Design Theory Questions

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Post by Zeybrin »

Boosters? They would make the ships able to hit one section very accurately with beam weapons. . . blasters and slower projectile weapons. . .not so much.

hmm. . .

But as for the whole size thing and smaller ships being harder to hit. . .this is true.

But all big ships become little ships eventually. . .

It would be cool if someone could find a way to make a big ship behave like a smaller ship once its outer pieces started being destroyed. . .
I smell information! o_o;
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Post by Strideo »

In my mind it depends on what the scale of your fleet is in relation to it's self as well. I mean you could make them the same scale as the stock ships if that's your goal or you could invent your own scale for your fleet too.

I have the same problem with the fleets I'm putting together now. I made a progression of ships from small to large but the line between them is fuzzy. It's like "Is this a heavy destroyer or a light cruiser? Is this a big corvette or a small frigate? Is this a big frigate or a small destroyer?" :P
Clicky to see my fleets! :D[/url]
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Post by Stormcaller »

Well, my current scale's odd. But as I"m using someone else's scaling and trying to adapt it, it works out something like this:

The original ship is described as being 36mm long, at 1/12000 scale. The image file I used for it was 700 pixels wide, which I shrunk by 60% to 420 pixels wide (with the height reduced proportionally).

So, the Do'Ming'Tao is 36mm and the file is 420mm.

The No'Gong'Tao is 54mm, and the original file for that is also 700 pixels wide. So, since it's half again as large as the Do'Ming, I'll scale the file to the same degree. The Shi'Dong'Tao is 66mm, and again, 700 pixels, and so on. There's a heavy cruiser at 85mm and a heavy carrier at 104mm, so I'll try to scale those as well, though I'm not as sure that they're proportioned properly for this.


Do'Ming'Tao - 420 pixels wide
No'Gong'Tao - 630 pixels wide
Shi'Dong'Tao - 770 pixels wide
Bao'Gung'Tao - 1653 pixels wide
Dom'Oung'Tao - 2022 pixels wide

Which means that the heavy carrier'll be... well... heavy. Almost five times as long as the frigate. :shock: Fortunately it has no onboard weapons, just fighters. But even then, it'd be roughly 32 demeters...