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Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 11:03 pm
by Silver Swordsman
No offense, Anna, but I think it may be some people are afraid of getting heavy criticism from you. Not that it's a bad thing, in fact, your criticism helps mine, but I guess it's just some people don't take things the way they do.

I'd love to join, but right now I have midterms and I need to get my sprite folder in order.

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 7:43 am
by Corporal Jomn
I'll have another go guys.

Francis 013
Not sure I did very well, although I tried to extend the back.

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 10:41 am
by Anna
Really... the back didn't need any more expanding. It was the front that needed it, really. Now it's even more rear-heavy and... chunky. D: It was curved and graceful, and now it's chunky and... D:

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 12:05 pm
by Corporal Jomn
My bad, want me to delete it? That would be okay.

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 1:25 pm
by Anna
No no, don't worry about it. I don't want to start ignoring people's submissions. Anyone else can go next. I might have another go at it later, though.

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 10:28 pm
by Room21
I'll have a try, hope it doesn't turn out awful.


Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 4:03 pm
by Siber
Angry Guy In Charge wrote: 2) All ships should be packaged with the sprites used in it. These is REALLY EASY. Click "Tools", Click "Export Custom Sprites". The sprites will be dumped in a folder. Take that folder, move it out of your main BSF folder. Rename it as "Custom sprites". Package it in your zip with Francis ###.sb4 and then I won't be compelled to snap your neck.
This wasn't idle noise. Sadly, some neck snapping might be warranted right now. But don't worry! Room21, you have been selected! As the 14th participant, you are PREAPROVED to save your own skin. ACT NOW to claim your prize, it's easy! Simply load up your .sb4, find the option "Export Custom Sprites", under the tools menu, repackage the resultant directory with the .sb4 into a rar file, and reupload. Follow these easy steps, and YOU TOO can be a winner! Glory in the grand prize of people being able to fucking build off your shit. Because not all of us have every sprite ever.

Please, think of the lurker.

And remember, spay and neuter your pets.

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 4:15 pm
by Room21
Terribly sorry, I've edited the download link with the new pack.

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 4:18 pm
by Siber
Thanks. Too slow, though! I grabbed the custom sprites from _013 anyway. Missing the nose tips, but I wasn't interested in that area anyway, and hopefully the next person be able to manage the herculean task of grabbing the sprites directory from _014 as well. Or already have it. Whatever.


Get it here.

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:24 am
by inteuniso
I wish good luck to whomever takes it next. Here it is.


Francis 016

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 12:05 pm
by Swamp Fox
Okay, on request I am re-uploading Francis 16 and putting up a new picture. There are no changes, this is just 'cause I was asked.
==>Download here<==
Yes, I know tar archives are funny, and most of you probably won't have dealt with them, but if you've got a program that can handle a .rar then it can probably deal with this. Really, I know it looks odd, but it's a standard format so who cares?

Ed: Only if you're a *nix using lunatic, actually, 'cause, y'know, I think it's kinda hard to call something a "standard format" considering it's probably not nearly as widely used as zip or rar are. Standard for *nix, maybe, but not for windows. So think of other people first! Changed the link to a zip file that's identical and hosted on filesmelt. - Arc

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 12:54 pm
by MagusZero
7z is good as well. Better compression than zip and rar. Not widely used, but as equally supported as rar, since winrar can handle it and it can handle rar.

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 12:56 pm
by Arcalane
Better safe than sorry though.

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 8:30 am
by Anna
Well guys, since it looks like PCS Mk 2, aka "Francis" has run its course, I'd say it's time to once again begin anew. As with the first PCS, anyone is now free to grab, modify and post their own copies of Francis or whatever, in whatever way they want. All that's asked is you credit the Pseudo-Chainship Project.

As an example, I grabbed one of the older versions, messed around, and made this:


Anyway, moving on from that, he's the starting phase of the next Pseudo-Chainship, which for the time being will be called "Sulis".



For those who've missed them, I'll repost the rules that people must follow here:

1) You can only add between 4 and 8 sections on your turn, then you post what you have and let someone else add their own 4 -> 8 sections. I know it will be asked, so yes, you can add eight sections to one side and then mirror it.

2) After posting your own update, you must wait for two more people to make their own additions before making any more.

3) If you remove any sections added by someone else, they count as sections you used. If you remove eight sections, you can't add any. If you remove five, you can add three. And so on. This is to discourage people from erasing other people's work while still allowing for it.
  • 3a) Moving sections added by someone else also counts towards your section-use total.
4) Colours can be changed whenever, as they're simple enough to change back, but I'd prefer that during building, people stick to shades of grey.

5) All ships should be posted with a picture.

6) All ships should be packaged with the sprites used in it. These is REALLY EASY. Click "Tools", Click "Export Custom Sprites". The sprites will be dumped in a folder. Take that folder, move it out of your main BSF folder. Rename it as "Custom sprites". Package it in your zip with Sulis ###.sb4 and then I won't be compelled to snap your neck.

7) After stating you will add the next lot of sections to the Pseudo-Chainship, you have a maximum of two hours to do so, which is more time than it should ever take to add 4-8 sections to a ship. If you exceed this time-limit, you forfeit your claim and someone else may take a shot at it.

That's it! Simple enough, right? Grab the .sb4, slap on four to eight sections, then pass it on. Please remember that this is a community project, so try to make your additions mesh with the work done by those before you. Other than that, this is mostly about having fun.

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 9:40 am
by Crimsonflame
Sweet, i'll have a go.

Edit, Sulis002:

6 sections added, next.