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Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 4:20 am
by ArcaneDude
AD's mindless brainfarts chapter...ah hell who's keeping track.

Modified Verdian Possok Varden class Destroyer: Possok Corsair


This modified Verdian destroyer is a prototype that was boldly stolen from a Verdian shipyard by a Pirate Clan known as the Valks of Krissik. This clan operates inside the Aquarian Expanse and has been known to attack both Verdian and human convoys. The Possok Corsair is apparently their flagship and has only been seen a few times, attacking larger transports. Verdian Imperial authorities have since tried frantically to track the Valks down, as the ship means a severe threat to Verdian transport routes.

Since it's theft, the destroyer was renamed Possok Corsair and has gained several modifications: speed over armour, and the change from expensive plasma torpedoes to cheap Kinetic Missiles being only two of those. The Valks have wisely chosen to keep the ship's main weapons intact. The ship's troop bays have been converted into storage sections.

4x Burst Kinetic Missile Launcher
4x Agharti 250mm Antimatter Bolt Projector
1x Agharti 140 MW Shriekerlance

Experiment with a full mecha section ship, as well as washed out coloration. Will arm and post later.

Re: Custom Ships Gallery

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 4:05 am
by Arcalane
Arcalane wrote:
Arcalane wrote:Do not post comments and criticism in this topic
The purpose of this topic is to serve as a gallery of Custom Ships. If you wish discuss your custom ships, you should create a separate topic for them.

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 3:04 pm
by Cycerin


Consider this a teaser for things to come.

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 7:29 pm
by EriErin

Teaser la la la la la la la


Hay guise, ever wondered how the Leviathan got to Earth in the first place?

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 2:03 pm
by thedeepestblue
Aquila Light Frigate

Although protected by a shell of tough armour, the structure of the craft is light, as the ship is designed for commercial use as an escort for rich merchants rather than as a fully fledged military vessel. As such, the ship relies far more on manoeuvrability and speed. The ship's stabilising wings are vulnerable to rogue asteroids and enemy fire alike, so are retracted while the main guns are reloading, unless flying in atmo. This is also minimises docking space - useful on smaller craft that don’t necessarily remain in orbit.

2x pulse and scatter beam array (slightly increased range)
2x Inferno Cannon (heavily tweaked beamers– much damage, long reload, fiery bullet sprite)
Rear mounted twin blaster turret (made to look like an autocannon, otherwise normal)

HP: 180 (but the grey armour plates have been strengthened)
Speed: 365
Turning: 0.55
Acceleration: 0.45
Size: 87.13
Normal AI with range of 450 ...

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 8:36 pm
by EriErin

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 3:37 pm
by Nmity
So no one has posted here since July, so I'm a little bit unsure whether or not I am allowed to... But I spent a whole night trying to dodge game errors for these simple ships when I had a midterm the next day (got a C+ on it, no studying and only 2 hours of sleep lol), so I want to document it ^^
I am going to classify the ships that I make into 4 categories based on species and the type of ship/coloring/architecture that I'm in the mood to create:
Human: Projectiles/Armor/Boxy Design
Spawn: Demeters/Missiles/Circular or boxy design
Aneli'ek: Shield/Plasma/Rounded or Bulbous design
Cha'Toth: Lasers/Teslas/Ghosed/Sharp Design

So here's some beginning ships from the Cha'Toth fleet, shown ghosted over a planet and over plain space:


Gnat: little two-winged one, one sabot cannon, 3 deflectors, 1 point defense laser

A'apalta Support Cruiser: the spikes-back two front prongs one, 2 long range nanos, many point defence lasers, 1 large Projector, 2 Teslas, 1 large cannon

and finally
Videsta Destroyer: the dark colored one, made mostly for aesthetics, but it is pretty functional as well ^^ lasers from the side spikes, teslas from the mid-front spikes, 4 deflectors, 1 large cannon, many point defence lasers on the front half of the ship.

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 4:14 am
by Corporal Jomn
Stickies can not be necro'ed, so you're safe. Too much stretching.

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 4:37 am
by Doogie12
Greycloak beam dreadnought

Orca heavy dreadnought

(its still no where near EriErin's work)

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 5:22 pm
by halofreak759

El-parda class cruiser

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 7:44 am
by Da_Dooley
just for the heck of it, i decided to make a kind of ship that i rarely see around here: it's a... *cue dramatic drumroll* CIVILIAN!

This is the Thundercloud cargo hauler. as a civilian, the usual light armament is present, without those fancy thermo-nucleo-thingy-ma-whats or tacky-ron beams. nstead, it is armed with two light machine guns, mounted on the main wings, for somewhat adequate protection. along the midsection lies two flak cannons for use against stray asteroids or meteors. finally, near the cargo clamps, reside two flare guns for the deterrence of missiles, since piracy is a very real threat.


trust me, i was seriously bored. amazing what can come from that, eh?

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 2:10 pm
by Bandit king
well here is my ships I drew out both designs (actually all my lamer designs) in geometry class lol and I know I am still doing older parts but they are better for a noob like me



this ship is one of my best designs Its combination of missles and turrets and a single huge beam makes its front strong for long range and the sides scary strong for short range and the extra armor provides extra defense


does anyone remember ever having to draw a cube well thats where I got this Idea its just missing the top lines
its my biggest ship yet it makes those pod blasters and has about 6 of its own 4 on the front two in the back and very strong shields and almost unstoppable, the outside might be tough but the inside is next to pathetic still got to find a way through it though the front armor


Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 1:52 pm
by Da_Dooley
I present... after a month or so of procrastinating...



Affectionately known as "The ugliest ship to be set to space," the Lightning, despite it's relative age, has recieved a serious refit. It has recieved advanced armor plating, and it now posesses the speed and maneouverability of a standard Hestia Destroyer. Sporting multiple missile bays and a respectable number of flak cannons, this is a force to be reckoned with. Perhaps, though, its most interesting feature is its still-experimental Tesla Cannon. Utilizing the discoveries of Nikolae Tesla, this high-powered emitter sends a charged stream of electrons through the void of space and, upon reaching its target, overloads its systems and deals heavy, and often irreparable, damage. As this takes pleny of power, the crews will use the twin autocannon mounted topside in lieu of the Tesla Gun.

Re: Custom Ships Gallery

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 6:53 pm
by ngoclong19
Here is my first ship.
My first ship (image will be uploaded later): I-Gear.
(23.81 KiB) Downloaded 733 times

Re: Custom Ships Gallery

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 5:03 am


Look closely, ye shipbuilders. And look back on your previous exploits, and shed a tear for the lost.