enemy jinking and trying to shake 'em off every time.

Rear Admiral Mikhailovich, 5th Defense Fleet - I really don't like the idea of a ship that needs to be babysitted in order to be effective. This thing is junk if it gets attacked without an escort. And seriously, guns that shoot drones that shoot lasers? Who came up with that stupid idea?

Verminator's notes
Now that I've done this up, I'm really liking the look of it. Needs protection for best results, but the two Demeter pod launchers means it can put out a small swarm for the enemies to run away from.

The Vesuvius Siege Artillery Platform

Manufacturer: Heinrich Shipyards
Armament: 10 Blaster Cannons
Defense: NA
Modules: 2 Boosters
HP: 300
Speed: 1.5
Acceleration: 0.05
Turning: 0.45

The Vesuvius is designed for one thing above all else - Firepower at extreme range. It is notorious for its extreme destructive ability, and most foes are respectful of it. The ship is famous for never having encountered an enemy position it couldn't crack.

Captain Scot, NSS Striker – The firepower on this thing is simply incredible. I’m glad it’s on our side. There’s little else to say about it.

Captain Benson, NSS Belephoron – If you ask me, this thing is a waste of space. The thing is a power guzzling monster, and let’s face it, no-one’s going to stand still long enough for you to hit them with that amount of weaponry.

Verminator's notes
A bit overpowered, but I liked the idea of a big siege ship, so I just though "what the hell" and went for it. I liked the result.

The Basileus-class battleship

Manufacturer: Morningstar Space Command Systems
Armament: 19 blaster cannons, 6 railguns, 6 pulse guns, 6 gatling pulse guns.
Defense: 6 Deflectors, 14 particle guns
HP: 600
Speed: 1.2
Acceleration: 0.05
Turning: 0.45

The Basileus is the sturdiest and most resilient ship in the NSA navy. Colossal amounts of shielding and point defense combined with
a punishing array of broadside firepower make this a ship not to be sniffed at. The ship has been proved nigh-invincible to all but the most deadly alien vessels so far, and has been instrumental in pinning down enemies or just pulverizing them with blaster fire in most NSA battles against the Nanz.

Comments on the Basileus

Rear Admiral Mikhailovich, 5th Defense fleet – If you ask me, this ship is the damn finest in the galaxy. It can take anything that most enemies can throw at it and come out of it fighting. Good firepower too, from almost any angle.

Captain Kahje, NSS Hector - Sure, the thing’s tough alright. But it does have a weakness. Those engines are usually the first thing to blow up, and when they do, the whole ship turns into a spinning top. They have to catch it and tractor it back to base later. It’s not a pretty sight.

Verminator’s notes
This thing really is as hard as nails, yes, save for the engines. It’s probably a bit imbalanced in that it’s far too well protected for its own good. I like it though.

The Polemarch-class Dreadnought

Manufacturer: Morningstar Space Command Systems
Armament: 6 beamers, 6 gatling blasters, 4 railguns, 4 gatling pulse guns, 3 missile pods
Defense: 4 deflectors, 12 particle guns
HP: 700
Speed: 1
Acceleration: 0.03
Turning: 0.3

The Polemarch is a very large and frighteningly destructive ship, the largest yet to leave an NSA shipyard. It uses a large amount of modded weaponry to inflict frightful amounts of damage upon enemy ships. It is also very tough, possessing more than enough strength to shake off most enemy attacks. The ship is slow, and monstrously expensive to upkeep. Thus, only three of these monstrosities exist so far, all of them belonging to the grand admiralty, flagships of the most important NSA fleets.

Comments on the Polemarch

Grand Admiral Warhurst, NSA navy high command - There is little that can be said about the Polemarch, save that it is easily the most effective combat vessel I have yet to see. The firepower the thing produces is awesome. It can stand up to anything. It is everything that you could want in a warship.

Captain Neil, NSS Archer - I cannot believe they actually went ahead with this ship. It is a monstrous waste of taxpayer money. The thing is so slow that most enemies run away at the sight of it, leaving all those guns with nothing to shoot at. All that money wasted so that the admiralty could have a big toy to show off. Pathetic.

Verminator's notes
This ship I'm still not entirely happy with, but it looks presentable enough to me now. It's all about the firepower, baby. Its overpowered. There should only be one max of these in any one fleet at a time.

Space Stations

The Ajax planetary defense battlestation

Manufacturer: Olympus Mons Shipyards
Armament: 8 blasters, 8 gatling pulse guns, 8 beamers, 8 missile launchers.
Defense: 8 deflectors, 4 particle guns
Modules: 1 Nanomatrix, 1 Flux projector
HP: 2000

The Ajax is a massive battlestation positioned over every major NSA planet. It is the ultimate defensive measure the NSA can offer, throwing out large amounts of firepower, and helping support and protect a defensive fleet.

Comments on the Ajax

Captain Anselme, NSS Valiance - An enemy would have to be insane to seriously consider attacking one of these. Its just far too strong and tough to even consider fighting one, especially if there's other ships nearby.

Captain Kahje, NSS Hector - Oh sure, the Ajax is great. It can do anything. Besides move. That's right, command thought a military asset incapable of movement was a good idea. When space powers are hurling kinetic missiles at one another, this is just not a good idea. Especially when for one of these you could have two Basileus battleships! Two!

Verminator's notes

This is the one military space station I've built. Not much to say about it, other than it's very tough and can take on a lot of enemies at once all by itself.

Size comparison for NSA military ships. Ajax out of date, but still the same size.

Non-combat and non-military ships

The FH-25 Freighter

The FH-25 is a dependable freighter seen throughout NSA space. It is the first preference for most deep-space shipping corprations due to the ship's large cargo capacity, fuel efficiency and dependability.

The FS-13 troop transport

This is the NSA's primary transport ship, carrying military personnel and equipment to far-off battlegrounds It has a pair of pulse guns, but these are usually used for hot combat drops as support for disembarking military units, and are fairly inneffectual in a space battle.

Pollux law enforcement variant

A Pollux that has been reconfigured for use by law enforcement agencies. More emphasis based on disabling and capturing runaway vessels rather than destroying them.

The HM-60 Bison

A basic industrial vessel. Used to clear debris and aid deep-space construction projects.

M-corp Mining utility vehicle

A deep-space mining vessel. Uses beams to slice asteroids apart, and uses grav beams to collect the fragments. Frontal shield and nanomatrix helps protect against asteroid impact. Occasionally used by the military to clear a path for combat vessels.

Starhub astrobase

This space station is modified for many different functions, from orbital hotels to stellar warehouses. It is most commonly used as an orbital starport to help deal with coming and going space traffic.

Size comparison for NSA civilian ships. Starhub not included (sorry, out-of-date picture.)

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 2:32 am
by Joss
I really like them all, exept this one.

The Cerberus Armoured Destroyer.

There is somthing wrong with those aegis, mabee you should send them to the back?

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 2:47 am
by T-002
Dude, you put quite some work into this, haven't you? It paid off, man. Those ships look very appealing. I like the Terran look you gave 'em.

Color scheme is good as well, and you have quite some diversity. You, good sir, are definitely one of the better shipbuilders around here.

P.S.: First post with new avatar! Yeeha!

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 2:47 am
by Verminator
@Joss: I haven't noticed anything wrong with them. For me they work perfectly.

@T-002: Wow, thanks. That means a lot coming from an Admiral like you. I'm sure there's far, far better round here though. I've lurked long enough to see that.

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 3:02 am
by Water_and_Wind
A wonderful, wonderful fleet. I love the captains' comments on the ships, its a really nice touch. As for the ships, I like the colour scheme, the overall shape of the ships but I would suggest that you use less stretching on the larger sections (like section 21 or 22) like on the carrier or at the back of the dreadnought.

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 3:10 am
by Verminator
Yes, that's kind of the problem with those ships. I'm trying to think of a way round it.

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 3:14 am
by ArcaneDude
Now THAT is what I call a smashing entry. Very well done. The ships are very good, go well together, and it's a large, polished fleet on it's own. Very nice work.

One thought, however, some of the ships seem a bit vulnerable. Meaning that some only have one section protecting the core, and then a huge honkin hole towards the front.

I also have a problem with the Polemarch. The front is stacked with weapons, while the back is completely empty. Maybe spread the weapons out a bit, and it'll be a lot better.

Nice style of posting as well.

T-002's comment was justified, although a bit fast. You're not the best shipbuilder, yet. You are however, the one with the most potential. Working with the SB, learning all the quirks and tricks and getting an own style will take time, but you're well on your way.

Good luck, I look forward to see more of these ships, and more of you.

@T-002: Meh. I liked the old one better.

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 3:17 am
by Joss
To me they just look like they havent been attached very well. Ah well im like that....

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 3:18 am
by ArcaneDude
Joss, your words aren't attached very well either. Spell check, anyone?

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 3:37 am
by T-002
ArcaneDude wrote:Joss, your words aren't attached very well either. Spell check, anyone?
Hand the man some ice for that burn!!

No, really, that's gotta hurt.

And the avatar, I might put the old one back if the crowd demands it.

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 3:43 am
by Verminator
UPDATE: New look Odyssey and Polemarch.


As you can see, to create a substitute for 21-stretching, Good old section 25 came in handy. I've also reduced the front of the Odyssey, and decreased the number of drones available. It's more or less on par with the Arcas now. As for the Polemarch, I retracted its rear and added a pair of torpedo launchers, modified for extra range and rate of fire. Small changes, but I think the ships look better for it all the same.

PS, there might be small flaws in the designs now. I'd be grateful if could point them out to me.

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 3:50 am
by Water_and_Wind
These look much better. The section 25 looks good on them. Downloads please?

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 4:00 am
by Verminator
Download is up - click the fleet picture for all ships currently listed.

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 7:16 am
by Bad Boy
Outstanding job! The backstory and descriptions are excellent (the captain's thoughts were a nice touch), the ships themselves are excellent examples of stock balanced ships, and, their design is excellent. I have but a few complaints which can be ignored at your leisure. 1) The Vesuvius seems a little small, but I suppose that if it were bigger, it would be overpowered. 2) The Odyssey suffers from much the same problem particularly in the front where I think you should put a few more sections, it looks kind of strange to me. 3) The dreadnought seems to only have one more section then the battleship, and it seems to be only slightly better armed. Also, this is a matter of opinion, and you probably shouldn't listen to me about this unless you agree, but I don't really like the shape of the battleship's back section (basically the area where it gets narrower).

Anyway, welcome to the forums!

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 9:58 pm
by Master Chief
This is the one of the most awesome fleets I've been able to lay my hands on from a new forum member. 8 posts and you've been able to come up with this stuff? It says something about your ability. Something really excellent about it.

The fleet is going for that stockish Terran look, so I must say that although you did base them on current stock ships, they've been changed enough for me to see them as unique ships which have their own flavour and identity. Your effort deserves a cookie here, for that uber-long post. I've never seen those remarks made by fleet personnel before. Must adapt that idea.

Here you go.

I better start remaking some of my ships for the United Fleet...