The Karos-Anarak Conflict

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The Karos-Anarak Conflict

Post by Tyrael »

ooc:A place for me and my friend, to post ships and other related things to our joint project.

List of Important Transmissions sent from the Second Fleet(See Attachment)

Emergency Distress Call, UKSS Zarin. Date sent 4/12/2242 Time:1201

Dear god....They've destroyed the Arcane.... Open Fir....Op....Ire... Command...Send Reinfor.....

Emergency Distress Call UKSS Verix. Date Sent 4/12/2242 :1230

This is Captain Nero, I've...I've only got a little time before they find us among the asteriods...They came out of no where. They completely destroyed the Second Fleet...They're All dead. Even among the asteroids they were so...organized. I think they're Telepathic.... They gassed Cer'Karos with some kind of Pheromone...I don't know what though the only transmissions we get from the planet go like this..."All Hail the Anarak Legion" This Anarak Legion... the ships and weapons they use they're very advanced, more advanced then anything we ever dreamed off. I think we can escape and retreat to the Seraph Station, but even after we get there... I don't know if we're going to survive this....

Ship Designs used in the New Second Fleet:
The UKSS Verix, a rebuilt Hecate Dreadnaught. Its really more like a Hecate Dreadnaught they had found and placed extra armor onto the hull. Though the Arclite Project leaders insisted that it be trial tested. The trials were a huge success, the trio of flash guns proved their worth and the ship commisioned. Even with the successful trials the ship it self has never gone into mass production.
Weapons systems:
6X 100mm Autocannons
2X 200mm Plasma Charge Launchers
2X 150mm Sabot Cannons
10X 50mm Flak guns
Experimental Systems:
3X 300mm Flash Guns
1X Gravitic Impeder
2X Gluon Bolters

The Arcane Heavy battleship, smaller then the Arbiter or Arclite Battlecruisers. It packs a more powerful armament which lead to its classification of battleship. Equipped with few Neo Technologies, it is still a dangerous foe. The Ship pictured above is the UKSS Arcane, presumed destroyed at Cer'Karos
Weapon systems:
4X 100mm Dual Autocannons
4X 100mm Autocannons
2X 70mm HV Rocket Launchers
10x 50mm Flak Guns
Defensive Systems:
4x Aegis Deflectors

An older style ship, though still viable as an artillery ship. Slower then more recent ship designs it has stronger armor and a better armament. In the current fleet system it serves as either artillery ship or front line Destroyer.
Weapon Systems:
2X 150mm Sabot Cannon
1X 200mm Heavy Sabot Cannon
4X 70mm HV Rocket Launchers
2X 150mm Missile Launchers
12X 45mm Flak Guns

The Arbiter Missile Cruiser. A Redesigned Cronus equipped with a mix of Alien point defense systems and HV Rocket Launchers. Its main purpose is to flood the enemy's point defense and allow more powerful weaponry a chance to get through. One of the original designs that stemmed from the Arclite Project.
Weapon Systems:
1X Point Beam Defense System
4X 65mm Particle Point Defense Guns
10X 50mm Flak Guns
6X 70mm HV Rocket launchers

The UKSS Arclite. As implied by its name, its the original design that the Arclite Project produced. A Salvaged Cronus fitted with modern weaponry, and a pair of "Chrono" wings. At the time of its creation it was the pinnacle of technology, now though its been overshadowed by the Arcane and Verix designs.
Weapon systems:
1X Point Beam Defense System
4X 65mm Particle Point Defense Guns
10X 50mm Flak Guns
4X 70mm HV Rocket Launchers
4X 150mm Sabot Cannons
Last edited by Tyrael on Fri Feb 27, 2009 8:27 am, edited 15 times in total.
512 letters is not a license to use nearly a dozen lines.

[size=75]Besides, that was even worse than what Melvin had.[/size]
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Post by Venator »

To be honest, it's not really a "rebuilt Hecate" as a Hecate with random parts bolted onto the hull.

It could be a lot worse, but it's not exactly pretty.

Specifically, the extra purple sections on the nose don't fit in, and the twin autocannons are too large for their mounting.

The tail additions... I like the concept, but the execution, with a random purple section thrown in, just looks out of place.

On the upside, the beefed-up sides look great, making the hull look sturdier by far.
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Post by Tyrael »

Well the UKSS aren't exactly the brightest of the bright. Its supposed to be kinda... bolted together? But thanks for the advice if I have time tonight I'll redo it. I also didn't want it to be too gray which is what I do a lot of the time. Besides with time it'll hopefully get better :D
512 letters is not a license to use nearly a dozen lines.

[size=75]Besides, that was even worse than what Melvin had.[/size]
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The Karos-Anarak Conflict


Report on the Anarak Legion
Collaborated By The K.M.I. Division

Gentlemen, we face a dire threat to our survival. The loss of the Cer'karos is no laughing matter. Our quick defeat was soul-crushing, but in the limited contact we've had with the aliens, we have learned alot. The knowledge we've gained will prove essential in combating this extraterrestrial enemy.
The following report details their ships, siege and battle tactics, their technology and physiology and the capture of several Anarak "Science" vessels.

Attack on Cer'karos

From the data recorded and sent to headquarters by craft at the scene of the attack, it appears as though the Legion use advanced portal making devices, possibly for crossing large distances, and by the coordinated attack on our vessels right exiting the portal one can infer that they had advanced sensors as well. The standard weaponry on their ships seems to be a sort of powerful laser beam, and several other energy weapons have been reported. Our counter assault with our weaponry seemed fairly ineffective due to a formation they had in which smaller ships, ones whose purpose is to serve as a shield to larger ships (the 'Phalanx' formation, and the ships its composed of are detailed in their respective sections) and technology in the form of shields and ship regeneration(speculated to be nanomachines). Captain Nero of the UKSS Verix sent a distress call about the Legion "gassing" Cer'karos with an unknown substance and in a short time afterwards the the distress calls originating from the planet itself contained messages such as "Glory to the Anarak Legion!" and "Hail to the Anarak Legion!" so it is speculated that the substance is mind-controlling in effect. There were also scattered reports of marines, both on the planet and in orbit, developing schizophrenia-like symptoms in the form of hearing voices and that these voices proclaim that the defenders should surrender, though these reports are unconfirmed. It appears that this is a true attack on all fronts.

Capture of Anarak "Science" Vessels over Ver'karos

Two months after the loss of Cer'karos sensors picked up signals in the ship "graveyard" in orbit over Ver'karos, and military ships were sent to investigate. They originated from Anarak vessels studying the debris,(said to originate from our ancestors and the Progenitor's kin) but the vessels themselves were lightly armed. When the Anarak were confronted, they surrendered(though due to their psychic nature it's thought that the Anarak in custody are telepathically probing for information and sending it to their leaders) and the Anarak on board their ships and in the debris field were taken. The ships were studied(the engineering teams full report is in it's respective section) and the aliens were sent to another colony for holding and study.

Alien Person Of Interest:Queliath (pronunciation: Kel-i-ath)
Genus: "Scientist"

Queliath is what we would call a science adviser to High Inquisitor Dzarkysan, his occupation involves researching alien technology. He was captured with the "science" vessels. He, personality-wise, is a patient, calculating individual that seems to against the current war. He, in many interrogations,(he is oddly talkative for a P.O.W.) stated that the war was unnecessary, that it detracts from their original mission and he warned that more Anarak ships will be sent should it continue(he seems to be unaware of Dzarkysan's message to our governing body, this message is detailed in another section). He offered to serve as an ambassador to us, provided we free him, his compatriots, their ships and equipment, and that we destroy any reverse engineered technology(this offer was obviously declined and he cursed us and called us warmongers for it.)
[ooc: this is a collab with Tyrael]
Last edited by OMNOMNOMNOM on Sun Mar 22, 2009 10:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
Sorry Tyrael.
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Post by DoomBringer »

Nice ships have you ever thought of rebuilding the official ships into sb4 format because a lot more people would be interested. The ships look better than the stock ships but try recoloring the purple does not fit in with the ships, try a brighter color for the ships it makes them stand out more. I anticipate the other stock ships variants.
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Post by Tyrael »

Granted but, the purple is supposed to be alien parts that they used in repairing the ships. look for my post if that's a confusing statement its Fluff-related. Anyways, I wouldn't mind making a bunch of the Stock ships, though they won't be completely accurate since I'd be using the pics from the wiki site or ingame shots.
512 letters is not a license to use nearly a dozen lines.

[size=75]Besides, that was even worse than what Melvin had.[/size]
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Post by Tyrael »

Project:ARClite(Details in attachment)

When the Karosians first explored the space around their planet they discovered the debris field that surrounded the planet. Fearing that what ever may have destroyed the ships in orbit may return, the planet banded together under a common fear. The brightest scientists were gathered under one project name, Project:ARClite. After many failures they finally developed the first "Neo" Ship. The Arclite BattleCruiser, a powerful Cronus Juggernaught rebuilt with current technologies. With the success of the ship the Project continues to this day to research new technologies and develop new ship designs. The must recent success is the development of the Flash Gun. A powerful munition, fast and also the size of a normal Sabot round but with the explosive power of a large nuclear warhead. Also recently developed is the platform on which the FGS is deployed, the UKSS Verix. The only salvageable Hecate hull they could find they upgraded with ablative hull armor and more conventional weapons. Even with enough power to supply the trio of Flash guns the Verix is still in its prototype phase, newer weapon systems and shield system have yet to be installed when commissioned and sent into battle.

ARClite Fleet:
With the onset of the Anarak Invasion a specialized fleet comprised of all ARClite ships has been commissioned. Ships from the three main fleets have been diverted to supply ships to this fleet. Its main purpose is to be an elite group that can stand up to the onslaught of the Anarak Legion.

FGS:Flash Gun System, usually refers to a set of two or three flash guns on a ship.
Neo Technology:Referes to anything related to the technologies found in the debris field.
Neo Ship: refers to any ship design that incorporates Neo Technologies. EX:Arcane Battleship, UKSS Verix
Hecate:Previously a Dreadnaught ship, a powerful ship even in its damaged state. Served as the base for the Verix.
Cronus:A Neo ship, served as the base for the ARClite and Arbiter Cruisers.
ARClite Fleet:Recent fleet that is comprised of only ARClite ships. Formed to combat the Anarak Legion
ARClite ship:Refers to ships developed by Project:ARClite
512 letters is not a license to use nearly a dozen lines.

[size=75]Besides, that was even worse than what Melvin had.[/size]
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Post by DarchZero »

Whoa, i like the redesigned stock ships and all big things poppin. I've been doing the same project too, so lookin' at this probably give me more inspirations.

Could use a brighter color scheme for some accents, i suppose?
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Post by Tyrael »

The Progenitor, a massive alien ship that was excavated on the homeworld. Its real name is unknown and so are its creators. Its purpose though is clear, destruction. Several members of the original team commented on a shadowed figure always just out of reach disappearing when neared by any of the personnel. As it turns out this is the Avatar, or its full name The Avatar of the Progenitor. The first videos of this massive ship inspired many of the populace to believe that it was a god encased in metal. A religion of highly zealous people soon formed, and its beliefs spread like wild fire through the lost masses. With the discovery of the space debris field surrounding the planet, many were at a loss at what to believe in anymore. Their history a lie and with nothing solid leading them forward. With so many rallied behind the banner of the new religion The Karosian Government had little choice but to accept that fact that it was a god. While the zealous nature of the religion has quieted many still believe it is a god. The name Progenitor has cropped up only recently, as another belief has begun that this ship was the one that had brought them to the planet. So came the name Progenitor.

The Progenitor Hull

Well there it is. Its my first attempt at a large scale ship, I realized that I used several parts over, but I'm only using parts that had come with the ship builder.
C&C would be nice.
512 letters is not a license to use nearly a dozen lines.

[size=75]Besides, that was even worse than what Melvin had.[/size]
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Post by Tyrael »


(Information to come soon)

The Whirlwind Destroyer. Heavily armored and armed, the Whirlwind is still twice as maneuverable as the old Chrono Destroyer. One of the first ships to come out of Project: AVenger. The Whirlwind is designed to take the place of the now obsolete Chrono Heavy Destroyer. Equipped with experimental Particle weaponry, it can output more firepower in less time then any ship previous.

The Sage Scout Cruiser was built atop the Enyo Destroyer, while the Sage retained the slow speed the Enyo was known for. The addition of thruster packs had increased turning rate. Following the same philosophy as most of the ships in the fleet, the Sage has only forward facing weaponry. Though that hardly matters with its turn rate. While not really a scout ship, the sensor range on the Sage is farther then any ship in the fleet currently. To compensate for its speed, a stealth coating has been added to the hull.

C&C welcome
512 letters is not a license to use nearly a dozen lines.

[size=75]Besides, that was even worse than what Melvin had.[/size]