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Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 12:37 pm
by xphoenix87
The colour variation makes a big difference. I like the new ship.
Looks like I've finally gotten the colors to a point where they look good (which is good, because going back over and changing the color of every piece was a humongous pain in the rear).


Here's the updated version of the Chk'Natha. It's brighter (with a bid of shading to it) and I added more deflectors. Here's a picture of the new version, along with some zoomed in shots.




Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 12:58 pm
by Darkship
that ship is great, i especially like the middle part. I think the colors work great as well, gives it a sense of volume.

the only minor thing i don't like is that the green area is more or less a square in a circle, but that is just a really really small problem.

on the whole great work! :)

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 1:20 pm
by natan_j
These are looking much better than when you started out, great work! The color scheme has improved much, and is that some tasteful repetition I spot in the center area? My one suggestion is that, to fit in with your other ships, you flip the purple and green on either this ship or all the others, and see how they look.

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 3:53 am
by xphoenix87
that ship is great, i especially like the middle part. I think the colors work great as well, gives it a sense of volume.

the only minor thing i don't like is that the green area is more or less a square in a circle, but that is just a really really small problem.

on the whole great work! Smile
Glad you like it. Any thoughts on the fleet as a whole?
My one suggestion is that, to fit in with your other ships, you flip the purple and green on either this ship or all the others, and see how they look.
I've thought about that. However, I think it works alright because the Chk'Natha is a unique ship, the flagship of the fleet. It makes it stand out a bit.

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 11:35 am
by xphoenix87

The Sniper-Class Warbird has been added. I'm really pleased with how it turned out. I was just kind of tinkering around without a real coherent design in my mind, and this is what came out of it.


I've updated the first page with some more details on it.

I'm thinking I might do one more Warmonger, and maybe try to do another fighter (not sure about that yet), and then move on to making their opposing force.

I'd appreciate any feedback you guys can give. I'd love to know some things I can improve on.

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 1:54 am
by xphoenix87
Hey guys. It's been a while, but I finally completed the 3rd Warmonger for the fleet. It took me a while to come up with a design I liked, but I'm pretty happy with how this guy turned out. So, without further ado, I present to you the Spearhead-Class Warmonger.


The Spearhead-Class is designed to break through fortified enemy positions with a huge wave of firepower. It's primary armament is a heavily modified Wyrm Cannon, with a few drone bays for backup firepower. The Wyrm Cannon is much more powerful than the standard issue variety, dealing more damage and releasing almost 3 times as many projectiles. This makes the Spearhead-Class a devastating first assault weapon, capable of maiming entire fleets with just one volley. The drawback to this firepower, of course, an extended reload time, where the ship extremely vulnerable due to its lack of other weaponry. The Spearhead-Class also features 6 shield projectors which, combined with its forward armoring, make it very difficult to punch through. However, the power required to operate the Wyrm Cannon and the shields puts a strain on the ship, so the shields are reconfigured with a longer recharge time.

Shots of the Wyrm Cannon in action



Now, except for the occasional new addition, I'm finished up with the Do'Rylus. I'll do some final detail work (namely adding some doodads) and hopefully get some feedback on anything I need to fix, then release a download.

Hope you guys like it. I'd love to hear any comments or criticism about this ship or the fleet as a whole.

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 3:34 am
by Blackhart
Nice, I like what you have done with the front and the side spikes on the spearhead, but I don't really like the purple and green colour combination. But thats just my opinion :)

Other than that the ships look nice, good job and keep up the good work!

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 10:39 am
by xphoenix87
Glad you like it. As for the green and purple, sorry you don't like it, but I aint changing it :P. I think it works well to give an alien kind of feel. Anyway, it was a big enough pain to custom color every piece, I'm not doing it again :P

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 1:02 pm
by xphoenix87
Fleet Download (minus Chk'Natha which isn't quite finished yet) is now available. ...

I cut the Bomber-Class Warfighter, it just seemed unnecessary. I also significantly downsized the fighters, I think they're more properly sized in comparison to the other ships now.

Most importantly, I added doodads on all of the ships and put names on all the weapons. Barring any balance issues or odd things I've missed, this is probably the final version for each of these ships.

The Chk'Natha isn't done yet because the doodad work on that is going to take a while, and I wanted to get the rest of the fleet released before I worked on that. I'll be releasing that later.

Also, new fleet picture on the front page.

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 1:30 pm
by xphoenix87

The fleet download has been updated. I realized I had colored the doodads on the Swarm-Class incorrectly, so the updated version of that is in the updated pack. Also, I included the Chk'Natha this time, only without doodads. The doodads are going to take me a bit longer, but I figure most people are going to want to use the non-doodad version anyway, since the doodad version will have at least 240 doodads when it is done, and will in all likelihood be pretty laggy.

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 4:47 pm
by Water_and_Wind
Cool fleet with interesting shapes. The Chk'Natha's purple heavy colour scheme is better than the green-heavy colours of the other ships though.

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 6:10 am
by xphoenix87
Cool fleet with interesting shapes. The Chk'Natha's purple heavy colour scheme is better than the green-heavy colours of the other ships though.
You think so? I really kind of like the more subtle green. Well, to each his own :P. Glad you like the ships.