Cooparative scavenger fleet

Archives for ships and fleets. 'nuff said. Most of the ships here are very very old and will not work in current versions of BSF or SM. You have been warned!

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Post by zackfire »

May I be accepted?

Gonna use this or make something better with the same idea if you don't like it.


Going for the armor bolted together out of scrap look.
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Post by thanto_ »

The orange/brown piece looks great for rust, but the rest I think is too colorful.
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Post by zackfire »

You're right, I'll work on the color scheme a bit. I was trying to make it look like it was scavenged from a bunch of ships.
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Post by jwa8402 »

Ok I've pretty much let this die along with several other projects because of school starting, but this I have to comment on.

That ship is the most random thing I've seen in awhile. My original concept for this whole thing was to build a *normal* ship, run it through a battle, record the missing or damaged sections, and replace them with random and ideally rarely used sections, thus creating a scavenger fleet. Also to add on random equipment that can serve a variety of functions the ship wasn't built for. Now its mostly my bad for not having time to run the scenarios, and any of you are welcome to continue posting ships here, but please try to give your ships some purpose, both in design and function.
Protip: If you want it to look like a bunch of ships welded together, make a bunch of ships, then use that nifty application I saw awhile back that lets you merge ship files, and then you can literally combine them.
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Post by zackfire »

Maybe I missed the point of this "exercise", I thought it was just to build scrap ships, not damage existing vessels and rework them. So, should I bother building a better ship for this, or is it never going to get off the ground?
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Post by jwa8402 »

Well to be fair I didn't really explain that well in advance, and its really just my theory of the best way to build a scrap ship. Up to you if you want to rebuild it, just didn't seem like it has alot of functionality which I would think would be even more clearcut on a ship barely eking out a living. Look at Homer's ship, its got one thing it does, and its obvious just to look at it.
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Post by zackfire »

Thanks for your understanding, but that doesn't answer my main question. Are you going to continue this and do these encounters? I would be happy to make a new ship for it in that case but I don't want to if nothing is going to come of it.
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Post by brenwasp »

Well, I decided to try a new thing on the sections. Added some plates that look like that have been screwed on to upgrade the armor. To give some kind of custom scavenged armor.


Tell me what ya think?
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Post by Homer »

A little more of like damage and like exposed parts would look nice[/quote]
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Post by 25000st »

Some of the screws look a bit randomly placed and the shape of the armor as well. Otherwise, I like it.