The Ships of Seraphim Industries - Last Updated 12/23/07

Archives for ships and fleets. 'nuff said. Most of the ships here are very very old and will not work in current versions of BSF or SM. You have been warned!

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Post by Anna »

My head is going to explode, at this rate... heh. Thanks for the support, everyone! :D

I didn't actually get the Cybuster ref, MaxAstro, but I looked it up, and damn... that looks pretty sweet.

Anyways, here's a work in progress pic of something I'm working on; A fighter squadron. The one in the centre is heavily armoured compared to the rest, because if he dies, all the rest do...


I'm going to add even more fighters to it... probably a lot more. Heh.
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Post by Anna »

Ooo... I got bored of working on the fighters, and decided to put making any more of them off until later. Then I just decided to start a new ship from scratch and see what I can come up with. I'm very, very pleased with the result.

Gentlemen, feast your eyes upon, Kratos!

Another weaponless work in progress... I'm definately going to finish this one. It's got more ablative armour than you can poke a stick at.
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Post by Normandy »

Looks like a quilled Hestia on steroids ^.^

Btw the fighters are looking good! Persevere! Finish them!
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Post by Anna »

Well, I've finished the Kratos, for the most part, though I might come back and screw around with it more later. Or upgrade it, or something... anywhere, here it is!

Download the Kratos.

Also, the weaponless version is available for download here, if you llike the design, but want a different weapons loadout.
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Post by Anna »

Two more ships!

The Gaheris:
Download the Gaheris.

And the Telemachus:
Download the Telemachus.

The Gaheris is a mid-range heavy-hitter with moderate health and lots of ablative armor. The Telemachus has slightly less health, but is designed for long range combat. Its railguns have a massive amount of range.
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Post by Anna »

These things aren't ships, so much as... well, they're basically really fucking big guided missles. They fly up to their target and detonate with a massive boom. They have low health (although it should probably be lower, as only the more heavily armed ships seem capable of shooting them down before they blow up), and high speed, and hit the weak point for massive damage.

The first is the Justicar Matter/Anti-Matter Missile:
Download the Justicar M/AM Missile

And the second is the Arbiter Matter/Anti-Matter Missile:
Download the Arbiter M/AM Missile
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Post by Anna »

Woot! Even more new stuff!

First is the Trance Gemini (Solar Variant):
Download the Trance Gemini (Solar Variant)
This is basically my attempt at making the Trance Gemini less powerful than it was before, so it matches up somewhat with my newer designs, such as Kratos, Gaheris, Telemachus and the like. No real major changes, though, mostly reduced ROF on the Gauss Cannons.

Second is the Harper:
Download the Harper
Harper is a retrofited cargo-ship designed to kill the crap out of capital ships. Armed with large amounts of point-defense, a frosch gun, and long-range kinetic warheads, it can deal out quite a beating. But the real kicker is its Anti-Capital Missles. These things are slow and easy to shoot down, and have a low ROF, so normally they'd be useless. Except when they're hiding in a swarm of low-damage kinetic missles, where enemy point defenses are less likely to pick them off.

And third is the Valentine:
Download the Valentine
The Valentine works on the same principle as Harper, using swarms of weak missles to hide slower and significantly more powerful missles. The Valentine has a weaker point defense system, but is aided by a long-range Spatial Distortion Device (Dieterling) to keep a fair distance between it and its target, so it can pick them off at range. Other differences from the Harper include a pair of Shock Beamers for when close-range combat is unavoidable, and the Kinetic Missile payload of the Harper has been replaced with Distractor Missles, that do almost no damage (each Missile does only one damage), but fire 30 rounds per second for three seconds before having to reload, providing excellent cover for the Anti-Capital payload.
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Post by Anna »

Moar ships.

I bring a veritable bounty of vessels to blow your socks off and blast your ships to molten scrap. I'll post the ones that were lost with the server change, and then the ones that I created most recently.

First is the Sword of Judgement:
Download the Sword of Judgement.
Bisect your foes with devastating laser fire and feast upon their tasty innards!

Up next is the Web:
Download the Web.
Spidery-like ship. One of my weaker ones, but I think it's pretty. :D

Third to the plate is the Black Arachnia:
Download the Black Arachnia.
It's the Web with an added weapon pod, a bad attitude, and a name taken from a character in a Transformers spin-off. What's not to like?

Now for the newer stuff. Say hello to the very war-like Tybalt:
Download the Tybalt.
The Tybalt is all about turning your weapons to your enemies, standing tall against their withering weapons fire and shrugging it off as best you can, while returning it in kind. A broadside ship with deflector shields covering both sides, however the shield emitters are quite vulnerable, and can easily be taken out in a heated firefight. The Tybalt also boasts a formidable point defense system for a ship of its modest size.

And for dessert we have the Progenitor:
Download the Progenitor.
The Progenitor is the newest of Seraph Industries' ships, and quite possibly one of their most formidable, however this shall not last for long, as the purpose of the Progenitor was to test the viability of new weapons and armour systems, and to expand upon them accordingly, in a top secret program currently only known by the codename Progeny. The Progenitor is armed with a horrifying array of weapons, the most devastating of which is the Point Singularity Projector, a cannon of alien origin that creates and fires micro-black holes at its targets, which bounce off shields with little effect, but tear through unshielded sections of hull like a hot knife through butter.

Project Progeny is already well underway, with several currently weaponless hulls already designed.

Codename, Progeny 1:

Codename, Progeny 2:

And Codename, Progeny 3:
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Post by Anna »

Project Progeny nears completion. Here are some blueprints to whet your appetite.

Progeny 1:

Progeny 2:

Progeny 3:

Progeny 4:
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Post by Anarki »

The wings are a spectacular feature, but unrealistic in roleplay and not very useful in combat. I think.

EDIT: Wee, I deleted this post, thinking it was the wrong topic. I was wrong.

EDIT: Maybe you should enter the beauty contest with the former ships posted. Some nice vertex colours would do the trick...
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Post by Anna »

Would that I could enter the Beauty Contest, but I'm the one who started it, and am also one of the Judges. Would give me something of an unfair advantage. :lol:
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Post by Anarki »

Oops. I didn't pay attention >.>
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Post by Aralonia »

Mind if I rip off your fighter group style for my own purpose? It makes more sense than my previous style. XD;
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Post by Anna »

Sure, go ahead. I got bored of working on those fighter things, myself.
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Post by Natch »

The Progeny 3 looks fucking awsome with those cannons. Your ships actually seem to have gears and moving parts, the way you make them.

Hell, all your ships look cool. Nice piecework. There's just something about the way you make your ships. My own ship building skills seem pale in comparison.

Also, about The Sword of Judgement, I can help you out with giant stacked-laser cannons. Make sure the range of each gun different so they all fire at the same time. As in, if each gun is 5 pixels apart, make the range of the gun behind it 5 pixels more.

That's just something I found out with my Sidwes Mars Cannon, which took lots of tweaking for that cannon to work. Same with the Chainblade(which uses a bunch of modified and rotated Tachyon Drivers that look, operate, and sound like a saw.)