MRA; Second Gen on page 21

Archives for ships and fleets. 'nuff said. Most of the ships here are very very old and will not work in current versions of BSF or SM. You have been warned!

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Post by Wolfbrother »

This is the clover


Here is the link for testing although I'm fasirly sure it's way to powerful, ... Clover.shp
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Post by Scorpia »

I think I'll give it another shot.

Miles Gloriousus

HP: 400
Speed: 0.90
Turning: 0.50
Acceleration: 0.50

Weapon Systems
Conquistador Tachyon Cannon (2x)
Carbine Railgun + Turret (1x)
Dragon Missile (2x)

Class: Assault Corvette

Rigor Mortis

HP: 160
Speed: 2.20
Turning: 1.20
Acceleration: 0.80

Weapon Systems
Wrath Cannon (2x)

Class: USSV (Unmanned Space Scout Vehicle)

And here's the Goshawk, from one of my older packs.

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Post by Drone_Fragger »




Archimedes class mobile shipyard:

The ship in the middle. Originally designed for mobile construction and repair of smaller ships (for example, freighters) Archimedes' were quickly converted for a more offensive role for the MRA. Armed with several high energy ship systems not found on other Blastech ships, Archimedes are quite a force in combat.


- 8 x 90Mw Plasma cannons on High rotation mounts.
- 6 x Nanomatrixes
- 1 x Emergancy Ship-Space Sealant system (converted for ballistic defence)
- 1 x Self Replicating Nano spray (converted for offensive explodin' of enemy ships)
- 1 x Graviometric docking unit (converted for throwin' asteroids and ships)
- 5 x Blastech drone units.
- 1 x Weapons shutdown system (Converted for disabling enemy weapons)
- 5 x microlaser point defences.

This ship is about as combat worthy as a Windforce, although it gets lots of nice abilities to assist other ships in combat, and is good at repeairing.

Meteos Class Converted Mining Frigate

The ship on the far right. Originally designed to use a (now removed) Tractor beam to bind and tow a large number of asteroids towards larger vessels for reprocessing, the Meteos was refitted with forward facing Plasma cannons in order to exploit it's high top speed, power, and agility. Because it was designed to get "up close and personal" with asteroids, The Meteos is the only converted mining vessel fitted with deflectors, to minimise the damage of microroids.


- 4 x dual shot 90Mw Plasma cannons.
- 3 x single shot 190Mw Plasma cannons.
- 4 x single shot 75Mw Plasma cannons.
- 4 x microlaser point defence systems.
- 2 x "Crummy Deflector" class Blastech Deflectors.

The Meteos is equivilent to the windforce, but faster and more agile. Also slightly less armoured, relying on speed to avoid missles and stuff.[/b]
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Post by TheBlueEcho »

ArcaneDude wrote:Possible parenting phail will be fixed in the next DL. I don't mind it mind it that you remade the RAND, but it would be appreciated if you'd notify me first.
That I will do.
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Post by ArcaneDude »

Due to the free (but slow) internet connection at my motel, I will be available for the next two days. I am a very happy man.
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And in this Alliance we bestow our hope and will, that the Dogs of War may never harass the people of our homes again, and that it will bring peace, equality and liberty for all in need and despair. One Universe, One Goal. By the Manifest we command this.~ Saren Vil Ush
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Post by T-002 »

very happy man
Coincidence? I think not. :wink:
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Post by Arcalane »

Scorpia wrote:I think I'll give it another shot.
I strongly recommend you look at stats for the existing ships, because... well for starters, most of your ships would probably get annihilated in a single volley by the RAN/IVL/OS ships.
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Post by Scorpia »

Arcalane wrote:
Scorpia wrote:I think I'll give it another shot.
I strongly recommend you look at stats for the existing ships, because... well for starters, most of your ships would probably get annihilated in a single volley by the RAN/IVL/OS ships.
Okay, thanks for the suggestion. My hard drive just got wiped for no reason at all, so I'm getting back my BSF files from my flash drive. I'll update them ASAP. The Goshawk has heavy weapons and defenses so it should be able to live.
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Post by jwa8402 »

The destroyer was actually a front to cover our tracks financially while we built a worthy design, in the event that not all of our government approved of lending our technology to you. We of the D'Haran Empire fully endorse a united front against any extra-galactic invaders. Although within our own culture, it is customary for each group to choose a 'champion' to resolve any conflicts through honorable combat, we understand that many do not abide by our customs.

Still, our entire martial system is geared towards producing one champion capable of defeating all others. To this end, we have pooled our resources and constructed the Doyle class fast attack dreadnought. Although the systems will of course undergo examination by your technicians, we feel this ship is the vessel of our resolve molded in steel.

If we cannot stop this first invader, if war is inevitable, then we will send an army of ships to block out the sun. Still, it is our hope by our customs that the combined representatives of all our neighboring races will defeat the To'Hol Venaari's vanguard vessel and that its creators will be appealed to by their gods to not waste their lives with further motions of war.

Included are the full schematics for your technicians to review, and of course in the event of necessary repairs. Alter the vessel as you will, it can only be made more deadly. Sorry bout the paint job but it appears that our entire race has rapidly become colorblind from radiation released by our forges.

I had some trouble balancing weapons to be powerful enough to defeat contenders yet still within the range of standard MRA. IE: parts will be wank, others maybe too underpowered to fulfill their purpose. To be fair, I stole some of Raul's ideas, but then he got most of his from me :roll: ...

Defensive systems:
III capital level point defense beams.
XXI anti fighter/projectile pulse beams.
VI omnidirectional localized shield generators.

Weapons systems:
II plasma rail guns.
III pulse blasters.
VI tactical nuclear detonator.
III heavy chemical lasers.
II Vascud assault cannons.
Reverse engineered from a crashed vessel of a far older race, this weapon's power is a mere shadow of the original's potential.
XII Cloud swarm missile launcher
I Hellbore turret
The Hellbore turret is a special weapon. While the others may be tuned to your specifications, please take careful consideration with the Hellbore. It will destroy almost any section, even those covered by deflectors or aegis. It has very little penetration power beyond that though, at least to any noteworthy capital ships. On unshielded hull it may penetrate several sections, but it has been known to disable the aegis covering a section without destroying the section! Resistant to point defense fire with the exception of heavy flak. May also be negated by debris from previous explosions, hence the need to carry other weaponry at all.

Engine systems:
I Primary Ion engine.
II Combat maneuvering thrusters.

The first ship off the line, and the one which will be serving you in the approaching battle; the "Kudan no Genkai"
Last edited by jwa8402 on Sat Aug 09, 2008 3:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by ArcaneDude »

T-002 wrote:
very happy man
Coincidence? I think not. :wink:
If my French hadn't been too bad to seduce the hotel owner's daughter, you might have had a point. :mrgreen:


SCORPIA; yeah, what Arc said.

JWA8402; That doesn't look too bad. A bit more color variance wouldn't hurt.

EDIT; I will also need downloads if I am ever going to test this ships. Testing the Clover and Hege's first submission turned up these results;

Wolfbrother; The Clover is in no means a cruiser. Even the Elizabeth Alexandria Brewster (an Armoured Dreadnought) can barely defeat it. It does classify as a dreadnought, but if you want it to be a cruiser, this is way too powerful.

Hege; I don't know what that was balanced against, but it's nowhere near as powerful as most similar-sized ships in the MRA fleet.
Last edited by ArcaneDude on Mon Jul 21, 2008 9:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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And in this Alliance we bestow our hope and will, that the Dogs of War may never harass the people of our homes again, and that it will bring peace, equality and liberty for all in need and despair. One Universe, One Goal. By the Manifest we command this.~ Saren Vil Ush
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Post by ArcaneDude »

----MRA Emergency Broadcast----

We see President Haesrin Sytheusen moving into view, stepping on a small pedestal. The normally so vivid politician looks pale.

Ladies and gentlemen. Friends and colleagues. Citizens of the Movement and of the galaxy. Earlier today, one of our border reconnaisance probes patrolling the outskirts of the Vilushan Empire picked up an anomalous signal, originating from outside our galaxy. It was only later that the probe sent data to it's base ship, so that the signal's true nature was only discovered not long ago. This is what a detailed scan picked up;

A viewscreen behind the president flickers to life, while the President's hands start shaking. People in the council room begin to murmur, only to fall silent and stare as the data appears on screen


We...are quite certain...that this...monstrosity is a vanguard. It is a technocracy vessel sent here with only one purpose; to asess the potential threat our forces might pose, and maybe even deal with them. We...were not able to detect any obvious weapon systems. But one fact remains clear. This larger, and undoubtedly more powerful than anything we posess. Only one other existing faction in our galaxy has this kind of firepower or size among it's fleets. I am not lying to anyone; this has just gotten a lot more dangerous. But...I am confident...confident that we...this movement...will prevail.

Ladies and genlemen...the Technocracy Wars...have begun.


I tried to go with Anna's style on this one. I know it is nowhere near as good or detailed, but it is the best I could manage. Comments and critisizm are welcome.

I could also need some advice on the armament. Naturally, it will have beams on the legs, but I'm still pondering about other weapons.[/i]
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And in this Alliance we bestow our hope and will, that the Dogs of War may never harass the people of our homes again, and that it will bring peace, equality and liberty for all in need and despair. One Universe, One Goal. By the Manifest we command this.~ Saren Vil Ush
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Post by Master Chief »

Official Communiqué to the Movement to Restore the Alliance

The Infinite Domain of Elysia would like to extend a hand of military assistance to the MRA in the Technocracy Wars against the To'Hol Venaari Technocracy. Regretfully our ships have been delayed by a combination of bad luck, a mix-up in the legislation required, and also the presence of a rogue Slipspace bubble which has and will be disrupting all jumps into and out of Elysia, therefore we will only be able to send Infinitum ships once this problem has subsided. In the meanwhile, we are hoping for the best in any upcoming engagements against the Technocracy.

May the Gods be with us.

With most regrets,
Sterran Artorius Tilenus
High Councillor of the Circle of Thirteen

In saecula saeculorum
Last edited by Master Chief on Tue Jul 22, 2008 12:47 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by Darkship »

omg :shock: that thing... that Vanguard vessel... looks gigantic.

good luck to us all trying to take down that thing :!: (with the ships we have sent to help that is) Without a doubt the storm is brewing O:
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Post by Venator »

That thing looks awesome, in an "utterly terrifying" kind of way.

Are you still open to MRA ship submissions? I just picked up on the thread and couldn't believe I'd missed the fun.
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Post by ArcaneDude »

Darkship; it IS gigantic. This is the largest ship I have ever built.

Venator; go ahead!


---Message from MRA council to Circle of Thirteen---

We regret your inability to send ships outside of your territory. We do, however, appreciate the offer. We hope the Slipspace anomaly will subside soon.

---Message ends---
Last edited by ArcaneDude on Mon Jul 21, 2008 10:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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And in this Alliance we bestow our hope and will, that the Dogs of War may never harass the people of our homes again, and that it will bring peace, equality and liberty for all in need and despair. One Universe, One Goal. By the Manifest we command this.~ Saren Vil Ush