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Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 7:36 am
by Whyarecarrots
I've also redone the destroyer, but, after over-arming it a bit changed it into a long range support variant of a destroyer. I still have yet to build a destroyer version of the destroyer...

Not as sure about this redo as the corvette: I think I've messed up the back section very badly in particular, and the design isn't as clean. As I;m a 'glutton for punishment I thought I would show it just to see what you think.


Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 7:50 am
by Razin
Maybe if you reworked some of the layering in the back? The diagonal sections are sticking out above the pieces closer to the center, so re-layering might make it look cleaner? maybe angle the sections a bit too, to it's a touch more curved? I think it might make it look less block, in my opinion.

Just my two cents, could totally be wrong :D

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 7:51 am
by Malahite
Needs a bit more work, but I see serious improvement

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 8:04 am
by Whyarecarrots
Razin wrote:Maybe if you reworked some of the layering in the back? The diagonal sections are sticking out above the pieces closer to the center, so re-layering might make it look cleaner? maybe angle the sections a bit too, to it's a touch more curved? I think it might make it look less block, in my opinion.

Just my two cents, could totally be wrong :D
Hmm, possibly: I overlayered at the back as it was, as I had no real design. I've cleaned that up a lot:


This any better?

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 8:29 am
by Razin
Yeah, much better. Looks much less cluttered (imo).

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 8:34 am
by Whyarecarrots
Razin wrote:Yeah, much better. Looks much less cluttered (imo).
Thanks :)

And now I've noticed mirroring issues with the blue pieces along the centre line: I'll try and do something about that tomorrow.

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 8:31 am
by Whyarecarrots
Owing to my continuing ability to build large ships, I've started work on another fleet to fit in with the fluff detailed in the first post (yes, I know the name is now ludicrously over the top, but ahh well...)

The Terran Confederation
The remnants of the original confederation, they are the only faction with any pre-Cataclysm technology remaining. However, after the panic preceding the Cataclysm, society was rent by disorder and, later, opportunistic raids from secessionist systems on the rim of their remaining territory. The knowledge of the initial construction and maintenance of the mighty pre-Cataclysm behemoths was lost, and rational thought and experiment gave way to superstitious paranoia about technology, and most pre-Cataclysm technology is revered as a religious artefact, and it is only in moments of need that the full fleet is utilised, at other times, the ships sit in drydock, slowly deteriorating, maintained by mechanics who don;t understand the technology, and crewed by officers who don't know how to fully control them. The majority of the Terran Defense Fleet is composed of cheap, mass produced frigates and destroyers, armed with primitive weaponry, and lightly armoured, with only basic deflector technology for protection. What they lack in strength, hover, they make up for in numbers.
(apologies for this being badly written, it's getting late here)

Eurasian Systems LS17 Sloop
Armed with 2 missile launchers, a rapid fire cannon, and two point defense guns. A staple of the fleet, it is designed for close range support, overwhelming enemies' defenses with barrages of missiles in large numvers

Eurasian Systems LS24 Destroyer
Heavier than the LS17, this light destroyer hhas two large and (relatively) advanced fission reactors in offboard nacelles, powering the main deflectors and beam weapon (one of the few examples of energy weapons in TDF fleet). However, despite being the pinnacle of post-Cataclysm technology, it is still outperformed in every area by any other faction's comparable ship.

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 10:09 pm
by warhammer651
for some reason, all of the oligarchy's ships remind me of klingon vessels from Star Trek.

anyways, nice looking ships, but i think the Eurasian Systems LS24 Destroyer could do without those two sections to the right of the deflectors.

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 8:24 pm
by Whyarecarrots
warhammer651 wrote:for some reason, all of the oligarchy's ships remind me of klingon vessels from Star Trek.

anyways, nice looking ships, but i think the Eurasian Systems LS24 Destroyer could do without those two sections to the right of the deflectors.
That's a very good point, although it was totally unintentional.

Thanks: those pieces on the LS24 are there as defence for the deflectors: the ship is weak enough as it is: without those it wouldn't stand a chance against anything.

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 8:32 am
by Whyarecarrots
As my inability to build a ship much larger than a Corvette seems not to be going away, I've started work on yet another fleet (I'll finish one of these some day, I swear...), the Helian Empire.

Currently the background is very sketchy, and all I have is that they're a sun worhipping relgious empire (imagine something like the Amarr from EVE and that's pretty much what I;m thinking at the moment)

The two ships I have at the moment:

The Flame Class Bomber (not to scale: see below for a scale picture
Launched in waves from Helian capital ships, these light craft pack a punch, but are unable to take any punishment

The Dawn Class Corvette
Summing up the Helian ship-building style in a nutshell, the Dawn Class is heavily armoured, relatively slow, with a powerful broadside.
(I would have demeters on there instead of the machine guns, but they weren't firing in any of the tests I did)

Scale shot:

I've also bowed to advice and removed the red sections guarding the nacelles on the LS24, as they made the deflectors a bit hard to take out.

I'm not updating these into the first post yet.

Any thoughts on how they could be improved?
