MRA; Second Gen on page 21

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Post by Aralonia »


A spitting sound was heard from inside the Archon's office, followed by a choking sound.

“Get the medical teams on the line!”
“Archon, are you alright!?”
“Break down the door in three, two, one!”

A splitting sound was heard from outside the Archon's office, followed by a crashing sound.

“AAHAHAHAHA--” The Archon stopped mid-laugh. “Er, hi. What's going on, and why do I hear medical sirens?” She blinked and stared at the guardsmen who had just ruined a perfectly beautiful mahogany door.
“Madam, we thought-”
“What did I say about calling me 'Madam,' Jones?” She sighed and put her tea cup back on the saucer, which really didn't do much, considering the desk was covered entirely in spit coffee, three dollops of cream, seven spoons of sugar, a bit of whiskey equivalent.
“Er. I apologise... Ms. Hawke. Anywa-”
“Miri! Goddammit, call me Miri!” She sighed and stood up, picking up the tea cup and slamming it onto the saucer. “Hearing 'Ms. Hawke' and 'Madam' and 'Your Excellency' so much makes me feel like I'm eighty years old! Can't you cut me a break for once? Sheesh!” She sighed and facepalmed, then looked up at the gathered guards again. “Anyways.”
“Sorry... Miri.” Jones looked highly exasperated. “We thought you had encountered some sort of... pastry-related... culinary issue?”

Miri shot daggers at Jones. “...come on, haven't you read this press release?” She waved a hand at the generic future tech hovering display on her screen, which promptly took her hand movement the wrong way and decided to throw itself across the floor, jumbling holographic letters and lines all over the room. “Dammit!” The guards blanched. “Who the hell designed this technology?!” She groaned highly audibly, causing the guards to turn the colour of sour milk, then righted the screen and pointed it at them, showing the MRA statement. “You'd laugh too, if you had read this!”

Matter-of-factly, Jones replied simply. “We read it already, yes. And none of us laughed.”
“Your sense of humor sucks.” A slow shift from white to light, light green for the guardsmen's faces. “Anyways. Thanks for caring! But I gotta draft a reply to this. Can't go around ignoring something that threatens to wipe this star nation off the face of the galactic map! So, uh.” She waved a hand at the door. Er, I meant door fragments. “Shoo!”

Instant dispersal.

It's good to be king. Well, er, queen. Sorta.

Miri sat down, and sighed, before rapidly machinegun-tapping the keyboard to stretch her fingers, and began to write a message by moving the computer's mouse through a slop of dead coffee., I should clean that.

After a few more clumsy hijinks that, gratefully, will go unnoticed by the press, she managed to drunkenly eke out a reply.

Let's keep it short, aye? There's no reason to dilly-dally more with words. Let's face it – we're all members of species and beings in this entire galaxy. And as a result, the Royal Sovereignty of Aralonia declares its aid to nations within the Commonwealth and allied to said Commonwealth, whether it means via financial or military means. Also, we didn't do anything to them, but hey, if it means a free shot at wiping idiots like them and the people they represent off the map, then so be it.

Their mistake for sacrificing the lives of billions with such idiotic talk.

[signed with a flourish]
Marie P. Hawke
Archon of the Royal Sovereignty of Aralonia
[and all associated titles thereof]
Marie-- Miri, whatever-- pressed a button on a telephone near her.

"Generals! Scramble the bombers and launch the ships. We're goin' to war!"
DPUO wrote:<+AirHippo> Funnily enough, folks who abide by the law and try to make something of their lives don't appreciate the rich kids of rich parents getting away with murder and skimming through life.
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Post by ArcaneDude »

-------Personal Message from President Haesrin Sytheusen------

You have my deepest thanks, Mada....Miri. The council and I could never have hoped for such a grand mobilization of the races of our galaxy, so soon. The first strike will fall soon, however. Your fleets must stand prepared, your people standfast. Only with resolve can we win this.

We are making preparations for our effort on a secure comlink (#MRA-RP) on the IRC (Interstellar Relay Comms) network, I recommend that you join in as soon as possible.

----Message Ends----
Check out The Star Wreck project!
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And in this Alliance we bestow our hope and will, that the Dogs of War may never harass the people of our homes again, and that it will bring peace, equality and liberty for all in need and despair. One Universe, One Goal. By the Manifest we command this.~ Saren Vil Ush
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Post by Skrim »

ArcaneDude wrote:If there is one thing I am not doing, it's toning down the Entellians. :P

No seriously. I'm perfectly happy with them having superior firepower, especially since I mentioned in the GDB thread that they have the most advanced technology of all five races. Also, they're my pride and joy. :P

EDIT; you're right about the broadsiders, though. I'll double-check them all just to make sure. And yes, the Spiritus is actually supposed to be a support ship for destroyers.
So the humans get to be the most uber-powerful race in the Alliance? Interesting... Sytheusen also mentions, in the speech about the To'Hol Venaari vanguard, that "Only one other existing faction in our galaxy has this kind of firepower or size among it's fleets". I guess he's referring to the Entellians.

What happened to the rest of the humans though, the non-WesternEuropeans?

The To'Hol vanguard ship does remind me a lot of Dread Lord scouts from Galactic Civilizations 2 - bug-like, evil-looking, super-powerful and extremely advanced, and it belongs to an extremely old and powerful evil race capable of taking on an entire alliance of younger good/neutral civilizations.
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Post by Gkug »

Can any one join in on the RP?
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Post by ArcaneDude »

Skrim wrote: So the humans get to be the most uber-powerful race in the Alliance? Interesting... Sytheusen also mentions, in the speech about the To'Hol Venaari vanguard, that "Only one other existing faction in our galaxy has this kind of firepower or size among it's fleets". I guess he's referring to the Entellians.

I suppose you should view this first;
What happened to the rest of the humans though, the non-WesternEuropeans?
No idea.
The To'Hol vanguard ship does remind me a lot of Dread Lord scouts from Galactic Civilizations 2 - bug-like, evil-looking, super-powerful and extremely advanced, and it belongs to an extremely old and powerful evil race capable of taking on an entire alliance of younger good/neutral civilizations.
What a wonderful observation, hear hear.

GKUG; of course you can join, but you must have a faction that adheres to the rules set. These can be found here;
Check out The Star Wreck project!
Check out the Epic Music Library
And in this Alliance we bestow our hope and will, that the Dogs of War may never harass the people of our homes again, and that it will bring peace, equality and liberty for all in need and despair. One Universe, One Goal. By the Manifest we command this.~ Saren Vil Ush
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Post by Gkug »

I have a faction but all i have to do now is some balancing to it.
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Post by Swamp Fox »

I just realized that I had forgotten to make the guns on my ship weaker. In this version the blasters and railguns have each had their damage halved and the wall of blaster-fire isn't as thick, so it should be a bit less... overkill (I hope). ... tweak2.shp

Also, if possible I'd like the Draconian Alliance put on the list. I've been tweaking the backstory and should have it up later today.i

EDIT: make that a day or two
Last edited by Swamp Fox on Sun Jul 27, 2008 2:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Blackhart »

May I offer a ship? Or is it to late to post a contribution to the alliance :?
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Post by Arcalane »

Blackhart wrote:May I offer a ship? Or is it to late to post a contribution to the alliance :?
Better to join the fight late than to never join at all.


Orion Shipyards Tac-Net
Overseer's Log, wheneverthefucktodayisnoidontcareyoustupidasscomputerohfortheloveof.

Most of our time has been spent fine-tuning the beam arrays on the Lightbringer and Spearhead. These things may have been completed at the hull level but they're by no means perfect. We've been doing a lot to eke extra performance out of the systems and ensuring that very little reactor output is wasted.

It has been brought to my attention that our ships are considerably slower than other ships within the MRA. Yes, speed has never been our strong point. We do, however, have some of the toughest armour within the MRA fleets. Ablative plating is crude, yes, and it's not extensively employed on our craft; just on the forward sections... hmm... perhaps an armoured destroyer might be viable. I'll bring that up at the meeting tomorrow.

Anyway. The plating is crude, yes, but it's highly effective. It's an incredibly dense alloy that is very hard to burn through, and thus adds considerably to the survivability of our warships. This is very noticeable in the early simulations we ran against the Ruustirii Alliance Navy ships on the TacSim. Whilst the early Lightbringer, which had yet to employ the new armour, faired moderately against the Tornado, the newer variant with the heavy armour was capable of soundly trouncing the Tornado without losing much of it's plating; if any.

The plating, combined with the PHALANX autocannon defense turrets and the ELLIS system, makes for an incredibly strong defense. This is where our ships excel. We'll have to see about making a lighter and faster destroyer at some point as well, but I'm not sure how we'll pull that one off.

Either way, the number of aftermarket modifications we've made to the Spearhead are making your average tweaked-out personal craft look like an off-the-shelf model. I'm just glad we have professionals doing the upgrades so we have nothing to worry about in a serious fight.

Anyway, signing off for the night. Overseer out.
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Post by Blackhart »


This is the Grand Echmos of The New Order sending a transmission in regards to this threat you know as the To'Hol Venaari. I have just received word of this threat and the disturbing images their ship and I wish to join this alliance you have formed. The To'Hol Venaari pose a great threat to not only the New Order but to the entire universe. Due to the fact that we are currently at war we cannot spare many ships to this cause, but we are able to send a ship we call the Magance to help in your endeavor. This dreadnought class ship will also be piloted by the finest Kanden warriors currently in service to the New Order.



4 beam cannons
2 gatblasters
2 rail guns
4 scatter beams
2 gatpulses
4 pulse cannons
2 pulsar cannons
18 small missile launchers
8 point lasers
"The Search Light" Beam Cannon
Shield Projector
Large Shield Gen.

Tactical Data:
Hp: 3000
Frontal Armor Plating Hp: 4000
A dreadnought class ship designed for offensive tactics. Large engines allow it to easily close the distance between it and a opposing force. Its thin design makes it a hard target for broad side type ships, and super dense armor plating on the front allows it to take allot of punishment. Weak armor plating between its engines serves as a definite weak spot, and a slow turning speed makes it an easy target for faster ships. A large shield gen. can allow the covering of 10 sections at once.


download: ... nought.shp
I've tested it against many of the ships that I've downloaded off of you and it can hold its own against most of them. I hope it's good enough to be in the alliance :)
Last edited by Blackhart on Sat Aug 23, 2008 10:07 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Arcalane »

Orion Shipyards Tac-Net
Designer's Log, Date Classified

We've been authorized to unveil some work-in-progress shots of one of our new warships, the Earthshaker. This thing's main gun makes the Lightbringer's arrays look like flashlights! It can punch through their shielding and slice through their armour like it was butter, and it takes two freakin' Mark Three dreadnaught-grade reactors which we only just finished designing directing eighty percent of their combined output to bring it up to that standard! Eighty percent!

And it's a cruiser!

The beam is also purple. Techs say that's a sideeffect of the amount of power being pumped through the beam chamber. It looks pretty cool, and... unique, frankly. Nobody's gonna mess with the ship that has a purple laser. I mean seriously, who wants to mess with that? It's like that... oh, what was his name? Had a purple energy sword thingie. Bah, whatever. Nobody messed with him.

This is early on in the design phase, back when the Earthshaker was anticipated as a Frigate-class design. As you can see...

...that classification didn't last long. This is still pretty early on, so as you'll see in a moment...

...we've made leaps and bounds since then, and it's quite the winged monstrosity. It clocks in at cruiser class right now, and we're not sure how long it'll be until it outgrows that.
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Post by Venator »

Sender: Prince Vladimir Tsepizsci, III


Vladimir, Dark Prince of Umbrey
Really original name, there :lol:.


I'm working on another fleet to contribute, and brightening the Illuminating Ascendancy when I feel so inclined.
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Post by ArcaneDude »

Good! Gentlemen, (and lady, singular.) I think this does it for the Community fleet. I'm still expecting one of Arc's ships, and if he wishes to finish the OS fleet, he may do so, but apart that, I think we've had it.

Thank you all very much for your contributions, I've seen some wonderful ships.

What I need now is DOWNLOADS. LOTS of downloads.

Did I mention I need downloads?
Check out The Star Wreck project!
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And in this Alliance we bestow our hope and will, that the Dogs of War may never harass the people of our homes again, and that it will bring peace, equality and liberty for all in need and despair. One Universe, One Goal. By the Manifest we command this.~ Saren Vil Ush
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Post by Arcalane »

A simulated test of the Earthshaker's gun;


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Post by Gkug »

What time are most people on in the mra channel?
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