The Dae'Dilus: A series by D00D! (Newbie here)

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Post by D00D! »

This thread is now offically a thread for the collection of my ships. I will skip the introductions and offical plot (yadaayadaa) and just showcase the other 6 race's fleet.

Oh and I appologize, the Dae'Dilus IS A FLEET IN 1, because i was planning to use it as the big bad boss that has all 7 races technolodgy packed into 1 super package. :oops:

Till then, you guys have the blended in version, more races will come out next and they will be full on proper fleets, no gigantic super-sized monster. :) At best slightly smaller monsters that have crazy weaponary but no gigantic hodgepot of diffrent tech. (Cause that reserved for Dae'Dilus :D )
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Post by Wolfbrother » ... e/uploads/ this is the ship database where everyone uploads there ships use ctrl+f to find a ship name you want to face. Also go throw other people's threads more often than not you can find ships and fleets in them. Anna's ships are often used to fight for supership v supership as they are considered among some of the best looking and well developed, but don't forget to ask people whether it's all right to metnion their ships in your thread if you wan't to mention them.

EDIT: Damn severly ninja'd :(
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Post by D00D! »

Oh my it seems we have a miss-understanding

In BSF, it IS possible to command individual Turrets.
Pressing Q and then double clicking will select all Turrets OF THE SAME MODEL. Since i have heavily modified each Turrets to be diffrent yet suiting the same strategdy, i can switch my style on the fly. ( Pressing H will instantly stop all Turrets from fireing. Pressing H when selecting Turrets will force the Turret to stop fireing)

BTW: Yes, i'm looking into the problem right now, there are some weapons that are not performing up to expectations (Eg: Railguns) and some that are plain overpower-ed (Eg: Planet Cracker)
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Post by Arcalane »

Firstly; TURRETS. There is no "n" in "turret". :roll:

Secondly; I know that functionality exists. I have used it quite a lot, in fact. I know about the hold-fire function. I did actually bother to read the manual file, you know.

Thirdly; The issue with your railguns is that you set the per-hit damage to 30, which means for the most part they just skip through a lot of their target (due to their high damage) and do hardly any damage. I'll give you a more powerful example; the railguns of the GCBS Sentinel do 200 damage total, with a per-hit value of 50, meaning that the shot passes through four sections, doing 50 damage to each, for a total of 200.

The power of your railguns compared to their per-hit value means that for the most part their shots will skim through their targets and do very little damage.

It's like the issue we had with suicide bomb vehicles - set the acceleration too high and their payload has no time to do any damage unless the target is of sufficient size.
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Post by D00D! »

Tch, im being dragged into a ongoing fight.

Okay, let me give you a digital cookie to calm you down first. *Gives cookie*

Back to discussion.
If you understand that turret can be switch on or off than you should also realise you can choose which weapons to fire. I've done this before, you can choose which group of weapons can be fired. If so then i don't see the problem. It's up to the user to choose which weapon to fire. The best example is a swiss army knife, sure it has many function but nobody's forcing you to use it all at once do they? If you like lasers, turn off all the turret and use only lasers. If you like automatic weapons, fine, turn off all other turrets and use. This ship wasn't meant to have a single iconic weapon at all, because it incoporates ALL weapons.

I do realise that my railgun does only 30 damage per section but as i said, damage is relative. If your hp is 3x stock value, then my damage will be 3x the norm. The reason why i set its damage to 9999 is because i want it to penetrate INFINITE (okay i know 9999/30 is not infinite but its close enough) amount of components.

Edit: You don't have to be an spelling nazi you know :(
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Post by Lizzie »

D00D! wrote: Ack, the only way you guys are going to really see that its diffrent from other stock ships is if you go in and take it for a spin :roll: Thank god i just finished my stimulated battle, in episode 4 you can see the tau cannons in action
To be perfectly honest. The "Shitstorm of lights" that arc mentioned is really frigging ugly in my eyes. This ship has no theme at all. It's just a total gun whore with fireworks.
D00D! wrote:Oh and Btw: what are some of these ships you keep spourting can beat mine? I really have no idea what you guys are talking about so please elaborate more about why this ship can beat that ship and such. Going on to the internet has made me realized that ship combat isn't as simplistic as battleships forever has made it out to be :oops: :oops: :oops:

But I'm gonna stay firmly on this side. If everyone says that having so much weapons is too bad, then i'm gonna refine and countinue to mod my weapons until one day I can prove to everyone that weapons are not just a bunch of numerical numbers. :P :lol: :D
1. The ship I beat this .... 'thing' with was my pride and joy. The Hades class Man'O'War. ... iment2.png
No current issue download of it out. Theres one in the 3rd beauty pageant thread but it's VERY old and outdated. Ask me and I 'might' be willing to give you the current file.

2. What kind of bullshit is " I can prove to everyone that weapons are not just a bunch of numerical numbers.". Nobody is saying anything about god damn numbers other then the fact you have WAY TO MANY FUCKING GUNS. Their theme is horrible, and for so many weapons it still took them too long to actually wear down the Hades.

Your concept is poorly carried out. It's horrible looking, and frankly your resistance to the common sense we keep trying to bash into your head astounds me.
Last edited by Lizzie on Sun Jun 15, 2008 7:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Droid »

For design, its often better to incorporate a single iconic weapon. maybe strip off most of the other guns and leave the 9999-damage beamer. It'd look a lot better, and it'd lag the game a lot less. Also, I don't think it'll lose much firepower, as the majority of its weapons won't do much to anything that can survive a hit from the main cannon. It's like having a swiss army knife that only has knives (since it only has weapons anyway), but only one of which is sharp. The rest is dead weight.
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Post by Wolfbrother »

Maybe we should leave this now? He's said he's working on a fleet and is looknig to maybe tone down the Dae'Dilus. Let's just hope the advice has pushed him in the right direction.
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Post by Droid »

Btw, he has posted other ships (the Hiss fleet, IIRC). We've been too busy bitching about the Dae'
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Post by Wolfbrother »

The other ships look interesting it's always nice to see alien styles being used. I can see your quite capable at modding the weapons but are they extremely overpowered? or balanced?
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Post by Spoot Knight »

Too many posts to quote...I'm going to summarize what I can through what I read.

A LOT of weapons, yes. But the only weapon that caused damage to the Crusader during the brawl was the one silver beam from the center of the ship. 9,999 damage sounds like a lot, but even then that took out a mere 1/20th's of my ship's bow (Which unfortunately had to house the weapon that would've taken it out almost immediately). The point defense lasers are the one thing that completely render my Equalizer cannon useless, which could've torn apart the Dae'Dilus from bow to stern without resistance. As for the "fast-tracking turrets..." the flurry of railgun shots, missiles, tachyons, and blaster shots are easily picked off by point defense upon the moment the projectiles reached their firing range. The rest of the weapons - every other beam weapon, even though my ship was being hit by hundreds of beams, they could do nothing more than scratch paint.

For the design itself, the wings got vaporized by the wing-mounted beam cannons on the Crusader, which was half of the ship's total hull / weapons status.

Needless to say, it was a horrendous battle because of the framerate, but I had a good chuckle watching it.
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Dae'Dilus Versus Crusader

Post by D00D! »

I took some time off desiging the Lupin Fleet to stimulate the battle between Dae'Dilus and Crusader.

I must say when i first downloaded the Crusader, it was a humbling experience. :oops: The Crusader is slightly bigger than the Dae'Dilus, and at first seemed to be serverly overpowered by the number of weapons on Dae'Dilus.

Unfortunately, the most glaring part of the problem is that the weapon scales are grossly wrong. I mean, for heaven sakes, the crusaders particle gun has more damage than even the Massive Linear Cannons on the Dae'Dilus! It took little more than 5 mins (in game time, not real time, my comp ran at 100% yet the frame rates were around 3-4fps :roll: ) for the Crusader to decimate the Dae'Dilus

After reworking the Dae'Dilus (increasing hp to match the Crusader, overall doubling or tripling the firepower), i went in for the rematch. Reasult? The Crusader still won hands down :(

2nd Match:
Dae'Dilus (Human) vs Crusader (AI)
Match time around 15mins game time. (IRL: 2 1/2 hours)
I cheated a bit in that before the match started, I focus my fire power on weakspots I can find. The Crusader was pounding me hard and even with my maincannon boosted, I was hardly keeping up with the damage. Most projectile weapons (Blasters,pulse,ion) were being negated badly. Even when focusing with my Beams, I was only slowly chipping away at the Crusader. I tried to keep the wing joints away from the hail of fire but at around half way through the match, the Crusader managed to destroy the wingjoints and sever my wings. The match only ended when i fired my main cannon the third time, the first failed to penetrate, the second missed, most of my beams has already opened up the Crusader's core before the final blast managed to destroy it. In the end, only around half of Dae'Dilus survived

3rd Match:
Dae'Dilus (AI) vs Crusader (Human)
Match time: Less than 5 mins
My first action was to manuver the Crusader's thickest part armor to block the main cannon. Although losses were severe, i was able to keep most of the Crusader's weaponary intact. Maybe its because i designed the Dae'Dilus myself and understand its weakness but the wings were quickly severed by a concetrated blast from all my cannons. Once the wings are gone, it was only a matter of time before the core itself was destroyed.

Learning points of the match:

1:Wings are bad! Although, they may look cool, wings are structurly weak. Hiting the joints will cause the entire thing to collapse, not to mention crippling the ship. At first sight, it may look like i only needed to reinforce the joints but eventually, it will ruin the whole look of the ship. The solution (Without turning Dae'Dilus into a round lump) is to add more wings that are solidly connected. Hell maybe i should interconnect them so that they will be tougher

2:Additional armor can help a lot! In most cases, the Dae'Dilus have little or no armor at all, several weak points exist. On the other hand, the Crusader's ablative (or something) armor makes it one solid lump of steel

3:Projectile weapons need more resistance!. The majority of the attacks are nullifed by the point defenses. Usually thats okay since i fire so many but its extremely frustrating to watch my gigantic projectiles get shot down by tiny particle guns.

4:Diffrent point defense work well againest diffrent weapons! Flak Cannons have AOE radius, works extremely effective againest Swarm projectiles.On the other hand, the beam point defense are expectionally accurate, sometimes destroying projectiles that i thought was immune to them :?

Thats the general weakness of Dae'Dilus.There are still some issues to work out but those are more due to my inexperience than anything else. :P don't worry, once i finish my fleets (Or Th15 updates BF) im gonna start working on Dae'Dilus MKII. My comp can barely handle MkI so i'm gonna have to upgrade soon....

Still MKII will be BIGGER! SPIKER! USES EVEN MORE TECH! and finally MORE WEAPONS! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

As a final note to my critics: I know just about everyone thinks more weapons are bad, but I'm not the type to stick by conventional wisdom (Or common sense, or Logic, or the norm). I mean everyone rejected Picasso during his lifetime until much later after his death. In much the same way that you guys are rejecting this type of style now >_>

I won't force you to accept it but I feel that this style deserve to be worked on. Who know? Perhaps after i made more ships public and receive their feedback can i truely refine overloading ships with weapons (Im still waiting for custom weapon models :P ) that looks good
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Post by Spoot Knight »

The reason the Particle Guns and Flak Cannon do 25 - 35 damage, I can't remember which, is because flying sections have 7,500+ hp, which still takes a long time to destroy but would take even longer if it only did one damage like it does stock.

If you haven't figured out, the beam weapons need to be force-fired, otherwise it's easy-pickings.

I know how you feel, it's annoying to see certain weapons I made which are supposed to be uninterceptable be intercepted by point beams. :roll:
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Re: Dae'Dilus Versus Crusader

Post by Lizzie »

D00D! wrote:As a final note to my critics: I know just about everyone thinks more weapons are bad, but I'm not the type to stick by conventional wisdom (Or common sense, or Logic, or the norm). I mean everyone rejected Picasso during his lifetime until much later after his death. In much the same way that you guys are rejecting this type of style now >_>

I won't force you to accept it but I feel that this style deserve to be worked on. Who know? Perhaps after i made more ships public and receive their feedback can i truely refine overloading ships with weapons (Im still waiting for custom weapon models :P ) that looks good
What the hell are you smoking? Sorry but you can't refine this. You can't make gun overload look good. Especially on this scale. It's just plain fucking HIDEOUS. And the fact you continue to cling to your misconception that you can actually make that many guns look good, just utterly befuddles me.

This is not Picasso. This is fucking ugly and I doubt you can find many people who would actually like to see a ship who's hull is totally covered in god damn weapons. It's fucking hideous, it makes no god damn sense. It's tactically, economically, and logistically retarded. There is no saving point to it. Quit being a retard and bashing yourself on the head with a hammer, listen to what other people fucking tell you and move on.
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Post by natan_j »

Tip: take a bunch of identical weapons that are relatively close together, get rid of all but one, and upgrade the remaining one's burst, fire/reload rate, damage, etc. to make up for the loss of the other guns. Rinse and repeat.
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