What I hope is a decent ship.

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What I hope is a decent ship.

Post by neotravis »

Here's my latest attempt at making a decent ship.
I wish I'd have a better screen shot but I was in a hurry.

Primary and secondary forward shields (the red and light blue lines)
Retractable armor (the gray sections)
Rotating Cannon (the two red sections)
Two drones for flanking the enemy
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Post by MelvinVm »

The color is the ugliest color ever, the legendary eyeburn color.

Weaponry is not fitting, detailed section spam, not good ship, not decent.
Whatth hell is with that aegis/glowing thing? its very ugly.
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Post by Kiltric »

You should try using different colors, as Melvin so tactlessly said, they're unpleasant to look at.

More than anything, I'd get rid of the glow on the front, and the floating pods off the back. Floating section and glows can be pulled off beautifully, but I'd start with something smaller and work up to it first.

You also have a few too many weapons and modules, at least for my taste, but they stick out without being colored or blended at all and make the ship look cluttered.

Also, those red curved sections you placed near the stern of the ship don't flow well with the rest of the ship, which is very squared/angled.

In the way of seeing what works for colors, and what generally is liked in ships, I'd look here.

All that said, the basic shape of the hull is decent and has promise, just don't go overboard with the glows and the like. Give more attention to the little things.
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Re: What I hope is a decent ship.

Post by Isu »

neotravis wrote:Here's my latest attempt at making a decent ship.
I wish I'd have a better screen shot but I was in a hurry.
I believe that's you problem. Don't try making a whole ship if your in a hurry.
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Post by Arcalane »

The overall shape has promise, but that shield(?) is ugly as all hell, and the colours for the main hull are pretty naff too.
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