The Chronicle of a Newbie Shipbuilder

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Bang Doll
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The Chronicle of a Newbie Shipbuilder

Post by Bang Doll »

So after seeing so many others bite the bullet and post their own first ships and after seeing so many other magnificent pieces of ship design from veteran members, I decided to get to steel myself and get to work making something I wouldn't be ashamed to post on here.


This was the very first, very ugly ship I ever made. I am definetly ashamed to post it here.

I loaded Ship Maker, determined to make something better than Ol' Beastie up there. I started, tooled around with parts, finding ones I liked and ones I didn't, and, once I'd get a model to something approaching completion, I'd find some miniscule flaw in it that would drive me batshit and would thence dispose of it and start all over. Here is Iteration 1:


Initially I wanted something with a flat, rounded hull at the front (a bit like the FPA ships from LoGH), but I decided I didn't like it, so I extended the 3's which made up the solid, flat prow into the pointy shape you see here. I then gave it some ridiculously, stupidly over-powered weapons (can you even call it a newbie ship without those?), loaded it in the sandbox, and felt it to be a marvelous failure.

So here is attempt Iteration 4, complete with little Lego-style step-by-step pictures:


Standard core, of course. Placed it at coordinates 1000, 1000 for easier calculation in mirroring. I heard someone here say that real men mirror by hand, so this move facilitated that.


The initial phases of building and coloring. I felt I wanted a dark navy interior with a cyan exterior: call it tropical space camouflage.


Here's where the main structure comes out, along with a shot of the parenting. It was here that I noticed it was taking on a pseudo-organic shape, plus I really liked the smooth, oblong diamond shape the hull had, so I stuck with that for the rest of the time.

I'm kind of obsessed with having straight lines and having everything blend. I also use the smaller pieces almost exclusively.


Here, the design and coloring of the ship is finished. I liked the way the ship looked here. Sort of... "fishy" in a way. When I loaded it in sandbox, though, the "eye" from the core was buried under those two 4's, and I didn't really like that. It ruined the faux-organic thing I had been digging while I was building it. So, I scrapped Iteration 4 and began work on Iteration 5. I also changed the core to Alien for, I dunno, kicks, I guess.


Here is Iteration 5 as he stands now. The only thing I didn't like about him was that his "teeth" were rather... understated, compared to Iteration 4's. So this necessitated the creation of an Iteration 5.5, if you will:


At first, I extended his body outward a bit and gave him some kind of half-moon eater mouth... thing. I hated the way this looked almost immediatly, so I continued to play around with it until I got this:


I used two 20's to act as "gums" and gave him three rows of teeth. Now he has a very pleasant smile, no? I really liked the way this looked, so I decided to start slapping on weapons:


Here he is with all of the weapons on and tested.


I know what you're thinking. "Bang Doll, you oddly named slaphead, that's literally the exact same image you just posted! What gives?!" Well, I liked the design of the ship so much... that I decided not to mar it with the big, blocky, grey shapes of the weapons modules. Here's a shot before the modues were shrunk:


The big, stupidly overpowered main beam cannon, hallmark of any newbie ship (which looks as if it emits straight from the eye, an effect I quite like) two tachyon launchers (which were going to be missile launchers, but then I discovered missiles shrunk with the launchers, so...), and six particle guns in strategic locations for point defense. I quite like this simple loadout.

Now, after tweaking around with its stats, I just had to upload it to the database, and make this thread.

...and give it a name...


That'll do nicely. ... ICTHYS.shp

Comments and criticism are, as always, welcome.
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Post by Noctis »

very well done for a delicious nooblet.

all the extensive pictures and design process is sorta interesting but not terribly needed.

I approve
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Post by Arcalane »

Wait, what? :shock:
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Post by ArcaneDude »

Actually, that's a pretty good design. Nicely done, and welcome.
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Post by salanos »

That is actually very nice.
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Post by Kanosint »

OMG! A newbie who has a decent colour scheme? Tis the end of the world, I say!

Well, even though the design's rather bland, I like it, and a testament that you know how to build a ship. I am looking forward to your next ships with great anticipation... On the condition that you don't place any guns like those outermost ones in the second-to-last image... Between those cyan maneuvre flaps... Poor thing's all jammed between the bits of hull o_O
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Post by Ingens Remus »

I like how you slowly improved the design from step to step. The final ship was really quite nice.
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Post by TheBlueEcho »

ImageNice. And I'm glad you tried to progress before you posted. That's an amazement in itself.
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Post by Slayer0019 »

I salute you, as you are a blazing beacon of correctness that all noobs should follow.
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Post by Darkship »

Very good, nice to see you try to brush up on their technique and style before heading on to the forums.

Well on to the ship, its fairly good. There is nothing technically wrong with it. I would suggest adding another, darker cyan to your palette. By adding a darker shade, it would help with creating the illusion of depth.

So on the whole, keep it up. You have made excellent progress.

Enjoy your stay.
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Post by Master Chief »

Bang Doll, you command my respect, for being a new member whose humility, willingness to improve and English is comparatively outstanding amongst other previous not-so-desirable examples. Well done, and welcome to the Wyrdysm community. Enjoy your stay, and I think we can expect great things from you sometime around, if you continue to progress even further. I trust you should be willing to do that, eh? :)
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Post by Skull13 »

Amazing! You've proven that my ships, (Which is my second iteration of my lego designs, which I have hidden for three or four months) is not that bad!
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Bang Doll
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Post by Bang Doll »

Wow. I guess all that effort paid off. I didn't expect such a positive response! Thank you all for the warm welcome!

I tried to be as un-n00blike in behaviour as possible. I've lurked around for a while and have seen many a "Hello World!" thread end... messily.

I even have a My First Post chart:
  1. The Battleships Forever forum community is very well-established and very close-knit. Displaying anything but the utmost respect and humility is not a good way to make friends with your first post.
  2. If you ask for comments and criticism, don't, like, jump out of your skin when you actually get it.
  3. Make sure the parenting on your ship(s) is symmetrical and as close to perfect as you can make it before you even begin taking screenshots of it!
  4. Make sure your ship is mirrored properly. Oftentimes, using the mirror function will cause things to be off by a few pixels, so check it by hand to make sure everything fits.
  5. Section stretching can be used in many interesting, creative ways, but there's this old proverb that says "All things in moderation." Try not to go overboard with stretching.
  6. If you have more weapon modules than you do actual ship parts, it could be reliably said that your ship is encumbered. Heck, your ship probably shouldn't even have more weapon modules than half the number of ship parts. "All things in moderation" applies here too.
  7. While there's nothing technically wrong with the standard lime-green paintscheme, its frowned upon to post a ship without something a little more original. Do note that "15-year old girl fluorescent neon eye-shatteringly terrible Myspace Profile" colorschemes are especially frowned upon. Find a happy medium.
  8. If your main gun is a mega-beam that does anything over 9999 damage then... well... You'll see. Oh yes. You'll see.
That said, though, I don't know if I'm happy with the weapons. They feel slapped-on to me. Seeing as how the only thing I had in mind while building the ship was to make something aesthetically pleasing, I had no idea what to do weapons-wise, nor what I wanted the ship's role to be. Can anyone offer any advice in this area?
Ingens Remus
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Post by Ingens Remus »

It kind of depends on what you want the ship to be. It can be a light hit-and-run ship with relatively little armament and mostly stock weapons. Or it can be a heavy frigate with a few beefed up weapons that looks really cool and are very effective. Keep in mind that the purpose of the ship also controls the amount of deflectors, as small, light ships have few, if any deflectors, and heavy ships can have several. Of course, you never want to spam modules or weapons.
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Post by Chiiro »

I saw a newbie and I fell in love.
Well not really but damn close.