Ships of the United Free Colonies (L drydock images added)

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Ships of the United Free Colonies (L drydock images added)

Post by Strideo »

Also see my miscellaneous ships thread.

The Back Story.

It is the distant future and mankind has been united under a single government for almost 200 years after the Wars of Federalization (also called The Federation Wars) forced independent sovereign nations to capitulate and hand control of their territories to the World Government. At the time that Earth's governments were united the fledgling colonies on far flung planets were asked to join the World Government as well. When they did the Unity of Federated Planets was born.

In time the resentment and fear of those who had resisted the single government movement subsided and humanity prospered and spread across the stars. The fledgling colonies grew to become sophisticated developed planets with booming cities and high tech economies. For the first time in history there was no war between nations. Civil strife, rebellion, and fighting between Unity states would be quelled with overwhelming force.

However all was not necessarily well. As time went on the U.F.P. central government took on more and more power and local authorities had less of a role to play in their governance. As the Unity became more bureaucratic and complex it became more authoritarian in it's leanings. The citizens of the U.F.P. had little or no voice although many did not take notice. They lived as they had always lived and they took the government for granted. Entertainment and their personal lives took priority over the need to watch what was going on in politics. The peoples of the central worlds were too decadent to miss their liberties. Perhaps humanity was doomed to stagnate under the Unity government.

Or perhaps not. The entrepreneurial spirit lived on in hundreds of new fledgling colonies. As pioneering people spread out on frontiers all around the central worlds the U.F.P. government found it's self too stretched to watch over them all closely and govern them "properly". Many of these new colonies were given semi-autonomous status and were allowed to govern themselves as long as they recognized the authority of the U.F.P. The new colonies prospered and grew rapidly and their citizens enjoyed a newfound sense of freedom.

However, the long arm of the Unity government would not stay idle for forever . . .

The Slaughter at Danalu.

-description pending-

Open Rebellion.

-description pending-

The factions.

The Unity of Federated Planets (U.F.P.)
Justice, Equality, and Order above all.

"Never again will we allow humanity to slip back into its old ways of ignorance. Never again will we let ourselves slaughter each other in war over our petty differences."

The U.F.P.'s strength lies in its established power and the huge amount of resources under its control. After suffering devastating losses during the initial onslaught of the U.F.C. the advantage still lies firmly in the Unity's favor as it ramps up production for a new campaign against the separatist movement. In a war of attrition the colonies would find themselves badly outmatched. The biggest disadvantage the Unity has is its slowness in managing its bureaucracy and its inability to adapt to new situations quickly.

The Unity government's greatest fear is that the citizens turn against the war and see through the propaganda being fed to them.

The United Free Colonies (U.F.C.)

The U.F.C. is a loose confederation of mostly like minded colonies that have allied against the Unity government in a bid for lasting freedom and independence. While not every colony can provide a fleet of star ships to fight the Unity navy every member contributes to the cause in what ever way they can whether through monetary support, man power, arms manufacturing, espionage, or other valuable resources.

Some Principal Members of the U.F.C. :

The backbone of a rebellion.

-description pending-

Staunch defenders against tyranny.

-description pending-

New Redray
The black sheep or questionable ally?

-description pending-


It's no secret that the chaos caused by the war for succession benefits many pirates and pirate organizations greatly. While U.F.C. ships are not necessarily exempt from pirate activities many pirate organizations have taken to targeting Unity supply ships more often since weakening the Unity government and prolonging the war serves their interest better. Of course many of the unity fleets that once patrolled for pirate activity are now focused on the war.

The Wanderers

As star fairing technology became more efficient, cost effective, and easily attainable space ships also became more easily attainable for smaller groups of individuals rather than just governments and large corporations. It is supposed that the Wanderers are the descendants of spacers who owned or obtained their own space craft to make their livings. A Wanderer's ship is usually an older model ship that has been heavily modified and they are often outfitted with decent weaponry compared to "civilized" commercial craft.

Essentially the Wanderers are space fairing gypsies of a sort and possibly the closest thing that humanity has to an entirely space bound nation. They live by a strict code and regard outsiders with distrust. A Wanderer's space ship is his home and it is a Wanderer's duty to help another Wanderer in need.

The Wanderers steer clear of most highly populated systems and tend to hover at the absolute fringes of civilized space even by colonial standards. They trade valuable goods only with those that they feel they can trust and can often find some very rare goods. Being highly independant they maintain their own space stations mostly as trade centers and they also maintain their own gas mining operations to provide their own fuel for their space ship's fusion reactor.

The Unity government being frustrated with the Wanderer's elusive nature has branded them as subversives who need to be brought under control.


As of now there have been no official encounters with sentient alien beings recorded. However anecdotes, rumors, and tall tales still circulate among spacers. The most common are told by long haul freighter crews reporting sightings of unidentified craft in deep interstellar space while waiting for their jump drive capacitors to recharge for their next hyperspace jump. They frequently claim that these craft do not register properly on their ships sensors. If these claims are true then any aliens that frequently travel within human territories must possess superior technology to remain hidden for so long and it is presumed that they would only reveal themselves to space travelers intentionally.
Last edited by Strideo on Tue Jul 15, 2008 10:33 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Strideo »

The Ships, Stations, and Vessels.
-many descriptions pending-

Unity Ships.

Deviant Class Patrol Vessel

Vigilance Class Corvette

Independence Class Frigate

Resilience Class Frigate

Trust Class Support Frigate

Vengeance Class Destroyer

Reliant Class Destroyer

Persistence Class Heavy Destroyer

Defiant Class Light Cruiser

Quintessence Class Light Cruiser

Endurance Class Light Carrier

Perseverance Class Cruiser

Luminescence Class Cruiser

Dominance Class Battle Cruiser

Omnipotence Class Battleship
(image not to scale with others)

Virtue Class Troop Transport

Paramount Class Troop Transport

Spiral Defense Platform

Drone Defense Platform

Small Dry Dock Facility
(image not to scale with others)

Large Dry Dock Facility

United Free Colonies Ships

Athacian Shipyards

Sentry Class Patrol Vessel

Raider Class Corvette

Defender Class Frigate

Guardian Class Frigate

Archer Class Missile Destroyer

Sentinel Class Destroyer

Soldier Class Destroyer

Warrior Class Light Cruiser

Commander Class Cruiser

Seeker Class Light Carrier

General Class Battle Cruiser

Overlord Class Battleship

Athacian Troop Transport
This troop carrier is a converted civilian freighter with added defensive weaponry.

Athacian Freighter
An example of the type of cargo freighter built at the Athacian Shipyards.

Athacian Passenger Liner
An example of an Athacian Shipyards passenger ship.

Orbital Defense Station
After briefly losing orbital superiority and having their capital bombarded the Athacians have begun to build and install heavy defenses to defend their world. There has been some controversy among other colonies as to whether or not Athacia should be spending resources on these stations rather than ships that could be sent out to defend any colony in need of help.

Narayana Shipyards

Chakram Class Corvette

Bhuj Class Frigate

Urumi Class Support Frigate

Khanda Class Destroyer

Talwar Class Destroyer

Trishula Heavy Destroyer

The Ships of New Redray

Swift Fox Class Frigate

Fox Class Frigate

Coyote Class Destroyer

Wolf Class Light Cruiser

Pirate Ships.

Typical examples and ships with unknown names.

Image Image
Typical examples of pirate ships converted from captured small civilian vessels. Frequently sighted during pirate raids. They pose little to no threat to most military grade vessels.

Image Image Image
Small skirmishers such as these are often referred to as "scrappers" by pirates. They are little more than cannon fodder in the face of military vessels.

Image Image
Typical examples of pirate interceptors fast enough to chase down most civilian freighters.

Image Image
These are more aggressively armed pirate interceptors.

This heavily armed pirate ship was converted from an old Element VI cargo hauler. Similar examples have been sighted in many reported pirate raids.

Heavy Brawler
This damaged Element VI had its hull reinforced. It is quite well armored in spite of its slipshod appearance.

Famous pirate ships and confirmed unique ships.

Night's Star
Captain: Unknown
Last sighting: Confirmed participant in a raid on a U.F.P. supply convoy near Baritha IV.
This pirate vessel is equipped with military grade weapons and is highly dangerous.

Salvaged Independence Frigate
Ship name: Unknown
Captain: Unknown
This U.F.P. Independence Class Frigate is believed to be the UNS Fallston. It was stripped of its weaponry and its hull was abandoned by its fleet after it received heavy damage. Subsequent salvage missions failed to recover it reporting that the Fallston's hull was not at its last recorded location or the surrounding vicinity.

Slogra's Beak
Captain: John Morris
This highly dangerous pirate vessel is notorious for its many successful exploits in plundering trading ships and supply convoys. Frequently sighted performing operations along side the pirate vessel Gaibon's Claw.

Gaibon's Claw
Captain: Eric Lecarde
This notorious ship is among the most infamous of pirate ships. It is frequently seen along side the pirate vessel Slogra's Beak.

Captain: Unknown
This Athacian built freighter has been heavily modified with added armor and two new engines mounted to its sides increasing its speed dramatically. It was last sighted among the wreckage left behind after a battle between Unity and U.F.C. forces presumably scavenging for illicit salvage opportunities. It fled the scene before a salvage team's escort frigates could intercept it.

Captain:Carson "Kid" MacAlister
Blah blah -description pending- :P

Please bear with me as these posts are still a work in progress.
Last edited by Strideo on Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:57 am, edited 58 times in total.
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Post by AllStarZ »

Nice colour scheme, I'm loving the dry dock, though BF physics would indicate that the ships go over the dry dock rather than the dry dock over them.
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Post by Strideo »

AllStarZ wrote:Nice colour scheme, I'm loving the dry dock, though BF physics would indicate that the ships go over the dry dock rather than the dry dock over them.

As for the dry docks I have gotten ships to go under them. I think it may have to do with the order in which they are spawned but in the end I just wanted to create something a little different to put in the game to destroy other than just other battle hardened war ships. :P I'll put up a pic of the large dry dock soon. It's pretty big.

Here is a ship passing under the small dry dock. As you can see from the scale the small dry dock's pressurized service bays are mostly for smaller vessels such as patrol craft. The idea here is that the freighter shown was docked on an external docking bay on the side.
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Post by Kaelis »

Niiiiiiice. I see youve been busy. Great collection of ships.

Lots of designs i like. Solid, balanced fleets. Props for not shunning colors and not going cracy with weapons.

My favs are The Ships of New Redray.

My only gripe is that except for Unity Fleet, those fleets don't show much variety between their individual ships - theyre almost too coherent, too much repetition of the same themes.

Another crit would be that none of them stands out; nothing particularly spectacular. But given the amount and general variety, its not that bad.
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Post by ChaosTheory »

Athacian Shipyards rocks.
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Post by Strideo »

Kaelis wrote:Niiiiiiice. I see youve been busy. Great collection of ships.

Lots of designs i like. Solid, balanced fleets. Props for not shunning colors and not going cracy with weapons.

My favs are The Ships of New Redray.

My only gripe is that except for Unity Fleet, those fleets don't show much variety between their individual ships - theyre almost too coherent, too much repetition of the same themes.

Another crit would be that none of them stands out; nothing particularly spectacular. But given the amount and general variety, its not that bad.
Thanks a lot for the input.

Yeah, I basically started with small ships and just kept using a similar theme while making larger ones. While each faction has a nice uniform look it does have some monotony. That's partly why I did the Luminescence, Quintessence, and Trust Support Frigate for the Unity faction. They actually have a different shape rather than just looking like mini or bigger versions of the other ships in the fleet.

The New Redray ships are some of the later ones I did. They're supposed to be a bit more rugged and less sophisticated than the other colonies' ships.
ChaosTheory wrote:Athacian Shipyards rocks.
Thank you!
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Post by Master Chief »

Whoa...not bad at ALL! :D

Especially love the colour schemes.
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Post by ArcaneDude »

Very, very nice indeed. Keep the candy coming! :)
Check out The Star Wreck project!
Check out the Epic Music Library
And in this Alliance we bestow our hope and will, that the Dogs of War may never harass the people of our homes again, and that it will bring peace, equality and liberty for all in need and despair. One Universe, One Goal. By the Manifest we command this.~ Saren Vil Ush
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Post by Salvofire »

Very nice ships in design and function. The Free Alliance or whatever sure looks a lot like my newest fleet though. Probably unintentional, no witch hunts here :P I'd like to see more alien ships.
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Post by Strideo »

Salvofire wrote:Very nice ships in design and function. The Free Alliance or whatever sure looks a lot like my newest fleet though. Probably unintentional, no witch hunts here :P I'd like to see more alien ships.
Holy cow! You're right! They look like sister fleets or something.

My whole idea was for their theme or style was just using those triangular pieces on the nose of the ships and then repeating them as "wings" on the sides near the rear of the ship. :P
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Post by Joss »

Very nice, when my fleet don i hope its as good as this.

Beware the Fade.

Our number is legion our name is {transmission terminated}
The below is true...
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Post by Strideo »

Joss wrote:Very nice, when my fleet don i hope its as good as this.

Beware the Fade.

Our number is legion our name is {transmission terminated}
haha! Nice.

Thanks for the compliment. I hope you come up with some cool stuff! :D
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Post by derekiv »

Awesome fleet! :D
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Post by Exethalion »

By the moons of Yavin those are cool! Nice coherency BTW.