Another building up from the center deal (Now modular!)

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Another building up from the center deal (Now modular!)

Post by Kazuael »

For those of you who remember, I tried this once before with some pretty decent results, so I thought I'd try it again.

I only managed to get four steps this time, and I haven't yet armed the two smallest steps, which I hope to get around to this weekend after midterms and some assembly language stuff. I thought about going up to five steps like the other one, but I was running out of ideas and didn't want to drag it out.

Here's the comparison shot as always:

The little dinky one:

The second one:

Step three:

And finally step four:

I finally got around to making aesthetic design decisions on the weapons, so those megatachyons hide beamers and those drivers hide mining beams. Unfortunately my doodads aren't showing up for some reason, so the gray areas of the ship are a little bland at the moment. I'll try to get another picture up if I get the doodads working.

Here's a comparison shot to the final step (the fifth one) of the last time I tried this. It's considerably less well armed than the other one, though I haven't actually tried making them fight each other yet.


Comments, criticisms and the like are welcome as usual.


Here's the ship with the doodads, also a few stat changes to the weapons. I'm thinking it could use a few more in some places, which I may or may not add later.


This is the carrier version of the ship. The weapon battery mounts were replaced with spiffy new "fucking bees" launchers. Sure it looks like a lot, but the bees only do .35 damage per shot, albeit at a bit faster rate. Also, the extra engines were removed, and the stats have been adjusted accordingly.
Last edited by Kazuael on Wed Apr 23, 2008 10:34 am, edited 2 times in total.
Posts: 314
Joined: Sun Apr 20, 2008 5:17 am

Post by Raul »

:shock: i had forgotten about the last one but this is almost as impressive and in some ways i like the design better because it doesn't look as flat.
Posts: 347
Joined: Mon Jan 21, 2008 7:53 am

Post by JaffaJoke91 »

very nice! cool concept.
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