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Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 2:29 am
by Lizzie
Daxx wrote:Why can't people ever build ships which do closer to standard weapon damage and have hitpoints that wouldn't need literally a thousand regular beamers to even reduce? I don't think they're particularly any more pretty and they are pointless to actually use in a fleet action since they drop the framerate so much. It just smacks of masturbatory oneupmanship, which is made worse because people always go "look how big that weapon is" and "OMG that could blow anything up" even though anyone could stick lucky-9 onto a weapon and get a cool effect.

Pointless observation over. :?
Because we can.

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 2:50 am
by Dagda
Perditorus Scriptor, or maybe Scribe of Perditorus. Translated into something a little more grammatic, the name would mean "Scribe of the Destroyer".

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 4:15 am
by Bad Boy
Daxx wrote:Why can't people ever build ships which do closer to standard weapon damage and have hitpoints that wouldn't need literally a thousand regular beamers to even reduce? I don't think they're particularly any more pretty and they are pointless to actually use in a fleet action since they drop the framerate so much. It just smacks of masturbatory oneupmanship, which is made worse because people always go "look how big that weapon is" and "OMG that could blow anything up" even though anyone could stick lucky-9 onto a weapon and get a cool effect.

Pointless observation over. :?
As Lizzie said, "Because we can." Also, because I wanted to, because I felt like it, and because I say so. If those aren't good reasons, you can stop bashing hugeass super megaships. If they are good reasons, you can stop bashing hugeass super megaships. Also, I think that they are often "more pretty" then small ships, because of their awe inspiring size and complexity. Also, it doesn't smack of "masturbatory oneupmanship", it smacks of effort and creativity. And don't insult my super beam, it is not a "lucky-9" weapon, if you read what I said previously, you would have seen that three beams together do a total of 700 damage per frame. Besides, a lucky-9 weapon would not get a cool effect unless you did something else to it to make it look cool. Sorry for the semi-rant, but I put a shitload of effort into this, and I don't want it to be insulted because it's too big and/or powerful.Please don't disqualify Beta team because of this :p

Anyway, I'm about to restart work on the ship, so I'll have it finished soon (perhaps before the end of the day). Also, I'm putting up a poll about the name, any new suggestions will be added into the poll if they are given (if I like a name enough, I'll ignore the poll and choose that one, but this is to give you the belief that you have power.)

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 4:39 am
by derekiv
Awesome shot with the weapons firing! :D

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 6:01 am
by Spoot Knight
Ok, I think out of those three names the second one beats mine.

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 6:26 am
by Bad Boy
Ok, I think out of those three names the second one beats mine.
Funny, because only one person voted for it (I'm assuming that person is you).

Anyway, more important news, I present to you a Mega Super Update! (look on the first page). This is the final version of the hull (unless someone has a very good reason for me to change it). The weapons will be added soon. Tell me what you think, any new names are welcome (they'll be added to the poll).

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 6:30 am
by Spoot Knight
Bad Boy wrote:
Ok, I think out of those three names the second one beats mine.
Funny, because only one person voted for it (I'm assuming that person is you).

Anyway, more important news, I present to you a Mega Super Update! (look on the first page). This is the final version of the hull (unless someone has a very good reason for me to change it). The weapons will be added soon. Tell me what you think, any new names are welcome (they'll be added to the poll).
Actually, it isn't. (I don't really participate in polls.)

The ship looks very much alien now.
God that beam is sexeh.

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 7:05 am
by xphoenix87
The beam is awesome; I think I liked it better without the Tachyons though. They kind of obscure the particle effect, which is absolutely awesome, and almost look kind of cheesy. Just my opinion, but I thought it looked better the other way.

I'll hold off commenting on the front until it's fully armed. It looks a bit weird right now with that whole portion being bare.

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 7:33 am
by Bad Boy
The beam is awesome; I think I liked it better without the Tachyons though.
All of the weapons are exactly the same as in the last pic. I'm still not sure what you mean by "particle effect".
The ship looks very much alien now.
God that beam is sexeh.
Thank you, and thank you. Before I forget (I suppose I've already forgotten, but that's not important) the idea of ovrlaying shockbeamers (what I did to get two colours) was suggested to me (and possibly thought up) by Arcalane.

EDIT: Also, ROYGBIV motherfuckers!
Just for fun.

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 8:09 am
by xphoenix87
sry, should've said I liked it better without the tachyon drivers, the other was ambiguous. The last pic didn't show the kind of wave effect you've got going with the drivers (at least, not that I remember seeing). The "particle effect" I'm referring to is the effect given by all the tachyon cannons/repeaters, which give you a whole bunch of floating purple peelets at the base of the beam which make it look uber-awesome. The whole wave effect with the drivers just seems kind of "meh" to me.

Just my opinion. As a whole the thing still looks wicked.

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 8:17 am
by Bad Boy
I see. The drivers had finished firing when I took the first pic, so that's why they weren't there. The regular tachyons don't just float there, they shoot at the enemy. What I mean is that the effect wasn't deliberate, but I'm glad it looks cool. Also, the drivers aren't actually a wave, that's just all you can see in the picture, in actuality, they're at 5000 speed, so they don't actually move, they're just everywhere (within its range).

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 4:11 pm
by Daxx
You know what? I was just making an observation and noting my personal preference. But don't tell me to stop expressing my opinion of your shipbuilding style just because you don't like criticism. I recognise that you put effort into building this - that's inherent in building big ships, and it's obvious you're attached to something that you've spent a while working on. However, I still don't like the masturbatory and self-indulgent attitude of sticking big numbers into a text field and then celebrating how much damage it can do, or posting how many sections you've added, nor do I think that the circle-jerking that goes on whenever someone posts a ship with OMGSUPARLASER or FMITAMYFRAMERATEJUSTDIED is really productive.

This is a general observation, and it's not just directed at you, but rather at half the people on this board who seem to think that lumping a thousand pieces into a ship-shaped outline and adding a big gun make a praiseworthy ship. I apologise if you feel like this is personal, but it's really just incidental that it's in your thread.

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 4:37 pm
by Spoot Knight
That's just it though, some people have different styles, I have superweapons on my Crusader and Inquisitor, which very easily vaporize anything up to say...Seraph's ships, which then all they can do is scratch paint. Different user, different style, different fleet standard.

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 5:53 pm
by Arcalane
It's a giant purple buttplug. :|

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 8:33 pm
by Bad Boy
Daxx wrote:You know what? I was just making an observation and noting my personal preference. But don't tell me to stop expressing my opinion of your shipbuilding style just because you don't like criticism. I recognise that you put effort into building this - that's inherent in building big ships, and it's obvious you're attached to something that you've spent a while working on. However, I still don't like the masturbatory and self-indulgent attitude of sticking big numbers into a text field and then celebrating how much damage it can do, or posting how many sections you've added, nor do I think that the circle-jerking that goes on whenever someone posts a ship with OMGSUPARLASER or FMITAMYFRAMERATEJUSTDIED is really productive.

This is a general observation, and it's not just directed at you, but rather at half the people on this board who seem to think that lumping a thousand pieces into a ship-shaped outline and adding a big gun make a praiseworthy ship. I apologise if you feel like this is personal, but it's really just incidental that it's in your thread.
I see, I did indeed take it as a personal insult to my ship, but what you mean is that you dislike all or at least most titan ships. Fair enough, that's your opinion, while I disagree with it, I can't say it's wrong.

Anyway, the weapons are coming along well.