The Slewex Fleet

Archives for ships and fleets. 'nuff said. Most of the ships here are very very old and will not work in current versions of BSF or SM. You have been warned!

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Joined: Sun Feb 10, 2008 12:07 pm

Post by Venator »

I'll review ship by ship:

Light Fighter: Layering error visible; use Q, A, and W to alter the depth of a component.

Corvette: Interesting, but somewhat jarring, mix of Terran and Alien sections; mirroring error in the nose.

Missile Support: Section repetition. Also, it's a brick.

Charger: AGHH SECTION REPETITION! Kill it with fire!

Cruiser: Same problem of insane section repeating in the tail.

Frigate: Mirroring error with the nose Repeaters. The shape is somehow appealing despite being a jumble of parts.

Juggernaut: Same nose repeater mirroring problems. Some mirroring/layering errors. Otherwise, neat shape.

Battleship: Ugly, overarmed brick.

Defender: It's... flat. Interesting concept. Mirroring problem in the tail.

Other than the two "bricks" and the Charger, they all have appealing or at least interesting shapes. Needs a colour scheme.