Apache's Shipyard [Newest: Defiler (Assault Frigate)]

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Apache's Shipyard [Newest: Defiler (Assault Frigate)]

Post by apache1990 »

All comments and/or criticism is welcome (including the "that totally sucks" kind, as long as you can say why).

My first new ship was my attempt to make a new ship based on the old Corrupter design, since I finally added the custom sections to my ship maker. I think it came out pretty nice, but what do you think? Anything I could improve?
(Attempted to balance armament similar to the metagame CET Ceylon FF, though with 100% forward armament)

Defiler (AsDFL-R1)
[Extract to your BSF folder, and custom sprites should automatically place themselves]
Hull Strength: 850
Threat: 125
Speed: 2
Acceleration: 0.20
Turning: 0.30
4x Laser Cannon
3x Particle Accelerator
2x Light Beam Emitter
1x Medium Beam Emitter

As a front line Assault Frigate, the Defiler is relentless, hitting its target with a constant barrage from its relatively large array of energy weapons. Able to push through most return fire with its powerful engines, it can stay within optimal combat range without much difficulty.

Armed solely with energy based weaponry, the Defiler can operate for extended periods behind enemy lines, as it never needs to be restocked with ammunition. The Defiler's greatest strength that its entire armament is mounted to the front, allowing it to unleash a devastating barrage on its foes. But if an opponent succeeds at a flanking maneuver, this quickly becomes its worst enemy. As the engines are optimized for maximum forward thrust, the Defiler suffers from a very poor turn rate; once someone gets behind it, it is very difficult to shake them off.

The Defiler performs best in pairs, as then they can cover each other's weak spots, or combine firepower to take on mid-sized destroyers. Overall, the Defiler is a reliable, solid performer, able to destroy most other ships of its class.

An initial prototype testing a full weapon strike.
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Post by 25000st »

Looks cool. I really like the mechanical/functional look.
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Post by brenwasp »

Looks like a Mini Star Destroyer. :)