Horbian Confederacy: New ship - The Lapwing fighter

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Horbian Confederacy: New ship - The Lapwing fighter

Post by KosherKrackers »

Dataport access confirmed...

Constructing datatree - clearance code E41daVos-calypso...


Identity confirmed, Chancellor Melbourne, Enclave High priest.

Processing selection - Horbus...

Selection confirmed.

Horbus - Mindleech - Cogito Parasitae


The horbus is a psychic parasite whose properties were first discovered, employed, and then exploited to build the confederacy, by High Vanguard Carsell.

The horbus in its larval stage, is 3 centimetres in length on average, with a chitinous exoskeleton, a long sharp proboscis, and several small and sharp hooked limbs with which it moves.

In its larval stage it acts in a predatory fashion, holding smaller insects in place with its hooked limbs, and piercing their exoskeleton with its proboscis in order to inject tham with its stomach acids, once those have liquefied its innards, it uses its proboscis like a straw, drains the exoskeleton, and move on to find new prey.

Upon finding a suitably sized host, it enters through the nose, or other suitable orifice, carving a path if necessary, in order to get to the victims brain, there it latches onto the front lobes with its hooked claws and fixes its proboscis deep into the brain matter. Its legs rapidly lose function, becoming little more than anchors, and the proboscis is used to ingest blood from the host. After several weeks, the horbus' exoskeleton hardens, and gradually fuses with the skull of its host.

While in this state, it absorbs all the nutrients and oxygen it needs from the boodstream of the host, and through cogitosynthesis, uses the thought waves of the host in order to convert the nutrients into energy, much as a plant uses sunlight for the task. In this state, the horbus uses little energy directly, and stores the considerable excess within its body until enough is reached torepair itself after reproducing.

Horbus reproduction entails shedding approximately half its physical mass, and approximately half the energy it has stored, then telekinetically projecting it through the nearest orifice leading out of the skull cavity. Both then enter a state of rapid regeneration using the stored energy.

End reached, returning to datatree.

Processing selection – Horbus – Use in the confederacy – Classified psychic employment...

Selection confirmed.

All data in the following report is classified, knowingly or unknowingly revealing this information to anyone without the necessary clearance is punishable by mindwipe.

The psychic nature of the horbus was first discovered by the Pherytean research divisions, further research determined that upon attaching to its host, the horbus’ internal organs are broken down and digested by the parasite, converted into energy, and used to fuel a rapid change in anatomy. Within a matter of weeks, the horbus is little more than a highly efficient brain with a complex circulatory system and two organs used for storing energy collected from the host.

The horbus is innately psychically attuned, sending its psyche-net through the most active neural pathways in the hosts brain, effectively seeking out the greenest pastures in order for it to cogitosynthesise with the greatest efficiency.

Though effective, this system is very simplistic, and open to exploitation, by surgically stimulating specific neural pathways, the horbus’ psychic web can be used to stimulate certain portions of the brain, and by looping the horbus’ web into itself, can create a kind of psychic feedback loop, generating far more psychic energy than the horbus is naturally capable of, and in the majority of cases, manifesting certain psychic abilities in the host.

Careful manipulation of the stimulated pathways, can lead to a number of manifestations, the most common are empathy, and telepathy, those manifesting these talents are often absorbed into the Enclave, or one of its various branches throughout Horbian space.

All Vanguards are implanted with the horbus upon assuming their position as representative of their species, and receive empathy, telepathy, a permanent neural link to the Horbian psyche-net, and, without their knowledge, their minds are also stimulated in such a fashion that there thoughts are always broadcast on a subconscious level, by tapping into this subconscious communication channel, the Enclave sanctum can constantly check for rebellion amongst the Vanguards, and quash it before it reaches a conscious level.

End reached, returning to datatree.

Processing selection – Horbian Confederacy - Brief history…

Selection confirmed.

The Horbian Confederacy: Founded year 2198, began as a treaty between three species, the pheryteans, the trianthians, and the arlids, following an extended period of war culminating with a decisive pherytean victory. These two species were the first to join the confederacy, and played a large part in bringing it to its current glory. While all species have a representative: the Vanguards, the confederacy as a whole is presided over by the High Vanguard, who is always of pherytean lineage. The pheryteans have been shown as a species with compelling leadership, and diplomatic ability, as in the history of the confederacy, no Vanguard has had any more than minor complaints against the High Vanguard of their era.

The horbus parasite has been employed in the confederacy as a non-conditional clause in the treaty, three species have been eradicated since its drafting due to incompatability with the horbus, 1 destroyed due to an unwillingness to join the confederacy, 12 have been forced to join through military means, and 4 have joined through choice. The exploitation of the psychenet: a telepathic communication system, is employed by all facets of the confederacy, including maintaining constant communication channels with the elected officials of the various species: the Vanguards, in order to best serve their people, and keep them informed of social, economic, political, and military developments.

Similarly, as a point of communication to them, it is also used for the Vanguards to voice concerns, receive orders, request information, or simply to build bridges between their various species, or exchange stories.

Without this method of rapid communication, an empire as vast as the confederacy would doubtlessly fall prey to its own size, with dissent, miscommunication, and inefficient and likely nonexistent coordination, the confederacy could not support itself without the horbus, thus, implantation is mandatory amongst high ranking officials, and any species incompatible would cause far more trouble than they could ever do good, and thus, must be destroyed for the good of the confederacy.

The Horbian confederacy currently spans an area of 13:7 sectors, approximately 1,289 parsecs volume, and when mapped, appears much like a partially flattened sphere with a bulge at the far right of the lower hemisphere.

End reached, returning to datatree.

Processing selection – Vanguard Profiles – Dorien Jacobs.

Selection confirmed.

Dorien Jacobs: Torlian. Age: 78.

Dorien Jacobs, born in sector 5.2E on the Torlian homeworld: Bawray, year 2692. Elected and implanted year 2748. Twelfth Vanguard of the Torlian species. Currently undergoing gene-therapy for a hereditary degenerative eye condition, visual acuity stands at approximately 79% of normal, medical projections predict an increase of 6% over the next year, and a halt of further degradation.

Prior to election, Dorien was a construction engineer, and political strategist. During his 12 year position as Torlian Vanguard, he has been involved in 7 military large scale military engagements, 2 border skirmishes, 1 covert reconnaissance mission, and has been involved in 4 diplomatic manoeuvres. His record is exemplary, while his diplomatic missions were not successful, his military record lists only 3 losses: tactical retreats when faced with superior numbers, losing entire sub sectors of space, but maintaining his life, and the lives of his troops.

His implant has manifested significant telepathic talent, though the stimulation of certain neural pathways has dulled his personality somewhat, analysis: He is largely without humour, lacks wit, and sees engagements, be they social, military, financial, spiritual, etc, etc, as equations, where one action tends to lead to another predictable, or likely action.

His current pastimes involve board games and cooking. He is currently deployed in sector 3.3C half a parsec from Theta-coli.

End reached, returning to datatree.

Processing selection - Fleets of the Confederacy - Vanguard Dorien...

Selection Confimed.

Fighter Class: Sparrow

Where most designers would turn to shields in order to make a craft durable, Vanguard Dorien, who is innately distrusting of the fragile nature of the deflector, turned instead to an old design for groundborne vehicles: sacrificial armour. Through overlapping plates that have no other function than to protect the fragile centre, The Sparrow is mobile, compact, and capable of taking a punch, then going back for more.


Fighter Class: Lapwing

Perhaps the longest lasting ship design in Doriens fleet, while the Lapwing has undergone minor changes as the Torlian fleet developed, it has been a consistent favourite for more than a century. Recently fitted with minor ablative plating and structurally upgraded.


The lapwing has, throughout its term of service, been outfitted with a High Density Matter Driver, or HDMD, which is essentially a ballistic missile with an extremely high density kinetic warhead, while largely ineffective against fast targets, it makes comparatively quick work of enemy capital ships. Recently, Lapwing's have also been fitted with a number of guided rocket launchers.

Battleship Class: Kalpsichore

Vanguard Dorien's personal flagship, the Kalpsichore, was largely designed by himself, though the technologies used to arm it, and to realise this gargant of the Horbian fleet, came directly from the newest research on the tables of the Horbian research division.


Armed with the dawnshine generator, one hyperbeam, 2 tachyon field projectors, and 6 anti-foghter strobe lasers, the Kalpsichore is a formidable adversary, even though it lacks point defence.

Carrier Class: Hysteria

While a lot more fragile than the majority of Vanguard Doriens fleet, the Hysteria is still capable of absorbing a staggering amount of punishment. This heavy carrier really needs support in order to perform to its full potential.


Outfitted with a multitude of drone deployment platforms, and two hive launchers, the hysteria is fully capable of launching and sustaining a miniature fleet of its own.

Cruiser Class: Hammerhead

The hammerhead was designed with the intention of maximizing firepower while balancing durablity, many craft throughout history have achieved this through broadsiding, though the hammerhead, with its wide hull, and little side armour, achieves this through focusing its firepower and its armour toward the front.

Recently refitted with an experimetal temporal stasis projector, which, while providing no conventional point defence, can stop most conventional projectiles in their tracks before they strike the ships hull.


Frigate Class: Riptide

Comparative with other ships in Dorien's fleet, the Riptide is a touch lacking where durability is concerned, though it only has a few layers of sacrificial armour, it comes equipped with point defence turrets lacking on a number of Dorien's ships, and a prototype stasis field generator, not as powerful as that on the Hammerhead, but effective nonetheless. It's design is such that it displays the smallest profile possible for the enemy to return fire onto.


Outfitted with two railguns, specially outfitted to fire three projectiles instead of one, though its accuracy is at a loss due to this, and four repeater cannons, it's effective at short to mid range engagements.

Size comparison of Vanguard Dorien's ships, compared against a Cronus.


Simulation files loaded.

http://www.wyrdysm.com/battleshipsforev ... rowMk3.shp

http://www.wyrdysm.com/battleshipsforev ... ichore.shp

http://www.wyrdysm.com/battleshipsforev ... steria.shp

http://www.wyrdysm.com/battleshipsforev ... erhead.shp

http://www.wyrdysm.com/battleshipsforev ... apwing.shp

http://www.wyrdysm.com/battleshipsforev ... iptide.shp

Access terminated. Good day Chancellor.

Critique and comments greatly appreciated, gives me something to build on, so to speak.
Last edited by KosherKrackers on Fri Jun 06, 2008 4:06 am, edited 25 times in total.
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Post by mtheminja »

Interesting. Any modded weapons? Also, it's difficult to tell, but I think a few of the pieces are parented incorrectly. Good first ship, and I like the gradient in the ablative armour. Welcome, and I look forward to more ships from you :) .
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Post by KosherKrackers »

mtheminja wrote:Interesting. Any modded weapons? Also, it's difficult to tell, but I think a few of the pieces are parented incorrectly. Good first ship, and I like the gradient in the ablative armour. Welcome, and I look forward to more ships from you :) .
The mining beams on the front do haf the damage they usually do at a little more range, and I've modded the plasma cannons for rapid fire clip with a 1.5 second reload, minimal explosion, and fairly low damage per shot.

I'll double check the parenting post haste.

EDIT: Minor problem with the parenting on the lower two plasma cannon, dealt with, and changed the download link to the fixed one.

EDITAGAIN: Problems with parents one some sections as Mtheminja pointed out, went through it and noticed a couple of errors... Oopsie. Fixed now though (I hope...). Better boring little things to fix than massive annoying ones though. Thanks for pointing 'em out.
Last edited by KosherKrackers on Mon May 12, 2008 8:30 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Venator »

Not bad, I like the tiled effect of the bow despite it's repetitive nature.
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Post by mtheminja »

Well, I DLed it and checked, and there's definitely some structural parenting issues. The lower tail fin's parent is the upper tail fin, and I can get the wing fins to float if I remove the right parts. Sorry for finding boring things to fix.
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Post by jwa8402 »

Yes, I like the armor design too, and good job for not using deflectors. Only parenting I saw from the screenie at this point was that the thrusters aren't attached to the piece their on, but I assume you fixed that... If this is a fighter I can't wait to see your larger ships, especially with this type of design.
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Post by KosherKrackers »

Finally... Took a while to get the colours sorted, as I kept getting sidetracked.

Vanguard Doriens Battleship, the Kalpsichore, has finally been completed, and I removed the Manticore from this fleet as I really don't think it fit with the theme, but it gave me an idea for a new fleet to follow.
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Post by xphoenix87 »

I really like the Kalpsichore, it's got a really interesting style and it's well-executed. I also like that you didn't overdo it with the weapons, they don't clutter the hull.

I can't tell for sure in the picture, but it looks like some of the parenting might be a bit wonky.
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Post by KosherKrackers »

Added the Hammerhead, and added the beginnings of the story behind the Horbian Confederacy.
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Post by Spoot Knight »


Just so you know, "broadside" is a term used for the sides, so saying "broadside firepower from the front" is a little odd. :lol:
The United Commonwealth Military and Spootech Industries joint fleet.

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Post by KosherKrackers »

New ship, a heavy carrier: Hysteria, and a couple of changes with the Sparrow.

When I made the thing, I didn't know how to scale parts, since I found out I'd been planning on shrinking it, well, finally got around to it, it's now two to three times smaller than it was, and no longer loses all its acceleration when its engines are blown off.

Which I found to be rather annoying considering it's a fighter craft.
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Post by DarchZero »

Kalpsichore has some pwnage pipes down there. Really nice work.

I suppose the gigantic Demeter Bays at Hysteria is modded, no?

I'm still wondering about the rainbow color. Why?
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Post by KosherKrackers »

New ship, the Lapwing Fighter.
DarchZero wrote:Kalpsichore has some pwnage pipes down there. Really nice work.

I suppose the gigantic Demeter Bays at Hysteria is modded, no?

I'm still wondering about the rainbow color. Why?
Thanks, and yes, all three sizes of demeter bays are modded on the Hysteria, predictably, the bigger they are, the more damage they do, and the less often they launch.

The rainbow's there because, well, tan can get boring.
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Post by Nevindar »

I like the color shading(?) and the use of parts for the nice visual effects.

The weapon placement seems quite good too.
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